Even if the first batch doesn't feed HP rounds I'm sure later batches will. If CZ was willing to change the threads on the Scorpion barrels I'd wager B&T will be willing to re-work the feed ramp.
With any luck (if there is a problem with feeding HP rounds) B&T will be willing to correct the units already in private hands.
Laughing in the face of danger is all well and good until danger laughs back.
Posts: 501 | Location: Oklahoma | Registered: July 08, 2017
Just returned from the range with my B&T APC9 and my new GHM9. I only brought Winchester White Box 115 grain and American Eagle 147 grain Truncated/flat nose ball. The APC ate it all and asked for seconds but the GHM9 sadly would not feed the flat nose 147 ammo. It would end up misfed with the nose up pressed between the chamber and bolt every time. I found that if I slowly rode the bolt on that ammo it sometimes loaded into the chamber. It'll contact B&T and see what their answer is to the problem. Im curious is a JHP like the Hornady American Handgunner will load properly because of its rounded form. I suspect it might. Still, the GHM9 was flawless with ball ammo and I can't wait to get a nice brace and eventually SBR. I'm still not surprised that the APC9 is still my favorite but the GHM is going to be fun as well.
Posts: 6075 | Location: TN | Registered: February 12, 2003
Thank you for the information. I had intended to wait until the second or third production run before I buy one and this will give B&T time to figure this out.
I'd wager everything will hinge on the shape of the bullet (much like trying to feed JHP rounds in an older P6) regarding whether it will feed or not. Another option might be those Underwood rounds maybe? Over on The Firearms Blog I brought this up and another GHM9 owner mentioned that his example would feed Winchester Ranger and Gold Dot HPs but not 147 gr HST rounds so there are some options.
Either way, I'm not dissuaded from buying one but I'll wait until this coming summer.
Laughing in the face of danger is all well and good until danger laughs back.
Posts: 501 | Location: Oklahoma | Registered: July 08, 2017
Originally posted by kimberkid: In case anyone is interested, I got a email from Brownells that they have the B&T USA - KH9 PISTOL on sale for $1799.99 Regular price $2294.99
I didn’t realize the KH9 is more expensive than the APC9. Shooting them side by side I much prefer the APC.
Yeah, it comes with the ability to use B&T mags AND the Spectre mags if I recall correctly. I'm guessing that's part of it. They were making the GHM9 upper modeled on the KH9 but went to using the APC9 lower and the upper became side charging instead of top charging handle.
Received my Tailhook and waiting for the adaptor for the tailhook brace. I'm even more psyched. I previously thought the Tailhook was plastic but now that I have it in hand, it's solid aluminum and beautifully designed. It's really going to make my GHM9 sweet.
B&T is messing with making the lowers to accept AR grips, an APC308, and quite a few other things. An exciting company.
Posts: 6075 | Location: TN | Registered: February 12, 2003
That's a very good goal. Amurr, I noticed you're on or at Lake Lanier. I grew up in Cumming then lived in Gainesville and Cumming. It'll always be home.
Posts: 6075 | Location: TN | Registered: February 12, 2003
Originally posted by 10X-Shooter: That's a very good goal. Amurr, I noticed you're on or at Lake Lanier. I grew up in Cumming then lived in Gainesville and Cumming. It'll always be home.
Cool man, I live in Gainesville. Nice little town just moved down here 3 years ago.
Posts: 2628 | Location: On the shore of Lake Lanier | Registered: November 19, 2008
Opted for the Techsmith MFG brace adapter for the Tailhook on the GHM9. B&T has an adapter coming out for the collapsible stock that uses the Tailhook.
Posts: 6075 | Location: TN | Registered: February 12, 2003
These new folding braces that look amazingly like stocks and the Tail Hook are seriously making me think about getting a BT and not SBR-ing it like I have a bunch of others ...This message has been edited. Last edited by: kimberkid,
If you really want something you'll find a way ... ... if you don't you'll find an excuse.
I'm really not a "kid" anymore ... but I haven't grown up yet either
Originally posted by Shackelford: What are your thoughts on the LOP on the GHM? It looks long, have you had it to the range yet?
I hope their collapsing stock becomes available for it at a reasonable price.
Yep, the collapsible that has been in pictures lately with the Tailhook will be THE way to go. I normally like a shorter LOP. It is longer than I usually go but not unreasonable. I’ve had it out shooting ball ammo and it runs great as I expected, except with truncated rounds and jhp. I hear they’ve got that fixed with the current models. One of the great design points of these B&T’s is that the feed ramps and ejectors are bolted one with small Allen or Torx. bolts (I want to say Torx.). They are planning to change out all the previous ones like mine soon. There are some JHP rounds that will run in it as long as they have a better rounded profile. It’s every it as nice as my APC9, well, ok, close as nice (you listening out there baby, I still love you APC.) I had no idea the Tailhook was as solid as it is. I bought the TechSmith MFG kit with the stock, adapter, the screws and springs, and then you’ll have to buy the Tailhook. Tailhook is made largely out of aluminum. The only brace I think can beat it is the collapsible with Tailhook and adaptor. We’re living in the days of gravy!
Posts: 6075 | Location: TN | Registered: February 12, 2003
I have an SBR’d Sig MPX, and HK SP5K with a stabilizing brace, a PSA 9mm AR, and a BRP STG U9 all in 9mm. My collection of sub guns are hands down my favorite shooters. In fact, sometimes I consider simplifying my life and clearing out all my non 9mm guns.
Posts: 612 | Location: Las Vegas | Registered: March 21, 2010
I just ordered this little gem- some may question the seemingly extreme shortness of barrel length, but I have other more potent high power offerings for further reach. this will be a close range encounter/fun gun with serious consideration for long car trips.
I know I will need to add sights, but I do have a Primary Arms Micro ready to mount. The fact that I already have a plethora of Glock mags to keep it fed is icing.
“Remember to get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from a virus they got vaccinated against because you’re not vaccinated.” - author unknown
This is not intended to be confrontational, I'm truly curious.
Why do all of you refer to these pistols with arm braces and the short barreled rifles as "subguns"? A subgun as I know it has always been defined as a submachine gun and is capable of full automatic fire.
As far as I can tell everything in this thread is a semiautomatic and by definition not a subgun.
Curious to understand this new nomenclature.
Posts: 272 | Location: Oregon | Registered: May 22, 2005
Notice that "subgun" is in quotation marks in the title, which indicates that the term used isn't entirely accurate, but it's an approximation. You're right that these aren't actually submachine guns, but they're semiauto clones of submachine guns. And they're the closest that the average gun owner will get to owning a true subgun.
The issue is that there's no nice, simple term for guns like these. A rifle in a pistol caliber is usually referred to as a pistol caliber carbine, or PCC. That one makes sense. But when it's something like a CZ Evo pistol with an arm brace, what is it? A pistol caliber pistol?
A term like semiautomatic submachine gun clone is a bit too much of a mouthful. As is arm-braced pistol version of a pistol caliber carbine.
So I don't see any issue with referring to them as "subguns" for the sake of brevity in casual conversation, since there's no better alternative. And folks can easily recognize through context that these aren't true submachine guns.This message has been edited. Last edited by: RogueJSK,