What's the weirdest, rarest, most valuable, or seldom seen pistol you own? - Please include pictures!
February 16, 2017, 08:00 AM
RogueJSKWhat's the weirdest, rarest, most valuable, or seldom seen pistol you own? - Please include pictures!
Here are the photos from
YooperSigs. He says:
For Smith revolver guys, you know the Model 65 is produced in stainless steel. My Model 65-5 is a factory blue over stainless. Never saw another like it. If anyone has any info on it, it would be welcome!
February 16, 2017, 09:08 AM
Originally posted by amsmith281:
Originally posted by 12131:
This electroless nickel (EN) P225 is the only confirmed factory nickel P225 I've ever seen. To top that off, it has no import marking. Nor does it have country of origin marking.
Q, does this have the date code? I'm trying to narrow down the JF range from our list. So looking to narrow further between these:
M540-XXX-JE-1984-Tysons Corner = Thanks to rappa
M553-XXX-JG-1986-PW Arms = Thanks to C-Dubs
February 16, 2017, 09:13 AM
fyimoS&W Pre Model 14 made in 1952
A S&W Flat Latch Baby Chief made in 1952
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February 16, 2017, 10:15 AM
sigfreundNot too common S&W model 547; 9mm with unique extractor system.
► 6.0/94.0
“To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.”
— Thomas Paine February 16, 2017, 10:33 AM
JellyS&W Model 1955 Target 45 ACP All orginal paper work.
S&W model 845 PC 45 ACP
February 16, 2017, 10:59 AM
eternal24kReally not weird, and not that rare by many standards, but rare for me:
All Stainless P226SL
And Manurhin MR73
February 16, 2017, 11:09 AM
Skins2881So many pretty shiny things. Keep them coming.
I don't usually like wheel guns or own one, but wow some of these are absolutely gorgeous.
Sic Semper Tyrannis February 16, 2017, 11:19 AM
rpm2010S&W Model 19 3", only a few were made for the CA DOJ, back in the day. (I'm 100% sure I put back the grip screw.)

ninety nine percent (99%) of all the model 19 you see are the 4" or 2.5" bbl. variety.
February 16, 2017, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by Skins2881:
So many pretty shiny things. Keep them coming.
I don't usually like wheel guns or own one, but wow some of these are absolutely gorgeous.
Not even one?? S&W 66 3" Oh yeah!!
February 16, 2017, 11:29 AM
rpm2010Last one...these Model F (ported) while not rare, you don't see them around so much like before.
February 16, 2017, 11:40 AM
bendableRuger P90 dc
http://picturearchive.gunaucti...2.jpg_thumbnail0.jpgany one else here have one?
Safety, Situational Awareness and proficiency.
Neck Ties, Hats and ammo brass, Never ,ever touch'em w/o asking first
February 16, 2017, 11:43 AM
08 CayenneUpper right corner, 610 no dash.
February 16, 2017, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by bendable:
Ruger P90 dc
http://picturearchive.gunaucti...2.jpg_thumbnail0.jpgany one else here have one?
Yes, one of Ruger's best, as far as I'm concerned.
Pic is mine, but the gun now belongs to another member.
February 16, 2017, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by sigfreund:
Not too common S&W model 547; 9mm with unique extractor system.
That is nice, a handy no-frills revolver in 9mm!
Loaded with hot 9mm, would make a nice SD gun for some. Does the extractor work reliably?
February 16, 2017, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by rpm2010:
Loaded with hot 9mm, would make a nice SD gun for some. Does the extractor work reliably?
I never gave the gun a heavy workout, but the extractors consist of leaf springs that press into the extractor grooves and push the cartridges out. In my limited shooting I never experienced any problems and one article I read at the time said that S&W claimed they would shear through the case rim before breaking. Because the gun wasn’t designed to use moon clips, conventional speedloaders could be used, and I even have a couple that were designed for the revolver.
The 547 had some unusual features such as beryllium copper hammer pivot pin and extractor star (the color in the photo is correct). As may be noted, the hammer is somewhat bobbed, and that was reportedly because there was a tendency for the hammer to kick back during recoil. The firing pin is frame mounted unlike the hammer mounted firing pins of the era and there’s a separate “plunger” in the frame under the firing pin that leaves a distinctive mark on the case heads. I never saw an explanation of its purpose, but I suspect it’s to help prevent the cases from backing out and tying up the cylinder.
► 6.0/94.0
“To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.”
— Thomas Paine February 16, 2017, 01:35 PM
Originally posted by sigfreund:
Originally posted by rpm2010:
Loaded with hot 9mm, would make a nice SD gun for some. Does the extractor work reliably?
I never gave the gun a heavy workout, but the extractors consist of leaf springs that press into the extractor grooves and push the cartridges out. In my limited shooting I never experienced any problems and one article I read at the time said that S&W claimed they would shear through the case rim before breaking. Because the gun wasn’t designed to use moon clips, conventional speedloaders could be used, and I even have a couple that were designed for the revolver.
The 547 had some unusual features such as beryllium copper hammer pivot pin and extractor star (the color in the photo is correct). As may be noted, the hammer is somewhat bobbed, and that was reportedly because there was a tendency for the hammer to kick back during recoil. The firing pin is frame mounted unlike the hammer mounted firing pins of the era and there’s a separate “plunger” in the frame under the firing pin that leaves a distinctive mark on the case heads. I never saw an explanation of its purpose, but I suspect it’s to help prevent the cases from backing out and tying up the cylinder.
Thanks sigfreund, really interesting. So I located a link for those who may be interested in a little history of this particular gun. 16, 2017, 02:05 PM
PPGMDI don't have anything weird. And probably the rarest would be a M&P Pro with custom Barsto barrels done up by Apex, but now that Apex is doing their own barrels it doesn't stick out too much.
But the most expensive that is easy, my open guns are the most expensive. The prices, well lets just say they are very expensive. But such is life.
A turbo: Exhaust gasses go into the turbocharger and spin it, witchcraft happens, and you go faster.
Mr. Doom and Gloom
"King in the north!"
"Slow is smooth... and also slow.
February 16, 2017, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by blindref:
I've got a few seldom seen guns, mostly S&W revolvers and a couple of Sigs.
P226 Sport
P226 factory nickel "KB" date coded
P226 NSW
All three caliber BDA's
Sequentially numbered, unfired P220-1 9mm's
P228 factory nickel "KB" date code
S&W Registered Magnum #274 4" barrel from July 1935
S&W Registered Magnum #3270 4.5" barrel from November 1937
S&W 38-44 Outdoorsman from February 1932
S&W 38-44 Outdoorsman with King Sights from October 1939
S&W 38-44 Heavy Duty 4" barrel April 1941. 1 of 29 known
S&W 38-44 Heavy Duty 6.5" barrel December 1938. 1 of 16 known
WONDERFUL S&W revolvers! Thanks so much for sharing....great pics too.
February 16, 2017, 02:22 PM
scsigs1984 Beretta 92SB compact in factory box, looks to be unfired.
February 16, 2017, 02:24 PM
Tooky13Sharps 1874 Sporting Rifle (Sorry, not exactly a pistol

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