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Taking the pulse of the 320 owners re: voluntary upgrade Login/Join 
addicted to trailing-throttle oversteer
posted November 01, 2017 09:21 AMHide Post
Sig didn’t, they discovered a flaw and to their credit is fixing it under a reasonable upgrade plan.

More accurately, it's others who discovered this design flaw and SIG chose to make it voluntary for an owner of one of these pistols to 'upgrade' their guns. Whether that is the correct course of action for SIG is likely debatable but clearly SIG is insinuating and even directly saying by their response to the issue that their guns are safe enough as-is. If they were not so certain then should they have not made this 'upgrade' a mandatory fix instead?

The above may be semantics but it still ultimately comes down to whether someone is willing to live with what they have, as-is, regardless of any levels of idiocy and lunacy others might choose to freely prescribe towards perceived inaction on the issue. As the great and profound Neil via his channel Geddy once blurted in an aural celestial voice, "if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice". In a sense its wisdom kinda applies here. As for me and my 320C, I'd much rather its potential next owner go through the hassle and annoyance of taking care of the 'issue' than for me having to go through the trouble of sending it back in. I have a couple of individuals who are interested in my SIG. Yes, one of them was crude enough to have thought that he could get me to shed it at a nicely reduced value, until I told him that the other fellow wanted to swap his Gen4 G19 for it. Now the first guy is rethinking his strategy.

I will see who if any wins out. I'm really NOT in the market for a fourth Gen4 19, particularly another one in black, but as it stands it's a more than fair deal for this confirmed Glock guy. And best yet I don't have to be the one 'sweating bullets' on whether SIG FUBARs the finish on the gun. I still remember what they did to the finish of the bolt on my 522 when that had to go back for its repair; even if in the Big Scheme of Things it really didn't matter all that much, it's still the kind of bull crap you just don't forget short of an onset of Alzheimer's.
Posts: 8983 | Location: Drippin' wet | Registered: April 18, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted November 01, 2017 11:18 AMHide Post
Of course it’s semantics. We live in a litigious society where the difference between winning and losing can hang on single words and grammar.

It’s a voluntary upgrade because corporate legal said that was the lesser of two evils. They also hung their hat on it because there appears to be a drop test standard in the industry. Every conceivable angle, height, orientation isn’t included. Perhaps this will cause some change in that testing process. I suspect it will.

As for the process, it couldn’t be much simpler unless they actually came to your door and fixed it right there.

Your buddy should bypass you and check out the forums. He absolutely will find someone selling it on the cheap based on this recall/upgrade. Pretty shortsighted but not surprising. People sell off in down markets all the time. Chasing returns. It’s bad practice and will normally cost you money.

At this point anyone complaining about this is just complaining. They would be pissed if it came back gold plated. However the problem came to light there would be people who think it was handled wrong. Free shipping both ways, shoot it till we send you the label, it comes back to your door. What the fuck else do people want?
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Glorious SPAM!
Picture of mbinky
posted November 01, 2017 11:25 AMHide Post
Wow. Well as I stated earlier in this thread, I dropped my pistol off at Fed Ex last Friday 27 Oct. It arrived in Exeter at 9:31 AM yesterday (31 Oct). I just received a Fed Ex shipping notice. Pistol was picked up in Exeter at 10:36 AM and will be delivered Friday 3 November by 8PM.
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posted November 01, 2017 02:00 PMHide Post
I agree the time table for the upgrade has been amazing. It will be a total of 7 days out of my hand.

I already have one upgraded p320 compact and I love it! The trigger feels better and has a more positive reset than it did. I am excited for my other compact to get delivered back to me tomorrow.
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posted November 01, 2017 02:31 PMHide Post
Originally posted by mbinky:
Wow. Well as I stated earlier in this thread, I dropped my pistol off at Fed Ex last Friday 27 Oct. It arrived in Exeter at 9:31 AM yesterday (31 Oct). I just received a Fed Ex shipping notice. Pistol was picked up in Exeter at 10:36 AM and will be delivered Friday 3 November by 8PM.

Well, it is not always like that. I also dropped a P320 off at my local Fed Ex depot on Friday the 27th. The Fed Ex tracking indicates SIG received it on Monday morning, Oct 30. I have not heard anything from SIG as yet. I know of others who know that SIG has had their pistol over a week longer and have heard nothing.

I am not really complaining because SIG said upfront that the turn-around time could be 4-6 weeks. But Bruce Gray and others should refrain from getting peoples' hopes up that a 1 week turn-around time will be the norm. If that has been or turns out to be your experience, consider yourself fortunate.
Posts: 372 | Registered: March 07, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted November 01, 2017 07:17 PMHide Post
Originally posted by pblanc:
Originally posted by mbinky:
Wow. Well as I stated earlier in this thread, I dropped my pistol off at Fed Ex last Friday 27 Oct. It arrived in Exeter at 9:31 AM yesterday (31 Oct). I just received a Fed Ex shipping notice. Pistol was picked up in Exeter at 10:36 AM and will be delivered Friday 3 November by 8PM.

Well, it is not always like that. I also dropped a P320 off at my local Fed Ex depot on Friday the 27th. The Fed Ex tracking indicates SIG received it on Monday morning, Oct 30. I have not heard anything from SIG as yet. I know of others who know that SIG has had their pistol over a week longer and have heard nothing.

I am not really complaining because SIG said upfront that the turn-around time could be 4-6 weeks. But Bruce Gray and others should refrain from getting peoples' hopes up that a 1 week turn-around time will be the norm. If that has been or turns out to be your experience, consider yourself fortunate.

I sent mine in last Tuesday the 24th and got it back today. Looks and feels good. I will shoot it in the morning to see if anything changed.
Posts: 207 | Location: Alabama | Registered: January 06, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted November 01, 2017 08:23 PMHide Post
Originally posted by pblanc:
Originally posted by mbinky:
Wow. Well as I stated earlier in this thread, I dropped my pistol off at Fed Ex last Friday 27 Oct. It arrived in Exeter at 9:31 AM yesterday (31 Oct). I just received a Fed Ex shipping notice. Pistol was picked up in Exeter at 10:36 AM and will be delivered Friday 3 November by 8PM.

Well, it is not always like that. I also dropped a P320 off at my local Fed Ex depot on Friday the 27th. The Fed Ex tracking indicates SIG received it on Monday morning, Oct 30. I have not heard anything from SIG as yet. I know of others who know that SIG has had their pistol over a week longer and have heard nothing.

I am not really complaining because SIG said upfront that the turn-around time could be 4-6 weeks. But Bruce Gray and others should refrain from getting peoples' hopes up that a 1 week turn-around time will be the norm. If that has been or turns out to be your experience, consider yourself fortunate.

It seems the norm is right around a 7 day turn around. They just got yours 2 days ago, I bet that you will get yours back sooner than later. I did not hear anything from them until it was on its way back to me.
Posts: 550 | Location: Texas | Registered: November 15, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted November 02, 2017 05:59 AMHide Post
Originally posted by Factor8:
Originally posted by pblanc:
Originally posted by mbinky:
Wow. Well as I stated earlier in this thread, I dropped my pistol off at Fed Ex last Friday 27 Oct. It arrived in Exeter at 9:31 AM yesterday (31 Oct). I just received a Fed Ex shipping notice. Pistol was picked up in Exeter at 10:36 AM and will be delivered Friday 3 November by 8PM.

Well, it is not always like that. I also dropped a P320 off at my local Fed Ex depot on Friday the 27th. The Fed Ex tracking indicates SIG received it on Monday morning, Oct 30. I have not heard anything from SIG as yet. I know of others who know that SIG has had their pistol over a week longer and have heard nothing.

I am not really complaining because SIG said upfront that the turn-around time could be 4-6 weeks. But Bruce Gray and others should refrain from getting peoples' hopes up that a 1 week turn-around time will be the norm. If that has been or turns out to be your experience, consider yourself fortunate.

It seems the norm is right around a 7 day turn around. They just got yours 2 days ago, I bet that you will get yours back sooner than later. I did not hear anything from them until it was on its way back to me.

I'm getting more and more concerned with each passing day.. SIG received mine Oct 17th at 09:39am.

Have not heard a thing as of yet. I called twice with my RMA # and both times they say it is in line for the upgrade..

Someone had theirs received on the exact same truck as mine and got it back upgraded in 48 hours.

I see in a different forum, SIG received someones on Oct 31st and it will be deliverd back to him upgraded tomorrow.

The initial e-mail I got said they would be upgraded them on a first in first out basis..

I guess that is true for some.. or mine was inadvertently stuck under a desk somewhere at SIG (out of sight out of mind) or they sent it to a satellite repair facility setup for this upgrade process and it got lost..

I am now 100% convinced something happened to it.. Ofcourse SIG thinks all is normal..

Very frustrating..

On a positive note.. it is good to see some folks getting a fast turnaround and positive reports from the ones that went to the range post upgrade.

I think my situation is the exception not the rule..

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Drunder40, November 02, 2017 07:57 AM

Retired Navy RM/ITC(SW) 1982-2002
USS Edward McDonnell (FF-1043) Mayport FL
USS Pegasus (PHM-1) Key West FL.
USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) Bremerton WA.
Sig P938/238 Equinox
Sig P320C RX
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posted November 02, 2017 08:46 AMHide Post
I am with you Sig got mine the 20th and still no word.
Posts: 174 | Registered: December 08, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted November 02, 2017 09:26 AMHide Post
17% of people are for sure not getting the upgrade. I'm surprised it's not worse actually. Too high a number for a common sense decision though.
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When you fall, I will be there to catch you -With love, the floor
posted November 02, 2017 09:27 AMHide Post
You forget this area had a major power outage for days.
That screwed up a lot. Many employees were affected.

Richard Scalzo
Epping, NH
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addicted to trailing-throttle oversteer
posted November 02, 2017 10:51 AMHide Post
What the fuck else do people want?

I probably should've reiterated what I posted earlier in this thread; I don't care for the 320 enough to want to keep it. I felt this way long before Omaha Outdoors boogered up the marketplace. So to answer your question: strictly for myself, I'd want a striker that I actually like enough to put up with going through the trouble of having it fixed. Conversely I DO like my Canik TP9SF enough to put up with its upcoming safety repair and Century Arms' often crappy CS. It's as simple as that.
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Picture of az4783054
posted November 02, 2017 11:19 AMHide Post
I've got a sharp stick that anyone is welcome to use...

I've enjoyed my time here, but tired of the whining and general management. Time to move on.
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posted November 02, 2017 11:34 AMHide Post
Originally posted by soggy_spinout:
What the fuck else do people want?

I probably should've reiterated what I posted earlier in this thread; I don't care for the 320 enough to want to keep it. I felt this way long before Omaha Outdoors boogered up the marketplace. So to answer your question: strictly for myself, I'd want a striker that I actually like enough to put up with going through the trouble of having it fixed. Conversely I DO like my Canik TP9SF enough to put up with its upcoming safety repair and Century Arms' often crappy CS. It's as simple as that.

I agree that strom that rolled through Sun night into Monday certainly slowed the progress of the upgrade.. So glad we got a standby generator..

I am just gonna be patient.. that's about all I can do..

Retired Navy RM/ITC(SW) 1982-2002
USS Edward McDonnell (FF-1043) Mayport FL
USS Pegasus (PHM-1) Key West FL.
USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) Bremerton WA.
Sig P938/238 Equinox
Sig P320C RX
Colt Mustang XSP FE
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posted November 02, 2017 07:06 PMHide Post
Originally posted by lmacrichter:
Originally posted by pblanc:
Originally posted by mbinky:
Wow. Well as I stated earlier in this thread, I dropped my pistol off at Fed Ex last Friday 27 Oct. It arrived in Exeter at 9:31 AM yesterday (31 Oct). I just received a Fed Ex shipping notice. Pistol was picked up in Exeter at 10:36 AM and will be delivered Friday 3 November by 8PM.

Well, it is not always like that. I also dropped a P320 off at my local Fed Ex depot on Friday the 27th. The Fed Ex tracking indicates SIG received it on Monday morning, Oct 30. I have not heard anything from SIG as yet. I know of others who know that SIG has had their pistol over a week longer and have heard nothing.

I am not really complaining because SIG said upfront that the turn-around time could be 4-6 weeks. But Bruce Gray and others should refrain from getting peoples' hopes up that a 1 week turn-around time will be the norm. If that has been or turns out to be your experience, consider yourself fortunate.

I sent mine in last Tuesday the 24th and got it back today. Looks and feels good. I will shoot it in the morning to see if anything changed.

Got mine back yesterday and shot it today. The trigger is better than the original and the gun shoots great. Glad I did the upgrade.
Posts: 207 | Location: Alabama | Registered: January 06, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Glorious SPAM!
Picture of mbinky
posted November 03, 2017 04:45 PMHide Post
Just recieved mine. A few quick thoughts.

-the trigger feels the same to me, maybe slightly mushier
-the slide requires alot more rearward travel to reset the striker
-the "double click" is gone
-the new trigger, while looking funny to me, feels the same against my finger
-the machine work in the slide is well done
-when reassembling the pistol the disconnector (whatever the new part in the FCU is) kept popping up and interfering with the slide. I had to hold it down like on a third gen Smith to get the slide on

I'm pleased. It did not cost me a dime and was gone from my hands exactly one week. I might take it shooting next time out.
Posts: 10647 | Registered: June 13, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of sigforever
posted November 03, 2017 06:09 PMHide Post
OP here. I sent my Sig 320 off last Friday. It returned to me this morning from Fedex. Exactly one week on the turn around. Absolutely amazing customer service if you ask me. And no out-of-pocket cost. I really don't believe there is a downside to sending it in.
Plus, a card for 25% off your next sig store order. If you use the coupon code for the right situation, you could get some quality products for a ridiculously low price.
Thank you Sig.

"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." - Neil Armstrong.
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Picture of HawkeyeJohn
posted November 03, 2017 06:46 PMHide Post
I got a shipping label on Oct. 18th and sent my P320 RX off via FedEx on the 20th. Sig had it 5 working days. Left NH on the 27th (2nd day air) and arrived back here on the 31st. Kudos to SIG CS!

Didn't shoot it much before sending it off - only 90 rounds - enough to know that I did not care for the trigger.

I put 75 rounds through it yesterday and... I don't dislike it as much. Doesn't seem quite as stiff. I don't want a hair trigger on a striker fired pistol anyway.

Overall I like the gun. The Romeo1 is very useful. Made shooting ragged holes at 7 yards ridiculously easy. I like the looks (mine's 2-tone), the feel, the modularity, the second kind of cool... but I still prefer the MOA and triggers of my DA/SA Sigs.

I may send it to Gray Guns.
Posts: 383 | Registered: March 29, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted November 03, 2017 08:21 PMHide Post
Soggy, fair enough. I guess my question would be why you laid down your hard earned money for a gun you didn’t like from the start?

Your discontent with the process has more to do with your discontent with the gun itself. Or so it seems. If I hated the gun, nothing Sig could do would make me happy either. Unless they let me exchange my 320 for the Legion of my choice. Lol
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posted November 04, 2017 12:25 AMHide Post
I can't speak for him, but I own various pistols that don't speak to me, and a few I really hate. When I want to learn more about a pistol, I buy one; it's the best way to evaluate it. it's not a rental, I get to know it as an owner and user and I'll find out if it's for me. A lot of the pistols I own have been purchased simply because I wanted to know more.
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