SIG SAUER MPX (Update: Exclusive Non-NFA version P7)
Originally posted by KSGM:
In what way is it an improvement over stock?
It's bigger, duh!
I can see that and don't consider that an improvement at all, that's why I asked.
I prefer stock to that thing.
April 16, 2022, 12:38 PM
I know. It was sarcasm lost in translation. I agree the big handle is needless.
April 16, 2022, 01:41 PM
I seem to recall there was an issue with the MPX charging handle, where if you pulled both sides simultaneously, it would fail to unlock? Maybe this remedies that, since the MPX can't accept standard AR charging handles and no one had created a fix due to the proprietary nature. Just spit balling.
April 16, 2022, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by Vgex: I seem to recall there was an issue with the MPX charging handle, where if you pulled both sides simultaneously, it would fail to unlock? Maybe this remedies that, since the MPX can't accept standard AR charging handles and no one had created a fix due to the proprietary nature. Just spit balling.
Well, mine doesn't have that problem and neither do the 2 others friends of mine own.
April 16, 2022, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by Flash-LB:
Originally posted by Vgex: I seem to recall there was an issue with the MPX charging handle, where if you pulled both sides simultaneously, it would fail to unlock? Maybe this remedies that, since the MPX can't accept standard AR charging handles and no one had created a fix due to the proprietary nature. Just spit balling.
Well, mine doesn't have that problem and neither do the 2 others friends of mine own.
Coolio. Must've misheard. If I can find the source, I'll post it
April 16, 2022, 05:57 PM
I’ve been using the Next Level Armament CH on my old MPX carbine since soon after I bought it back 6 years ago, so there are aftermarket alternatives.
April 16, 2022, 09:01 PM
Okay, don't flame me for posting. I don't have an MPX, although I'd love to pick one up, but this is where I heard the above re: charging handle:
Obviously this is a sample of one, and not necessarily indicative of every iteration. But when someone posted the "improved MPX CH", in the back of my mind, I thought: "Oh, they could possibly be addressing that weird issue I heard about a year back."
Sorry if my post ruffled any MPX owner's feathers.
April 19, 2022, 05:28 PM
I got an email from my Sig rep. They have started taking pre orders for a new 35 round MPX magazine with stainless feed lips. Looks like MAP pricing will be set at $36.99
Originally posted by Vgex: Okay, don't flame me for posting. I don't have an MPX, although I'd love to pick one up, but this is where I heard the above re: charging handle:
Obviously this is a sample of one, and not necessarily indicative of every iteration. But when someone posted the "improved MPX CH", in the back of my mind, I thought: "Oh, they could possibly be addressing that weird issue I heard about a year back."
Sorry if my post ruffled any MPX owner's feathers.
I'm not flaming you and this is the first I heard of this "problem".
So I pulled my MPX out and tried to get the failure shown in the video and it didn't happen. Mine works perfectly as is.
I talked to my two friends who have MPXs and had them try, and they had the same results, which is no problem whatsoever.
We've all got Gen2 MPX's and we all have 8 inch barrels and we bought them all in about a 4 month time frame.
So at least one, the one in the video, has a problem and at least 3 don't have the problem.
And the video said theirs was the Gen 3 and that may be the solution to the quandry. Gen 2 doesn't have a problem but Gen 3 does...maybe.
April 19, 2022, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by Flash-LB:
I'm not flaming you and this is the first I heard of this "problem".
So I pulled my MPX out and tried to get the failure shown in the video and it didn't happen. Mine works perfectly as is.
I talked to my two friends who have MPXs and had them try, and they had the same results, which is no problem whatsoever.
We've all got Gen2 MPX's and we all have 8 inch barrels and we bought them all in about a 4 month time frame.
So at least one, the one in the video, has a problem and at least 3 don't have the problem.
And the video said theirs was the Gen 3 and that may be the solution to the quandry. Gen 2 doesn't have a problem but Gen 3 does...maybe.
It was probably just a one off or rare issue. I did not investigate, as I haven't been in a position to purchase. My mistake.
April 01, 2023, 10:29 PM
A guy offered me an original gen 1 in the old MPX hard case in trade, and I’m sorely tempted to accept the offer.
Any reason not to, beyond the obvious lack of compatibility with parts? Anyone still have their gen 1s?
____________________________ While you may be able to get away with bottom shelf whiskey, stay the hell away from bottom shelf tequila. - FishOn
April 01, 2023, 11:35 PM
Originally posted by PorterN: A guy offered me an original gen 1 in the old MPX hard case in trade, and I’m sorely tempted to accept the offer.
Any reason not to, beyond the obvious lack of compatibility with parts? Anyone still have their gen 1s?
I still have mine. How many mags does it come with? Good luck finding gen1 mags anywhere.
This is where my signature goes.
April 07, 2023, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by PorterN: A guy offered me an original gen 1 in the old MPX hard case in trade, and I’m sorely tempted to accept the offer.
Any reason not to, beyond the obvious lack of compatibility with parts? Anyone still have their gen 1s?
I have one. Mine has been flawless with both Gen 1 and Gen 2 mags.
God bless the Motor Life Boat and the men & women that run them!
April 15, 2023, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by PorterN: A guy offered me an original gen 1 in the old MPX hard case in trade, and I’m sorely tempted to accept the offer.
Any reason not to, beyond the obvious lack of compatibility with parts? Anyone still have their gen 1s?
I still have my Gen 1 (with the MPX hard case) it runs perfectly. All of my mags are also Gen 1.
This message has been edited. Last edited by: Cntrl23,
April 28, 2023, 12:23 PM
I still have my gen2 with original charging handle. No issues so far. I will try some of those Thril mags for sure.
Any recommendations on a stock since this stupid brace thing is over? I cut my 8” barrel to 4.5” and run a suppressor under the handguards.
Not minority enough!
April 30, 2023, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by Chowser: I still have my gen2 with original charging handle. No issues so far. I will try some of those Thril mags for sure.
Any recommendations on a stock since this stupid brace thing is over? I cut my 8” barrel to 4.5” and run a suppressor under the handguards.
I have the folding and collapsible, both are great. I really like the look of the collapsible, and having adjustable length of pull for certain situations. I prefer the solid feel, cheek weld and longer length of pull on the folding stock. Extremely compact when folded as well. Both have their moments!
This message has been edited. Last edited by: Cntrl23,
February 17, 2025, 10:38 AM
If they do come out with it in 10mm or maybe 40 S&W I would seriously think about getting one. In 9mm it is not interesting to me.
Rule Number Nine - Always carry a knife, especially underwater.
February 17, 2025, 11:27 AM
10x Sniper
40s&w!!!!! I can see them Doing a 10mm
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