Originally posted by tuumunz: folks,one thing amongst many is i plead not knowing much about the 556,or any model sig rifles.the 400,716 etc. sig rifles.
I have read where 552,556,whatever models they are called,are not supported or have had problems.
I have not kept up on whats good,reliable,supported by sig,and what has flopped in the sig rifle lineup.
I have a chance at a like new 7.62x39 sig 556r rifle.I sure appreciate any and all advice.
As far as support, etc. the 556R is pretty much the same as the other 556s. I think there were 2 generations of the 556R with some improvements like a more robust crossbar for the mag to hook onto.
Posts: 3500 | Location: South FL | Registered: February 09, 2007
I had a original 556R but sold it when I picked up an Xi pistol model and SBR'd it.
Several reports of the ejection port problems and it was one of the improvements in the 2nd gen ... another was the improved mag catch and if I remember correctly a heavier hammer spring because of hard primers of surplus/military ammo
That being said, I didn't experience any of these problems but I mostly shot brass cased ammo ... maybe of Yugo origin?
If you really want something you'll find a way ... ... if you don't you'll find an excuse.
I'm really not a "kid" anymore ... but I haven't grown up yet either
I've an original. Whatever issues SIG had that lead to the Gen 2's I didn't have. But my experience: accuracy is really, really terrible with any ammo, some mags that work in other guns don't run in the 556, Sig has no support. Frankly overall I can't think of a singe good reason to buy one.
“So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong, and strike at what is weak.”