2011's of John Wick...

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November 16, 2024, 11:22 AM
2011's of John Wick...
I'm actually not a huge fan of the series (other than the original), but I love the 2011's in the 3rd and 4th movies. These pistols are turning out to be pretty good investments, as far as handguns are concerned as well.

The JW3 Combat Master that was used in the movie was originally built on an STI frame and was called just that, the STI Combat Master. A couple years later, TTI separated from STI (Staccato) and use their own frames or at least their own branded frames for the Combat Master. Mine is one of the later models that is all TTI and its also one of the sight block models they offered, though I don't think its still available in this form.

The trigger is set at less than 2lbs and the gun performs incredibly well at the range, being both fast and accurate. The finish on the steel slide and frame is black DLC, with the barrel being a bronze DLC, so definitely top notch materials and processes. The grip is stippled polymer and enables a very secure purchase on the pistol. The barrel is 5.4" in length.

The JW4 Pit Viper is the exact spec from the movie, as TTI had long since moved away from STI during its development. The finish and materials used are basically identical to the JW3 Combat Master. However, the Pit Viper's styling is a bit more radical and/or involved. The barrel is also slightly shorter and features a large single port comp that works extremely well in controlling muzzle rise and speeding up the gun in general. Like the Combat Master, the Pit Viper's trigger is set below 2lbs and is very crisp in true 2011 fashion.

The styling of these two pistols is a bit extreme, which I know certainly won't appeal to everyone. However, I will attest that their quality, smoothness, and performance is second to none. I'm certainly no Grandmaster, but pistols like these allow me to make the most of my limited skills and just make the shooting experience that much more enjoyable.

I would imagine there are some Wick fans here and probably like the series more than I do. I hope everyone enjoys the pictures. Thank you.

November 16, 2024, 05:23 PM
Very cool. Which do you favor more, if you do?
November 16, 2024, 07:28 PM
I think the guns are beautiful works of art. You have great taste in firearms.
November 16, 2024, 07:49 PM
They are not asthetically pleasing to me, but that doesn’t mean i wouldn’t enjoy the heck out of shooting one. I think they’d be wasted on me.

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November 17, 2024, 08:13 AM
Bac love the stuff you post on all the forums. These are just cool looking pistols. I haven’t bought a 2011 yet, but I know it’s coming. I love the Wick series! The best part is Keanu actually puts in the time and can shoot! Love how he’s iron sights guy and not a fan of dots. Sounds like you shoot these pistols. They worth the price of admission?
November 17, 2024, 12:38 PM
So... which one is your HD gun?

Thanks for posting. I enjoy seeing your collection.


November 17, 2024, 06:36 PM
Lord Vaalic
Can you take the slide off the pit viper and stab a guy?

Don't weep for the stupid, or you will be crying all day
November 17, 2024, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by Lord Vaalic:
Can you take the slide off the pit viper and stab a guy?

The dust cover is pretty sharp, so I’d imagine so.
November 17, 2024, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by iLift45s:
Bac love the stuff you post on all the forums. These are just cool looking pistols. I haven’t bought a 2011 yet, but I know it’s coming. I love the Wick series! The best part is Keanu actually puts in the time and can shoot! Love how he’s iron sights guy and not a fan of dots. Sounds like you shoot these pistols. They worth the price of admission?

Thank you sir. Considering they are instantly worth a good deal more to those who don’t want to wait, they are worth it. Now, you can get a better 2011 from Atlas and a few others that are all metal or steel for the same money. They just don’t have the cool factor of the TTI guns.
November 18, 2024, 12:10 AM
Nice looking 2011!!! You know that muzzle area/front area of the slide looks like a P30L. Just saying.
November 19, 2024, 09:13 AM
Originally posted by 357fuzz:
Nice looking 2011!!! You know that muzzle area/front area of the slide looks like a P30L. Just saying.

Now that you mentioned it, I do see some of that.
November 19, 2024, 05:31 PM
How do these compare to the staccato 2011s?
November 20, 2024, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by xmod:
How do these compare to the staccato 2011s?

The TTI guns have a better trigger, more intricate styling, and a a bit better attention to detail. I’ve got a Staccato XC and XL, which are the perfect comparison in spec to the Combat Master and Pit Viper. The Staccatos are great. TTI is a little better, but also a good deal more expensive.