I recently came across a brand new MCX at to good of a price ($999 shipped) that i had to pick it up. I love the fit and feel of it, i am excited to get it to the range and see how it handles next some of my other AR's.
Here are my questions, the trigger leaves something to be desired. What does everyone recomend to run?
Also it was shipped in its box from sig and the tape was cut on one side when it showed up at my FFL. I am concerned some stuff might have walked out at UPS What all is included from the factory? I have all of the pamphlets, a set of keymod adapters, Sling, sling mounts, and cleaning kit in a olive green canvas bag. Am i missing anything of importance?
Thanks for all of the advice, and here is a picture of the beauty.
Posts: 550 | Location: Texas | Registered: November 15, 2012
trigger options are few on these. I run the geissele. As for the package contents I don't pay very much attention on this but it seems like mostly what came in mine. is this one that needed the recall?
“So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong, and strike at what is weak.”
Are they still shipping with the thin Kate Moss stock? I know they started out like that, but thought they swapped to the collapsible folding club foot stock.
Triggers used to be easy since they used standard AR triggers, for which there were a number of options. However things got more complicated when they added the firing pin block to the new carrier. You have to use a hammer tall enough and that lacks the notch at the top of the hammer to make sure it will move the firing pin block lever out of the way. I had a Geissele SSA in mine originally, but swapped it out for Geissele’s specific MCX trigger.
Posts: 3500 | Location: South FL | Registered: February 09, 2007
Congrats! Seems like you have everything you should. In fact, I didn’t get a cleaning kit with mine. As for triggers, I’ve been around the block on this but finally settled on the Geissele SSA-MCX. Very nice trigger.
I am glad that it came with everything that it should have. It came with the magazine in the picture which is made by Okay.
I am not sure what sig is doing with the stock but that is the one that came on it. I thought it was odd too because the MCX's i looked at locally all had a collapsible stock on them. I am glad it came with this stock and not the new style.
It seems like i will have to pick up a Geissele SSA-MCX. It looks like that is the only option for the gun. I see that sig sells and updated trigger but i will spend a little more and pick up a Geissele.
Posts: 550 | Location: Texas | Registered: November 15, 2012
Nice pickup. I like my MCX a lot and prefer the thin Kate Moss stock. I put the Sig Match trigger in mine after the recall and they offered a discount on it. It's a much better trigger than what came with it but if I had to do it again I would put in the Geissele.
There have been reports of peening on the Sig Match hammer. Sig states this doesn’t have any effect on the trigger performance but I’ve never seen this before.