Hornady 380 XTP, $12.99/bx of 25, free shipping with 10 boxes

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March 08, 2017, 04:49 PM
Hornady 380 XTP, $12.99/bx of 25, free shipping with 10 boxes
Expires March 9 at noon.

Something I first posted about five years ago:

A very UNscientific test of 380 XTP

Penetration: 12+" inches of water
Expansion: About 6/16"
Sample size: One round

Last week I set up three water-filled 6” milk jugs and fired one round thru my LCP from about 4 feet. It went through three jugs, settling in the third. I could not determine how far it went into the third jug, so I called it 12" of penetration.

What did this prove? Well, not a lot. But 150+ XTPs have flawlessly
chambered and fired thru my LCP, and the one I tested expanded as designed.