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The Sig 522? Login/Join 
Been quite a while since I got my 522 - dare I say 10-12 years? Been a long time since I've been on the Forum as well.
I believe I purchased my 522 the first year they came out. I thought it was a great shooter / plinker pseudo hunting rifle then and I still do. And with a military flare at that.
I checked Sigs website and don't see it listed. Do you guys know when they stopped making it?
I had put a set of Aurora diopter sights on mine that work great and just seem like they should have come already on the gun. Sadly I don't find them on the internet either.
When I put a scope on mine I get what ranges from "pretty decent" to spectacular accuracy, of course depending on the ammo. Reliability is also top notch and it works with everything from CCI Std. vel. to Stingers.
I also put an authentic Swiss folding stock on mine - pricey, but it eliminated the rattle of the original stock.
Anyone else want to chime in?
Posts: 362 | Registered: December 26, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of SIGfourme
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Agree. I came across a bull barrel for mine and switched it out. Fun gun, does really well with the bull barrel suppressed.
I think the compatible magazines are Black Dog.
Posts: 2410 | Location: Southeast CT | Registered: January 18, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of rtquig
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My 522 is definitely a keeper. I too have owned it somewhere around 10 years. It has always been an accurate firearm.

Living the Dream
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I loved mine, but just hope you don't need any parts as its orphaned.

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Boy, you're right! I just checked at Numrich/ Gun Parts to see what they had... there are a total of 3 parts available, and one of them is a magazine.
I found my box in the basement - haven't looked at in years. At the "sticker end" of the b
ox it actually had the date (of manufacture I would guess) of "28 Oct., 2009"
Also on the box was the number "Sig522001". Of the 33 variations Sig made of the 522 I cant find that this was one of them - the closest being "522002". Weird.
Posts: 362 | Registered: December 26, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Ah, my "Blue Book of Gun Values said it came out in 2009.
Posts: 362 | Registered: December 26, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of fullmann
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I have yet to have a failure with my 522 rifle or pistol.

Sucks that there is no support for them anymore.

I’ll probably be able hand them both off to my kids
Posts: 412 | Location: Mid Michigan  | Registered: June 25, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I started with the full size version, then bought the pistol & SBR’d it ... sold the carbine but still have the SBR, I haven’t shot it in years ... don’t know why. As others have mentioned it’s accurate and cheap fun to shoot.
Maybe I’ll get it out today while the Ms is in the kitchen ...

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From an earlier post:

Originally posted by Black92LX:
Originally posted by rtquig:
I sent Sig an email over the weekend about parts for the 522. As we know, they don't sell the parts, but with the lifetime warranty they will always do a repair. As someone already stated shipping is expensive, but I like this Sig enough to pay the shipping. I like my M&P 15/22 a lot, but if I had to make a choice in one or the other, I would take the Sig 522.

CDNN has/had a number of small parts for the 522 available.

As for the lifetime warranty not so much.
Once they are out of parts you are SOL on your 522. They’ll replace it with something of equal or lesser value in current production.
Guess what that is? Nothing so you’ll likely get a credit to their generally overpriced webstore.

Here is their actual reply. I'll check out the CDNN site. Thanks

Thank you for contacting Sig Sauer.

Although the 522 has been discontinued, we do still service those firearms at the factory, and they are still warrantied, so no worries there. We do not stock parts to sell, so if there is an issue going forward, it would just need to come into the factory for repair.

I hope this helps.


Aaron Weeden
Customer Service

Living the Dream
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Get Off My Lawn
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I bought my 522 8 years ago, and it's been a couple of years since I shot it. Did the recoil spring kit replacement that Sig recommended, but otherwise it has been flawless during the times I have shot it. At the time, it was the S&W 15-22 or the 522 and I chose the latter. Paired with Black Dog 25 rd mags, it is a fun shooter.

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Delusions of Adequacy
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May be my favorite .22 autoloader ever. Haven't found any ammo it won't cycle, which is rare for rimfire.
Stuck a supressor on mine and now it's even better. Sounds like a nailgun with subsonics.

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Yep, suppressed, with sub's i can shoot it in the basement or backyard (and if the neighbors hear it, they think its a pellet gun ... great for when I can't get out with the 223

If you really want something you'll find a way ...
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I'm really not a "kid" anymore ... but I haven't grown up yet either Wink
Posts: 5727 | Registered: January 11, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Now that I have a .22 can, I’ve got to seriously look at removing the FH on my 522. Any issues getting it off? Is the thread pitch 1/2x28?
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Originally posted by Dwill104:
Now that I have a .22 can, I’ve got to seriously look at removing the FH on my 522. Any issues getting it off? Is the thread pitch 1/2x28?

Put the barrel in a vise with soft jaws and apply some heat to the threads, the FH should come off fairly easily after that. Yes, 1/2x28.

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Meanwhile, here in UK, there is zero support for these once fine little rifles. Two in our club have had to be trashed because of broken cocking levers and the inability to either fix or replace them.

What a shame, but what a good job I DIDN'T buy one.
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I lost the c-clip that holds the recoil spring in place, I replaced it with a 20 cent version from the hardware store. The mag release spring also broke, replaced it with a spring from the hardware store massaged to the correct size. Pretty sure I could fix most anything that broke on the little bugger.
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