A few things to ponder.. presumably the 751s SAPRs will mostly get a SIG folding stock amd SBR'ed into a rifle by customers.. can't see many people using a .308 pistol
Also with the 553's being imported, I didnt see any mention of a russian 7.62x39 variant of the gun (which has been around in Europe already).. can we expect this might ultimately be available?
Lastly on JDI's website they show several conversion kits for 55x series rifles - which is an entire barrelled receiver, that I suppose you could swap out. However in the USA, ATF deems the upper receiver as the actual registered firearm. If you bought one of these arem't there assault rifle ban issues, as you'd be making a new firearm? someone clear this up for me on how this would all work!
Posts: 227 | Location: Northern Virginia | Registered: April 09, 2008
Originally posted by HK Ag: If this is true I hope more 553P's come in.
As far as I've read, there's a batch of 553P's chambered in 300 Blackout pending ATF approval right now.
Originally posted by heckler: Also with the 553's being imported, I didnt see any mention of a russian 7.62x39 variant of the gun (which has been around in Europe already).. can we expect this might ultimately be available?
Those seem to be a pretty popular variant right now. I believe, the last batch they imported were 553R pistols.
JDI confirmed imports were approved for other 553 "pistol uppers". One of which is 300BLk but for some odd reason, they are bringing 12" only which is apparently all SAN is making. I guess you could always have it choppped and threaded to the proper 8.9" but as pricey as they will be, I wish they'd come the right length for that caliber.
Posts: 3207 | Location: Loudoun VA | Registered: December 21, 2014
US trigger group, different muzzle device, different rail/sight, US made grip lots of ways to get the parts count. Its pretty similar to an AK of course so using a 922r calculator online is a good start.
Posts: 3207 | Location: Loudoun VA | Registered: December 21, 2014
Originally posted by PGT: US trigger group, different muzzle device, different rail/sight, US made grip lots of ways to get the parts count. Its pretty similar to an AK of course so using a 922r calculator online is a good start.
Considering the caliber difference between all of swiss arms rifles (5.56) and the newer SAPR (.308), I'm not so sure as to the swap-ability of parts between the two types of guns.. surely the bolt group, barrel, flash hider are different. 922r compliance could be tough
Posts: 227 | Location: Northern Virginia | Registered: April 09, 2008
Agreed. Interestingly, JDI doesn't seem concerned with compliance.
They're also advertising uppers as "conversion kits" when they're really a transferable item ("pistol or handgun" in ATF parlance since they carry the S/N). So, if you want to use your existing lower on a 12" upper, that's an issue until you get a tax stamp back on it. Its a separate gun in the eyes of the Gov.
Posts: 3207 | Location: Loudoun VA | Registered: December 21, 2014
It's been a while, and I forgot what the concensus decision was, but in the "old" days, the fact that you had/manufactured an NFA weapon (In this case an SBR) trumped the requirements of sec. 922r
Put simply once a gun became NFA-ized the other rules, like 922r went out the window.. im guessing thats wrong, and my SBRs meet 922r - even though I don't know if BATF has an official position.
Posts: 227 | Location: Northern Virginia | Registered: April 09, 2008
It's a gray area for sure, mostly because 922(r) applies to manufacturers. By submitting a Form 1, you're not the manufacturer or importer (those are both clearly listed on the form) but rather the "maker". "Maker" isn't covered in 922(r).
John Pierce has a good overview on this (based on he and I discussing on the phone)....his recommendation to be compliant is out of an abundance of caution not because there's judicial precedence or case law to go on. https://johnpierceesq.com/does...-an-imported-pistol/
BATFE has oft painted itself into corners over how it interprets things and the LAST thing they want is to have a judge make a decision about whether or not their house of cards makes logical or legal sense. So, to date...I don't believe there's ever been a single prosecution of an individual over 922(r) compliance or lack thereof. Of course...none of us want to be the first so we allow the overreach.
Posts: 3207 | Location: Loudoun VA | Registered: December 21, 2014
Originally posted by heckler: It's been a while, and I forgot what the concensus decision was, but in the "old" days, the fact that you had/manufactured an NFA weapon (In this case an SBR) trumped the requirements of sec. 922r
Put simply once a gun became NFA-ized the other rules, like 922r went out the window.. im guessing thats wrong, and my SBRs meet 922r - even though I don't know if BATF has an official position.
ATF reversed this opinion and now holds that an imported SBR must comply with 922(r). I think it is BS, but it is what it is and I comply because I don't want to be the test case.
Originally posted by pony220: Would a brace be usable on this pistol.
it would for sure, I have a 553p that came with a brace installed, its still a pistol. And even if you did put a stock on it for SBR there are no US parts available to swap.....
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" Edmund Burke
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