Curious how easy or hard it is to change out sights on a P220. I figure the rears might come out fairly easily, but the front sight base is so thin, it doesn't seem to offer much for a sight pusher to grab onto.
Is it something you can do with a basic sight pusher or even a hammer and punch?
It is a very easy process. At the height of my P220 madness I had 10 of them, and I changed the sights on every one to Siglite night sights. I've got the process down to take me about 10 minutes from start to finish. I have a basic sight pusher that I bought off of eBay a few years ago.
Originally posted by gunsrfun1: Thank you remsig, may take you up on that. I assume that pusher works on both front and rear sights, correct?
Absolutely, it does both front and back. I even used the pusher on my 226's and 320.
My sickness has cost me a lot of money. I've since sold 4 of the 220's and 2 of my 226's. Every one of them have had night sights courtesy of remsig LOL
Posts: 7859 | Location: NE Ohio | Registered: July 03, 2001
Originally posted by 2PAK: Just don't send it to SIG. I made that mistake. A summer intern must have replaced them at SIG and mine must have been his first go at doing it.
Well damn!
To add insult to injury, the shipping costs to & back from Sig cost an arm & a leg.
Posts: 3392 | Location: Texas | Registered: June 17, 2003