I recently bought a CZ Scorpion EVO 3 Micro that comes with a SB Tactical brace, and it is a lot of fun. Upgrades I finished last week include HB Industries trigger, + spring kit, safety levers, charging handle, and mag release. Also a new YetiWurks grip. The brace is cool; instead of folding, it telescopes in/out and shouldering it feels fine. Also got a bunch of 30+ rd mags for it from Palmetto. I'm also on a waiting list for a Zenith Z-5P pistol, and most likely will have a brace installed on it as well.
"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
Posts: 17937 | Location: Texas | Registered: May 13, 2003
I have a scorpion and have shot a B&T, MP5 and AR pattern gun. Best overall value goes the the scorpion though I'm biased since I own one. Parts mags and accessories are cheap. It eats everything. It's reliable even with crap ammo and suppresses well. That said I prefer 556 for serious work unless you are supplying someone new to guns or just having fun or someone who can't handle 556.
Posts: 3161 | Location: Pnw | Registered: March 21, 2009
I'm a 9mm addict. So for starters pick a mag. Especially if you have something else in common. I happen to like glock mags for this. But the CZ mags are practically the same price. I happen to like easy to upgrade. An AR9 wins all day long. there is a good aftermarket for CZ but its dwarfed by the AR market and dwarfed may be an understatement. The CZ trigger sucks. and the fixes are just marginal. AR trigger easy to fix. Barrel length is a personal preference. I need a bit of room for my hands. My personal solution is a shorter barrel with a 3 lug and something on it. But when that's not possible I prefer 6-8". The 4" ones are useless. I have no complaints about the SBA3 on an AR, but also no issues on the SB on the scorpion. Given how you will probably use it the differences are nill.
“So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong, and strike at what is weak.”
Originally posted by hrcjon: I'm a 9mm addict. So for starters pick a mag. Especially if you have something else in common. I happen to like glock mags for this. But the CZ mags are practically the same price. I happen to like easy to upgrade. An AR9 wins all day long. there is a good aftermarket for CZ but its dwarfed by the AR market and dwarfed may be an understatement. The CZ trigger sucks. and the fixes are just marginal. AR trigger easy to fix. Barrel length is a personal preference. ......
A dedicated 9mm upper of your barrel choice with a Tork mag conversion on a standard AR lower would work with Glock mags. For me I would go no shorter than 10.5 as a pistol configuration AR. They are fun to shoot.
On the inside looking out, but not to the west, it's the PRK and its minions!
Posts: 624 | Location: Idaho, west of Beaver Dicks Ferry | Registered: August 22, 2012
Thanks guys, if I can swing it am thinking the PSA 8" pistol version. I do not think they do a Colt mag pistol lower though? Which would be my preference over a Glock mag version.
I have owned a CZ Scorpion, PSA AR9 and recently got a AK-V. I can't say one was better then the other. My favorite is the AKV, I like the way it looks and feels. Second would be the AR9, I think it was the lightest, simplest to modify. Did not really like the Scorpion, can't really say anything bad about it, just did not enjoy shooting it.
Posts: 1203 | Location: Upstate | Registered: January 11, 2013
Guy at the range had a Foxtrot Mike build the other day. It looked pretty good and I seem to think you can get those components pretty cheap too.
I have a CMMG Guard right now. If you don’t mind the step up in price, I got mine gently used for $900. The delayed blowback makes all the difference vs straight blowback.
My Scorpion and Zenith both had the standard SB braces, which were OK. My CMMG came with a Shockwave blade that I didn’t care for, and replaced it with a Tailhook Mod 2 that I liked a lot better. I had a SBPDW brace on a couple of AR pistols, and liked that the best, but it’s a bit heavy. Although I like my Scorpion, and think it’s very good for the price, it’s probably my least favorite of the three to shoot because it’s direct blowback instead of delayed blowback like the other two. All of mine are the ~8” barrel versions. Didn’t care for the shorter ~4” barrel version as the hand guard is too short for me to wrap my hand around, plus I couldn’t see having a barrel the same length as a smaller and more compact standard pistol. My CMMG takes Glock mags, which are cheap and easy to find. Scorpion mags are also cheap and easy to find, and both PSA and Magpul have polymer 35 round mags for the platform. Mags for the Zenith tend to the most expensive of all of them.
Another option if you have a spare AR lower around is to get a CMMG upper and use Endomags in the AR lower.
Posts: 3521 | Location: South FL | Registered: February 09, 2007
Originally posted by old rugged cross: Thanks guys, if I can swing it am thinking the PSA 8" pistol version. I do not think they do a Colt mag pistol lower though? Which would be my preference over a Glock mag version.
I have a PSA Colt mag lower pistol build with at least 3,000 rounds throughout it with no problems
Posts: 636 | Location: PHILADELPHIA,PA,USA | Registered: October 24, 2002
In terms of guns my favorite ar9 is genuine colt 6950/6951 which I have had for a long time. But unless you have a full stock of colt mags I can't see any reason at this point to get that as a starting point. The mags are silly expensive and almost everyone has mastered the problem of getting the mag release to work on glock mag lowers...
“So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong, and strike at what is weak.”
The prices aren’t that bad. Availability can be an issue though. I have 3 Colt brand, 8, Metalform & 5 ASC mags no issues with any of them. I haven’t used a promag, don’t plant to.
U.S.M.C. VFW-8054 III%
"Never let a Wishbone grow where a Backbone should be "
Posts: 6977 | Location: Central,Ohio | Registered: December 28, 2008
i am specifically looking at a pistol lower with a brace and a 7" to 11" upper. Foxtrot Mike looks interesting as gibby29 said. PSA is great due to their reputation and pricing.
not now sure if this still relates to ORC's intentions. But as I said I am an addict about these ar9's. And I have been primarily using colt pattern guns since forever. At this point I can tell you that the failure rate for metalform and colt oem when metalform is the supplier mags is 0. That for asc mags is >25%. That you have 5 with no failures is distinctly an outlier. Said as someone with lots and lots of these mags... You may not care as given the price difference you can throw away the losers and still probably be ahead...
“So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong, and strike at what is weak.”