OK that title confused me. I was thinking this...https://www.lencoarmor.com/model/bearcat-g2-fire-ems/ And a polished blue one would be really neat. I have an original and its blueing is not that great, I'd guess a new one would be where to start. I don't like the cylinder engraving myself but maybe one of the distributor ones doesn't have it?
“So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong, and strike at what is weak.”
I just picked up a shopkeeper a couple weeks ago. What started this mess. I believe the polished blue is a Talo run, 4" barrel with fluted cylinder and no engraving. Fixed sights.
DS, I have 12 now between S.A. & Semi. I really don't.
I have a blue bearcat; it's the only unreliable Ruger I own. Misfires with light primer strikes with some regularity. I got it for the kids years ago when they were small, and nobody cared that much if we had to pitch out rounds with a dent in the primer, and try again. Some brands fire better than others, and as it's a .22, it doesn't take too many cylinders before the rounds are difficult to insert or extract, but so be it.
The little shopkeeper with the birds head grip looked like fun, but a bit too pricey just for fun.
So, got an issue with the shopkeeper. The action binds when the grip screw is fully tightened (a side effect of the reduced grip frame space). Seems like the main spring rides on a little rod that is hitting the grip screw and not allowing the action to work. Can't even get to loading notch. Took grips off and it's good. Nice trigger actually. So, I guess a little file work is in order to create some space.
Sorry to hear you are having issues with your Bearcat. I owned a blued new model Bearcat but ended up selling it because, to use your word, it was too “TINY” to shoot accurately. I think they are a great revolver to teach a kid to shoot or if you’re an adult with mouse sized hands!
I just like the birdshead grip. That was the main selling point for me. It's not unuseable, I was just expecting something closer to a single six size.
I've owned a stainless regular Bearcat as well as a stainless Shopkeeper. I sold them both because neither shot close enough to point of aim to make me happy. Monday I ordered a blue Bearcat with adjustable sights. I missed my Bearcats and figured the adjustable sights would alleviate any problems with not shooting to point of aim.
Posts: 952 | Location: WV | Registered: May 30, 2013
Originally posted by jaybirdaccountant: I sold them both because neither shot close enough to point of aim to make me happy.
I too sold an otherwise excellent Bearcat because the POI wasn't to my satisfaction. Had I have been thinking at the time, I would have ditched the fixed factory front sight and had the barrel dovetailed to accept a driftable replacement. I've since scratched my .22 six-gun itch with a 1973 Single-Six.
Stainless Ruger Bearcat
1973 Ruger Single Six
Posts: 3612 | Location: Western PA | Registered: July 20, 2010