C&H or Forward Controls Design. I've used C&H on a number of guns, including Glock MOS. They make great stuff. Forward Controls Design receives unanimously good reviews.
Posts: 5267 | Location: Iowa | Registered: February 24, 2011
I have flirted with the idea of getting a chpws for my G19 MOS for my holosun. I'm not sure if it will any better than the Glock MOS plate that I am currently running. I do not know of what advantage(s) it will bring, especially due to the price.
Originally posted by BennerP220: I have flirted with the idea of getting a chpws for my G19 MOS for my holosun. I'm not sure if it will any better than the Glock MOS plate that I am currently running. I do not know of what advantage(s) it will bring, especially due to the price.
It fits substantially better, places the optic lower, provides better optic to plate fit (taking stress off the screws), has replaceable threaded T nuts, and is milled instead of cast, so it won't snap like many MOS plates eventually do.
Posts: 5267 | Location: Iowa | Registered: February 24, 2011
This is not a knock on the CHPWS plate. I have several and have no issues with them. Mine are not the current V4 so I don't think you can buy what I have anymore. But compared to the std. MOS plate the optic location change is not material, the replaceable nuts mean nothing, who the heck wears out these threads? and I have never seen a mounted MOS plate snap in my tens of thousands of rounds and by observation probably hundreds of thousands of rounds by MOS glocks at matches. It is better in how it supports the optic if that matters to you...
“So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong, and strike at what is weak.”
The benefit of the T nuts is not "wearing out" a thread, it's being able to deal with a cross-threading if one occurs. I have not done it on a pistol dot, but I have seen it on an Aimpoint and a couple clones. It's uncommon, but it sucks.
I have seen the MOS plates break. If your optic goes on the plate and the plate goes on the gun and does not get tweaked up on one end, it will probably serve a good life. If not, it will likely eventually snap. The cast plates are very brittle and will not withstand repeated stress like that.
Posts: 5267 | Location: Iowa | Registered: February 24, 2011
I wasn’t precise. I have seen Glock plates break when the moron who put it on the gun didn’t use the correct length screws. I have never seen a properly installed one break.
“So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong, and strike at what is weak.”