Member posted October 07, 2023 05:22 PM
Just waiting on the mag tube extension. Probably put a black nylon sling and a light on it at some point.
10 years to retirement! Just waiting!
Ride the lightning Looks awesome. My primary HD 870 (70s Wingmaster, old police trade-in) wears the same orange Magpul stocks. I put a mini-rail and a TLR-1 on the fore end.
Yeah, that M14 video guy... Nice! Those Magpul stocks are nice to have on there.
Owner, TonyBen, LLC, Type-07 FFL (Site under construction).
Posts: 5640 | Location: Auburndale, FL | Registered: February 13, 2001
Member Yes, they are!
God bless America.
Member Is there a specific reason for the orange hardware or just personal preference??
Member Just me, love Orange.
10 years to retirement! Just waiting!
quarter MOA visionary The orange is kind of growing on me.