I tried to do a search on the forum, but could not find anything. I got my wife a P320 in .40. She likes it and all, but is not married to it. I am also having a hard time looking for parts/magazines and holsters for it. I have been considering either a Glock Gen 4 or a Smith and Wesson M&P both of these handguns have a huge following and parts/mags and holsters are easy to find. I use the Glock 40 as a duty weapon and have complete confidence in it, but I wanted to offer other options as well. I know that there were some reliability problems with the DPS and the 9mm variant of this handgun. Were there any issues with the .40 variant?
Better grip, more sizes of grips, much better trigger. There was a thread a few days ago by a very knowledgeable member jljones about his experiences with it after 2k rounds
Posts: 661 | Location: The realm of Texas | Registered: February 06, 2009
The 2.0 has a better trigger and grip texturing improvements. I have a 2013 vintage M&P Compact 40 that has been a solid performer for me. The 357 Sig M&P's had issues and were withdrawn from the catalog. The 40's have been good guns...
______________________________________________ Life is short. It’s shorter with the wrong gun…
Posts: 13893 | Location: VIrtual | Registered: November 13, 2009
I have two M&P40's, a full size and a compact. The FS is my nightstand gun every night, and it becomes my "truck gun" every day. The compact is one of my favorite carry guns. Maybe I'm just lucky, but they both have good factory triggers.
When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are undisturbed. Luke 11:21
"Every nation in every region now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists." -- George W. Bush
Ive owned 5 different M&P's. Subcompacts, full size, VTAC, .357, .40, 9mm, etc.. never had a problem with any of them. I never could settle on one and I don't tend to keep guns that don't get used much. Anyway, I purchased a 2.0 yesterday and I think it's a keeper. It's actually quite accurate and the trigger is much improved. I can't guarantee it won't still get an Apex trigger, but that's just me. I think they're solid guns.
"Attack life, it's going to kill you anyway." Steve McQueen...
Posts: 7206 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: July 18, 2005
In .40 it has a very very good record. I personally replace the recoil spring every 3k and find it manageable for a duty gun.
The 2.0 has really good stippling on the grip, a alteration to the slide stop to reduce "auto-forwarding" and a steel insert into the polymer that makes the frame more rigid than the original. In firing the 2.0 I did get the sense that the recoil in .40 was a little more tame with duty grade ammo which is a plus.
I personally prefer 9mm, but I'm issued .40 and don't do that bad with it.