My P6 Turned 40

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January 24, 2021, 09:48 AM
My P6 Turned 40
Good morning gents. I'd bought a new-to-me gun safe and was moving my firearms when I came across the venerable import police P6 (marked 9/80 West Germany). I hadn't seen it in years, having relegated it to the safe for a P229 or .357 revolver. Who else has one of these? They were stupidly cheap when they arrived on the market, what, $189 I believe? My brother and I each bought one, not because I'm crazy about single stack 9mm pistols, but because of the price. Mine had seen very little use, but was a bit beat up, so I sent out the barrel for micro-polishing and the slide for a new black Cerracote treatment and Trijicon sights. Years ago I was in New Mexico caring for my disintegrating parents and had an opportunity to compete in a pistol match in Los Alamos, yes the nuclear one. I wasn't planning on being there long, and the only auto pistol I had with me at the time was the P6. I'd bought a few spare magazines, a good holster and mag carrier and took it to shoot. I'm an average shooter, usually finishing right in the middle of the pack, but I always enjoy a good pistol match. It was a well designed course of fire, with a good turnout of rocket scientists. I had never fired this pistol in a match before, but I had a great time. The P6 handles very nicely, is, of course 110% reliable and the point of aim is entirely natural for me. After the match, when the stats came in, of the 21 shooters, I wasn't the fastest, but I was the most accurate. That little 9mm impressed the hell out of me. An old police trade-in pistol, with no appreciable modifications, is one of the most accurate handguns I've ever owned.
I'm rethinking this for a carry piece now. The 229 fully loaded with more than a 1/4 box of ammo is very heavy, as is the Colt's Lawman snubby I often carry. This P6 is compact, relatively light, leaves no print, and most importantly, is absolutely going to function if required. I am really glad I picked up one of these. Best $189 I ever spent. Thanks for letting me yammer. It's actually raining in Arizona this morning - something I never thought I'd see again! H.

"If everybody's thinking alike, somebody's not thinking." Gen. George S. Patton

"Fat People Make Lousy Revolutionaries." - Me
January 24, 2021, 10:15 AM
Mine was born 3/79. Iircmit was the second handgun I ever bought. I wish I had only paid $189 for it....I don't think I ever saw them going that cheap. I picked mine up from Gander Mountain back when they were abundant for $399. It was actually my carry gun for a while before I bought a G26 a few years later.

They are great guns, and the grip is possibly the most ergonomically pleasing of any gun I own. I still take it out and shoot it every now and then, and would have no qualms carrying it should the need arise. I've installed a new hammer, firing pin, and an SRT kit in it, as well as a P225 barrel to get it to feed hollowpoints...although I still have all the parts to put it back to original condition should I want to.
January 24, 2021, 11:31 AM
Mine was 1981 and I just bought it a few years ago, but it was converted for Simunition only, so the grips were painted blue, the slide was raw metal and it only had a Simunition conversion barrel, no live barrel. It was only $329 I think and I was teaching a FoF course at the time so I had a use for it in that config.

It took awhile to source a live barrel for it, once I had that I had the slide cerakoted, controls done by CCR, polished the internals, replaced all the springs, SRT kit, Trijicon HD sights and G10 grips.

“People have to really suffer before they can risk doing what they love.” –Chuck Palahnuik

Be harder to kill:
January 24, 2021, 01:21 PM
I have a Suisse Montage that dates to September of 79. A forum member refinished it and it has been to the mother ship for the SSP. Shoots like new.
I also have a 1997 P225. Of all my Sigs, I shoot the 225 the best.

End of Earth: 2 Miles
Upper Peninsula: 4 Miles
January 24, 2021, 02:41 PM

I have a P220 from 1976 and a P226 from 1983. Guess they would average out somehow.

I hope to have a P6 someday, but there are a lot of distractions...

January 24, 2021, 03:10 PM
I got mine a little bit late and think I paid $300 for it. I did manage to accumulate a few more magazines before they got so expensive. I shoot it from time to time and have a high regard for it. It is indeed, very comfortable to shoot.
January 24, 2021, 03:35 PM
No pic of the birthday boy?

Don't. drink & drive, don't even putt.

January 24, 2021, 03:36 PM
Mine is an unissued 1995 P6. $330 from Dan's.

January 24, 2021, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by photohause:
No pic of the birthday boy?

Wow, haven’t been here in awhile. Sig forum is still requiring an image host?!? How 20th century!

"If everybody's thinking alike, somebody's not thinking." Gen. George S. Patton

"Fat People Make Lousy Revolutionaries." - Me
January 24, 2021, 04:25 PM
I purchased two P6s when they first can into this Country($195 and $205). I changed out the mainsprings, and put short triggers in grips also(of course). Both were in great condition, and are good fun at the range. They just feel "so right" in my hand. They were a great buy as far as I am concerned.
January 24, 2021, 08:18 PM
Rhe P-6 & P-225 checks all the right boxes and is my first choice for edc. German & Swiss PD struck it out of the park choosing this handgun for build quality, reliability and accuracy.
January 25, 2021, 10:41 AM
Mine is a 5/80. The month and year I graduated high school. Gave $399 for it and changed out the heavy hammer spring.
January 25, 2021, 10:49 AM
My 3/81. $400 back in 2012 but mags were a little more plentiful. I haven't dropped it on the hammer so it's still GTG.

January 28, 2021, 10:45 AM
With the scarcity and high price of Sig P-6/P-225 magazines it speaks well for their popularity.
January 28, 2021, 11:43 AM
I have a 9/80 p6 and love it! It does not shoot but FMJ. But that is all I shoot with it. I have replaced the hammer spring and double action is somewhat smoother now.
January 28, 2021, 05:59 PM
Thankfully none of my ammo is as old as these P6s.

These things are like the S&W Model 19: carried a lot but shot very little. I have a few magazines that I freshened up with Wolff springs so there are no disappointments if I have a good grip.

My P6 mags' finish has a light circular spot on one side near the base that looks like it lived floor plate up in a mag pouch most of the time.

How much longer do people have to wait to treat these as Curios and Relics? May be not long.

I think that if you can master the P6 double action trigger pull then any other will be that much easier.

I wish more of them showed up cheap in my LGS.
January 29, 2021, 06:58 AM
Mountain Walker
Mine was made in 10/98 and is marked NRW. It has a plumb color hammer and the sights are a white rear bar with a front white dot. It was almost new condition and came with a Sig Sauer Box with an impressive test target. Cost in 2010 was $399. Top Gun Supply had new magazines so I got two. A really nice and well made pistol.

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