Anyone remove an NFA item from the registry lately? Was it a pain in the nuts? Some are saying it's easy as a form notifying them of your purpose. I'm looking to remove my Arsenal 107UR SBR (aka Krink) to sell or trade for an MP5 variant. What do ya'll think would be the easiest way. I was thinking of maybe notifying ATF and hopefully just removing the stock and converting it to a "pistol". Thoughts?
afaik. You reconfigure it to not be an NFA gun and send the ATF a letter to that effect. Sometime later they send you a note saying thanks for letting us know.
“So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong, and strike at what is weak.”
I have successfully removed one, and am in the process of removing another. It takes some patience and follow-up work. You send a letter requesting removal, and then wait no less than three months. If you haven't heard anything via snail mail in 90 days, you call the NFA branch, and they'll either confirm it's removal, tell you it's "in process", or say they have no idea what you're talking about, in which case you re-send the letter. If they say it's been removed, they'll likely say you need to contact them via a relatively confusing email portal to get a sort of confirmation for your records. For me, after trying unsuccessfully to utilize the email portal, them saying it wasn't in the registry was good enough, and I returned the weapon to it's original configuration and sold it. If they say it's in process, wait another month or so, and follow-up with another call.
Posts: 2704 | Location: Northeast GA | Registered: February 15, 2021
I'm going to add a personal opinion to the above...while we are in this silly period where the atf has not yet really decided the fate of pistol braces, that keeping it an NFA item to sell may be an advantage. Once the ATF (and I'm pretty sure they will) decides to kill the pistol brace market lead times on a form 1 will skyrocket and a transfer is likely to be way better than a build.
“So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong, and strike at what is weak.”
I’ve been told you only have to remove whatever makes it NFA and send them a letter notifying them of such (I’d also remove or at least deface my name, city state)
I’m going to be checking to make sure my info is correct first as I have 10-12 I want to thin out … since I don’t have anyone to pass them down to I might as well sell sell them and enjoy a few vacations with my wife and maybe take a grandkid with us.
If you really want something you'll find a way ... ... if you don't you'll find an excuse.
I'm really not a "kid" anymore ... but I haven't grown up yet either
I took one off a few years ago. As was already said, send them a letter & eventually they'll take it off (usually a month or so). That being said. IIRC, you cannot change a rifle into a pistol. You can change a pistol into a rifle & back but "once a rifle, always a rifle." With your "krink" you'd have to pin & weld a long flash hider on it to make the 16" minimum legal length & then sell it.
Rom 13:4 If you do evil, be afraid. For he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is God's minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil.
Posts: 735 | Location: Wyoming | Registered: September 30, 2012
I sold an 870 Magnum that was on the registry by swapping an 18" barrel on and sending the letter. It was still on a Form 3 at my SOT though...not sure that matters but he wrote the letter and transfered to me in Title 1 condition.
Posts: 3201 | Location: Loudoun VA | Registered: December 21, 2014
Originally posted by KSGM: I have successfully removed one, and am in the process of removing another. It takes some patience and follow-up work. You send a letter requesting removal, and then wait no less than three months. If you haven't heard anything via snail mail in 90 days, you call the NFA branch, and they'll either confirm it's removal, tell you it's "in process", or say they have no idea what you're talking about, in which case you re-send the letter. If they say it's been removed, they'll likely say you need to contact them via a relatively confusing email portal to get a sort of confirmation for your records. For me, after trying unsuccessfully to utilize the email portal, them saying it wasn't in the registry was good enough, and I returned the weapon to it's original configuration and sold it. If they say it's in process, wait another month or so, and follow-up with another call.