Oriental Redneck
| No serial number on the barrel, either? If so, it's a replacement barrel. If the serial number is there but no proof mark, although unlikely, it's also possible that the proof house simply omitted it by error. Proof marking on all major parts are required by CIP law for all firearms made and sold in CIP member states.
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| Pretty sure my low-miles P225 doesn't have the serial number or proof marks on the barrel either, FWIW. I'll check when I get home.
--------------------------- My hovercraft is full of eels.
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| There was a brief period (early to mid 2000s) when the P225 had markings just like the P245 (proof mark on the slide but no serial number). This was right around the time the P225 switched over to the newer style of takedown lever. I don't know about the barrels though.
Formerly known as tigerbloodwinning
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Oriental Redneck
| Here are a couple of P225s (not P225-A1) with single serial number (on frame only). One was proofed in 2003 (AD on barrel), the other in 2004 (AE). The 2003 I saved from somewhere on the internet. The 2004 belonged to member YooperSigs. Note the odd out-of-order proof years relative to serial numbers (AD with M653xxx, and AE with M651xxx).
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| Correction for those none interested; my KF date P225 has 9mm Para on the right side of the barrel hood area, serial number on the left side, and the eagle over N proof on the right side of the locking lug.
--------------------------- My hovercraft is full of eels.
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| quote: Originally posted by Airuke: Thanks for the replies. Love the gun. Not the most accurate but probably my fault.
lol. It is always our fault. I love those old P225s. Awesome guns. |
| Posts: 151 | Location: Southeast Georgia | Registered: February 04, 2024 |