I've owned one with the extra threaded barrel for about two years. Except for the lack of an optic-mounting option and the metric threaded barrel adapter, I like it much more than the SIG 322 that preceded it.
Some will complain about the 10-rd mag capacity, but I've found Pro-Mags to be reliable and cheap.
Bought one that came into work as a trade in. Filthy, don’t think he ever cleaned it.
Trigger was rough. Took a Ghost Link and a Timney Trigger to make it better.
-------------------------------------—————— ————————--Ignorance is a powerful tool if applied at the right time, even, usually, surpassing knowledge(E.J.Potter, A.K.A. The Michigan Madman)
Posts: 8557 | Location: Livingston County Michigan USA | Registered: August 11, 2002
Ok so G44 or P22 to run suppressed ? I have never owned a G44 but wanting to get something in the 22lr line up to teach a newbie to shoot and shooting skills - and want to run it suppressed while doing it.
Posts: 61 | Location: Oklahoma | Registered: May 22, 2024
I haven’t had so much good luck with my G44 although it runs well enough to be a keeper. My P322 has been functionally flawless so far. And it seems to me that G44 came out before the P322 … but it’s likely that my memory is failing again.
Posts: 451 | Location: Northern Virginia | Registered: September 01, 2000
I looked at a G44 recently at a local gun store, and thought the trigger was absolutely terrible. But the, I'll admit that I'm a trigger snob. Maybe a minus connector or a Ghost would help it.
If considering specifically a .22lr service pistol. Why not go for Sig P322 or Beretta M9 .22?
I have the Sig and its an absolute champ. Good trigger and has run flawlessly. I must have fired 5k+ rounds thru it at this point. Have not run into any ammo sensitivity at all.
Originally posted by DeepBlue: If considering specifically a .22lr service pistol. Why not go for Sig P322 or Beretta M9 .22?
I have the Sig and its an absolute champ. Good trigger and has run flawlessly. I must have fired 5k+ rounds thru it at this point. Have not run into any ammo sensitivity at all.
Not what I found. P322 here shoots great and is a blast however it is more finicky about ammo and magazine loading than the FN 502 and G44.
I picked one up late last year. Over a 1,000 documented rounds through it. I've fed it S&B Club, CCI Standard Velocity, Federal 36 gr HPs, Remington Thunderbolt and a couple other types I didn't write down. I'm seeing between 850-950 FPS muzzle velocity on my Garmin Chrono. I clean it every once in a while and a little oil.
The Glock factory mags run fine, I've got 5 of them.
I find it interesting that we get so many different reports on these pistols. Some seem to run great, others don't. Some won't work with a particular round, others will.
Posts: 4855 | Location: Where ever Uncle Sam Sends Me | Registered: March 05, 2007
A LOT of early G44s were pretty sucky. Glock had made a lot of bold claims about the gun being very usable with all sorts of .22LR loads, which back then was very often proven to be untrue. I shot one of those early production examples and its reliability was nonexistent with ANY ammo. Fast forward a couple of years or so, and the gun seems to be far more reliable. I've now shot a couple of different G44s since that first one, and both ran pretty well...at least for a .22LR semi-auto. A coworker's G44 ate and spit out everything, but my nephew's example choked on a couple of types of bulk Winchester, but turned around and ran fine with at least a dozen other types of "cheap" loads. I'm still not convinced that it's one that is worth buying; first impressions--particularly negative ones--can be painfully hard to ignore, and I've already had an unfair share of .22LR pistols stinking up the joint.
Posts: 2302 | Location: The commie, rainy side of WA | Registered: April 19, 2020