A guy on a local site has 50 round boxes of CCI SV for 8 bucks! Choke on it and die!
I picked up a brick of it from a LGS recently for $30.
Best regards,
I have no comment at this time.
September 07, 2014, 03:31 PM
I just got home from Sportsmans Warehouse in Mesa and they had a metric shitload of .22LR and it was just sitting there.....except for the CCI Mini Mags, which I scooped up for Mrs. Flash's AA G26 conversion. $7.95/100 rounds.
September 08, 2014, 07:38 AM
Just had a new Field and Stream store open up. They had pallets of 22: Thunderbolts, Golden Bullets, Bucket o' Bullets, M22, Minimags. It took a week to sell it all. It will be nice for the secondary 22 market around here as well. Overnight the BoBs went from $150 to $90 on Armslist.
Between that and my CMP order that just arrived I am set for now.
No one dared to ask his business, no one dared to make a slip. The stranger there among them had a big iron on his hip.
October 03, 2014, 05:39 PM
Lucked out at the local WalMart this morning and found some 333s for about $17.50 each. (The guys in front of me took the last of the M-22s). This was a real boon, since I refuse to patronize my LGS any longer (they are still selling CCI Mini Mags at $13.49). Wallyworld also had Federal .380 on the shelf at a half-decent price. It was like an alternate reality or something.
October 03, 2014, 06:32 PM
No good LGS around me....I'm still waiting for minimags to be plentiful online.
October 04, 2014, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by arfmel: Guy at the little show here in Jerkwater had Federal 525 rd bulk packs for 28.50. I bought two.
Whoa ... $0.055 cents a round! Quite a 'deal' nowadays. It's hard to say $28.50 / 525 is a "good deal" - but alas if the prices should happen to level off there it will be like gasoline; Under $3.00 a gallon is now considered a great price! In reality it is NOT - but we accept it and move on, huh?
___________________________________ 'Gun Control Does Not Mean Gun Registration'
October 04, 2014, 06:50 PM
Local walmarts had CCI's in stock this morning ! some of them i heard had mini mags and the 2 i hit had standard velocity 100 rd pack they were $7.47 per 100 with a 3 box limit I took my G.F with me so i could get 6 boxes at 2 stores !
October 05, 2014, 01:39 PM
I hit two Wallyplaces today, one on the way to and one on the way from the range.
I scored two bricks Of CCI SV between them!This message has been edited. Last edited by: TomS, October 28, 2014 05:57 PM
Best regards,
I have no comment at this time.
October 28, 2014, 10:30 AM
This morning I went to local Academy. They had hundreds of boxes of various 50 round .22lr. Also had plenty more in bigger boxes under the cabinet. No bulk boxes in sight. Any body else seeing this kind of availability.?
October 28, 2014, 04:24 PM
Supply and Demand 101
October 28, 2014, 05:59 PM
What makes me smile is, local boards still have .10/rnd stuff listed and THEY CAN'T SELL IT!
Best regards,
I have no comment at this time.
October 28, 2014, 07:13 PM
Yeah plenty of online places with $50 bricks are sitting on it... Heck I had 3 x 300 packs of CCI Minimags in my cart at Midwayusa for $22 each, but after shipping I was like "$75 for 900 RDS? Fuck that".
October 31, 2014, 01:18 PM
I'm not having much luck finding 22lr in the stores. Academy has some SV lead round nose, but i prefer the plated stuff like Remington Golden Bullets or CCI Mini Mags, neither of which I have seen in person in months.
The online sellers seem to be all along the $0.10 per round level, and stock seems to be gone quickly.
November 02, 2014, 05:03 PM
.22 LR still very scarce around these parts.
November 03, 2014, 09:13 PM
0.17/rnd at LGS/Range this weekend (silver eagle group)... Way too high and not even CCI
December 04, 2014, 08:39 AM
GunBot is packed with 10 cents per round in small and bulk, and a fair amount of 9 and 8 cents per round as well = I think, barring another run on the ammo market, that $40 bricks are going to be plentiful SOON. Might get even lower. I've got about 13k of 22LR and use to snag whenever I saw a good price, but I am not bothering with that anymore.
December 04, 2014, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by Batty67: GunBot is packed with 10 cents per round in small and bulk, and a fair amount of 9 and 8 cents per round as well = I think, barring another run on the ammo market, that $40 bricks are going to be plentiful SOON. Might get even lower. I've got about 13k of 22LR and use to snag whenever I saw a good price, but I am not bothering with that anymore.
Yup, I agreed and am in a similar boat. I've got @8K on hand, 2K in the mail to me, plus 14K on backorder at various outlets.
I still refuse to pay $40 a brick for bulk packed junk - $40 for quality subs sure, but the junk no way. I shoulda picked up more from 2008-10 when it was $15 for 550s, 9.95 for 333s. The 20K I had wasn't enough.
December 13, 2014, 03:59 AM
Originally posted by RHINOWSO:
Originally posted by Batty67: GunBot is packed with 10 cents per round in small and bulk, and a fair amount of 9 and 8 cents per round as well = I think, barring another run on the ammo market, that $40 bricks are going to be plentiful SOON. Might get even lower. I've got about 13k of 22LR and use to snag whenever I saw a good price, but I am not bothering with that anymore.
Yup, I agreed and am in a similar boat. I've got @8K on hand, 2K in the mail to me, plus 14K on backorder at various outlets.
I still refuse to pay $40 a brick for bulk packed junk - $40 for quality subs sure, but the junk no way. I shoulda picked up more from 2008-10 when it was $15 for 550s, 9.95 for 333s. The 20K I had wasn't enough.
AGREED I also believe that availability is getting better on all kinds of 22 lr it is just that the pricing is still all over the place i think i have enough for a while but i still like to add to my stash when i find it at a decent price
December 13, 2014, 11:01 AM
Gun show insanity continues... This message has been edited. Last edited by: TomS, December 13, 2014 12:35 PM
Best regards,
I have no comment at this time.
December 13, 2014, 12:13 PM
The Cabelas Christmas miracle netted me 1333rds for $80 ($0.06) and 1000rds Fiochci subs from Midway ($79 plus shipping).
Even better was the CCI Quiets for $29.99 / 500rds.
Deals ARE out there, but you need to have in-stock notifications on and be ready to buy quickly.