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Help me decide...glock 42/43 or 6 shot revolver Login/Join 
Looking to spend some $ just for the hell of it. Would be carried just to take my dog out at night in front of my condo complex. I have a few J frames and would like that one extra round. Will not be my EDC, have a 33 and 43x for that job. Thanks for the advice.

Love my Sigs but carry my Glocks
Posts: 383 | Registered: February 16, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Which platform do you shoot most, revolver or semi? You can get more firepower in a revolver. Kimber has a nice looking one.

Posts: 17827 | Location: Stuck at home | Registered: January 02, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
E tan e epi tas
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Once you cross into six shot revolver you get pretty heavy. 5 shot J’s are light and super easy to throw in a pocket. The Kimber is pretty heavy and a little chunky by comparison. Never held the new Colt.

So what I am saying is between the two I say go Glock 42/43. More capabilities and just as easy if not more so to carry then the six shot revo.

Same question vs a 5 shot airweight J I would take the J all day. Easy to pocket carry, light etc.

Take Care, Shoot Safe,
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Unfortunately, the selection of quality and affordable 6-shot revolver‘s is pretty slim. A snub Model 19 will be hard to come by (a non-beater anyway) and pretty heavy. The new Colt Cobras are pretty nice and a lot lighter than the Model 19 or 66. Charter makes a couple of six shots – or at least they did – and they would be lighter still than a Cobra. Ruger Security-Six snub is just as heavy as the Model 19. SP101 only holds five and GP100’s are bricks. Soooo ... Glock 43 it is Smile
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I stole my wife's G43 and put a Hogue slip on grip on it. It fits my hand perfectly; yes it flips a little with +p, but it is one potent pocket gun.
There are +2 extensions for regular mags.
She has a Sig 365, and I prefer the 43 over that one for a concealed pistol.
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If you can find one, a Ruger Service or Speed 6 with a 2 3/4 barrel in 357 magnum is a pretty sweet deal for carry. And they don't break.
Posts: 4687 | Location: Middletown, PA | Registered: January 09, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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weight-wise it appears an LCR and glock 43 are close. Glock 42 much lighter. Maybe an LCR in 327 fed would be an option. Was looking at an LCR in 22 mag but rounds would be equal.

Love my Sigs but carry my Glocks
Posts: 383 | Registered: February 16, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of CQB60
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I own both a G42 & G43. The G42 has been Uber reliable & no slouch with the right ammo & is bout one of the easiest pistols for me to conceal / EDC comfortably in any of the holsters I use it with.

Life is short. It’s shorter with the wrong gun…
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G42 is way too big for a .380 pocket gun. You may as well go with a g43. It’s stupid easy to carry and it’s not heavy. Plus you can put a tlr 6 wml on either since you’ll be using it to take your dog out at night.
Semi autos have gotten small and reliable enough for revolvers to be obsolete. I know some old dudes will think that’s ridiculous but compare a 6 shot 9mm next to a 5 shot snub nose. The semi auto will be thinner and has more fire power with fast and easy reloads plus you can add accessories easily
Posts: 3408 | Registered: December 06, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I know you said Glock, but if you're thinking about the G42 in 380 why not go with the thin and light 6+1 LCP? The I (slide does not lock back) is now $200 (free shipping from PSA) and Ruger makes good 7rd mags.

My LCP and spare mag disappear in front pockets (inside a Nemesis & Magpacker) or in but you have lots of CCW options.
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For carry with pocket holster I prefer the LCP as well. My Glock 42 has been back twice to the factory and functions fine, but LCP has been flawless. I carry the Ruger LCR as well but it is painful to shoot.
Posts: 17827 | Location: Stuck at home | Registered: January 02, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I'm usually the first one to suggest a Smith & Wesson when the subject of Revolvers comes up, but I'm gonna' suggest something different--Look at a mid-to-late 70's Colt Cobra or Agent--Aluminum Frame, weighs about 16 ounces, SIX SHOTS and the same size as the Kimber K6S--What's not to like??? Smile
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That rug really tied
the room together.
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I own the LCP, Glock 42, Glock 43, Smith 642, and Smith 340PD. They ALL are must own firearms for me. If one was lost I would immediately go out and replace it. The G42 is my clear favorite of the bunch though. It’s a perfect pocket gun for me, 7 shots of Gold Dot, plus a fast reload with a spare mag. I think you’ll be very happy with the G42 if you buy one.

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I just sold off my Glock 42 and have my last Glock 43 on consignment at a LGS. I have a S&W J Frame Model 38 (original bodyguard) that is my "I'm not carrying a gun" gun, but I was looking at a S&W 642 PC TALO and a Kimber K6S at a LGS earlier today.

I really like the DA on the Kimber K6S, yes its heavier, but it should (again should) be good for shooting +Ps (specially Speer Gold Dot 135 JHP +Ps). I like the model with that comes with tritium nights sights.

Good luck with your choice, I am still undecided. My EDC is a Glock 19.

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Originally posted by andronicus:
If you can find one, a Ruger Service or Speed 6 with a 2 3/4 barrel in 357 magnum is a pretty sweet deal for carry. And they don't break.

I agree completely. The only other option I can think of is an old Colt Detective Special.
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I would stay with the 642. If you go with an striker auto, you need a holster.


Roll Tide!

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Spiritually Imperfect
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The Ruger LCR in .327 Federal Magnum (as mentioned by another person) sounds like a great solution to your needs. Six shots in a small, pocketable revolver. The caliber is beyond flexible, as you can shoot multiple .32 rounds through it with the .327 magnums being the hottest (and most fun) of them all.
I love my .327 LCR.
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Have a M&P340 that is my light weight, "I don't really need a gun" gun. Use it for camping, walks, sidearm for hunting, etc.
Had a G43, which I loved until I shot a friends P365. That has become my go to. Same size as the J frame, slightly heavier, but 2x the rounds.
Had a G42, liked it, daughter #2 needed something so it went with her.
You cant go wrong with any of your list, and far be it from me to suggest you don't NEED another gun....Smile
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RTG Parts
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Personally I carry a J-Frame revolver over the 42/43.

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Big Stack
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Of the three mentioned the 43 makes the most sense, especially if you EDC Glocks to begin with. Likely smaller and maybe lighter than any six shot revolver, and carries 6+1 rounds 9mm, which is going to be significantly more effective than .38 out of a snubbie, or .380 out of anything. And you can easily modify mags to get the gun to 7+1.

Going off your reservation, you could also consider the SIG P365. Same size lighter unloaded, and 10+1 out of the box (with factory 12 and 15 round mags available.)
Posts: 21240 | Registered: November 05, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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