Faux SBR for states that don't allow them but where pistol braces are allowed.
And as you mentioned, a straight SBR.
3.5" barreled SBR would be very easy to conceal. I could drop that in my brief case and nobody would know. And you obviously have better accuracy with a SBR when compared to a pistol. A niche gun for sure, but when was an additional option a bad thing?
Originally posted by BB61: Faux SBR for states that don't allow them but where pistol braces are allowed.
I was not familiar with the gun, but when I looked it up, that was my immediate reaction.
But if braces remain legal, it wouldn’t even be necessary to go the SBR route with its restrictions; in fact it’s not clear to me what advantage there would be to do that.
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Posts: 48142 | Location: 10,150 Feet Above Sea Level in Colorado | Registered: April 04, 2002
I looked at one and asked if the factory barrel was threaded and the said it was not. I never followed up but I think you have buy a different barrel to suppress. May be different now, this was a couple years ago. Who thing seems a little odd.
Posts: 1076 | Location: Ohio | Registered: August 22, 2008
I just bought one and here is the reason. My wife is a terrible pistol shooter but reasonably decent with a carbine. However, she has very little upper body strength so the PC9 is a bit heavy for her. With the brace, the copperhead gives her a stable platform in a gun that is easier to handle than a carbine. I shoot it today and it is a fun little gun. I have no plans to suppress it but may SBR it. For my needs, it made perfect sense and as it is not a blowback design it is a softer shooter than the Scorpion which we have and she shoots well but wanted something with less recoil.
________________________ "Don't mistake activity for achievement." John Wooden, "Wooden on Leadership"
Posts: 1392 | Location: Gilbert, AZ | Registered: November 08, 2000
They are fun little semi-auto imitation SMG's for people that like them. A brace makes them a lot more usable. A binary trigger adds to the fun factor.
The Copperhead 3.5 with fixed muzzle device is kind of dumb to me. the Copperhead K (black with 4.5" threaded barrel) is the smallest I'd go. I have one with a folding MI 6.5" strut with a Tailhook Mod 1C.
Posts: 5056 | Location: Indiana | Registered: December 28, 2004
The same reason for any of these types of quasi-subgun-esque offerings: A little backpacker or plinker that folds up into nothing, gives you a third point of contact with a brace or a stamp and a stock in the only centerfire caliber the whole world can get that's still cheap. Being roller-delayed with a 3.5" barrel, it's practically begging for a suppressor, though I have to say that unless I'm missing something, that "integrated flash hider" is a total bonehead move. Nobody wants that, we want 1/2x28 or tri lug like the whole rest of the western world in 2024. What the fuck, Sig.
Honestly, if it wasn't for the stupid flash hider I would have to have turned down to 1/2x28 and the fact that it's a Sig Sauer and will be discontinued and supplanted with some "MPX Cottonmouth Elite Spartan Emperor Scorpion" or some shit nine months into it's lifecycle, this is what I've been looking for... on paper, anyways.
______________________________________________ Endeavoring to master the subtle art of the grapefruit spoon.
I happen to have several MPX's 1 being the copperhead. It matches up with my MPX Carbine, and if you have ever been in an area after a major disaster, it is reality that there are lots of bad people who try to take advantage of situations (looters), and they are armed and usually come in groups. (Ive experienced it after 3 hurricanes) The MPX copperhead, and MPX K are easy to have with you in the middle of the night as a primary without being cumbersome.
Posts: 729 | Location: SW. Florida, USA | Registered: August 13, 2005
Um...'cause it's like way, WAY kewler than a 3.5" Hi-Point C9. Like totally.
It sort of does the same thing as the SP5k or APC9k does for their own ecosystems, just with an even shorter barrel which I suppose is some sort of bizarre bragging point ("My barrel is shorter than yours so I'm the winner!" Nyeah, Nyeah, Nyeah!"). From use I prefer the shorter HK and B&T over their larger 'standard' versions; they're just that much easier to handle with the decrease in size and relative bulk. So while I don't own a Copperhead, I'm thinking my feeling would be similar when comparing it against the size of my 8" MPX, although I'd rather it have a barrel length and ballistics that's at least comparable to a full-sized handgun, instead of a compact or micro 9.
Posts: 2321 | Location: The commie, rainy side of WA | Registered: April 19, 2020
I picked one up with a sliding brace (which ended up having a missing part to lock the brace) so I just got a folding brace. I love it! I have a Holosun optic and its great! I live in NH, so our laws are great in respect to firearms. Ill see if I can pop a picture here for ya!
-------------------------------------------------------2/28/2015 ~ Rest in peace Dad. Lt Commander E.G.E. USN Love you.
Posts: 5325 | Location: Great State of NH | Registered: January 29, 2004