So I wanted to give this new fangled red dot thing a try and picked one up on the cheap. I have astigmatism and I knew going in the dot wouldn't be clear and it wasn't. It looks like a smeared comma. It's still perfectly usable though. In regards to shooting it has improved my long distance accuracy, but didn't improve my close range speed or accuracy. For me it's a fun range toy and that's about it.
Anyway, despite being perfectly functional, the smeared dot bugs me. From what I've found online there doesn't seem to be a consensus on green dots being an improvement over red for people with astigmatism.
I am curious what experiences other shooters with astigmatism have found with green dots. Are they clearer? IF anyone with astigmatism and experience with green dots wants to chime in I'd appreciate it.
Thanks ahead of time for your replies.
Don't believe everything you think.
Posts: 583 | Location: NH | Registered: March 24, 2007
I also have a slight astigmatism. Dot color doesn't seem to affect dot definition for me, however it does vary between different optics. The RMR and 407k are very clearly defined for me, whereas the 407C is pretty much a blur. The Romeo 1 is somewhere in the middle.
Once you get use to shooting with a target focus, the blurriness really isn't a problem.
Posts: 9983 | Location: In the Cornfields | Registered: May 25, 2006
I have a rifle with an AimPoint Pro (red dot), another with a Vortex sight that you can select either a red or green dot, and a pistol with a HoloSun (green dot). I have pretty bad astigmatism. I’m finding the green dot easier for me. Not sure if it’s simply better visibility or less distortion. But I would agree that it’s not too bothersome if you’re focusing on the target.
Originally posted by 92fstech: I also have a slight astigmatism. Dot color doesn't seem to affect dot definition for me, however it does vary between different optics.
That's been my experience as well, on both points.
But most of all, nearly all of the astigmatism-related issues with dots go away (for me) simply by using a proper target focus. If I look at the dot, it's not perfectly round. But if I focus on the target - like you should be anyway - it is a crisp dot.
I notice no difference between red and green for my astigmatism. Size of the dot seems to have a bigger impact than the color of the dot. I am enjoying the one green dot which resides on my P365XL.
_________________________ "An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile - hoping it will eat him last” - Winston Churchil
Posts: 3135 | Location: Middle-TN | Registered: November 05, 2003
Yeah, it's not realy a question of shootability. As several have noted I'm focused on the target, not the dot when shooting. It's just that the blur bugs me when I do focus on it.
I'm not expecting a green dot to improve my shooting, I'm just curious if those with astigmatism have less blur with a green.
Don't believe everything you think.
Posts: 583 | Location: NH | Registered: March 24, 2007
Originally posted by dking271: I notice no difference between red and green for my astigmatism. Size of the dot seems to have a bigger impact than the color of the dot. I am enjoying the one green dot which resides on my P365XL.
Is a bigger or smaller dot better for you?
Don't believe everything you think.
Posts: 583 | Location: NH | Registered: March 24, 2007
I wear glasses so not sure if that matters or not. Dots are still never really crisp to me. I do find green is more pleasing to me. I am not sure if I can say that as an objective clarity observation or simply as subjectively more pleasing or easier for me to pick up but I prefer green reticles.
Take Care, Shoot Safe, Chris
Posts: 8159 | Location: On the water | Registered: July 25, 2002
Hello. I have very high astigmatism which requires me to wear corrective lenses 100% of the time. While my astigmatism is 100% corrected with my Rx, red dots are never perfect, especially indoors. They exhibit a slight starry effect. But when focusing on the target and not the dot (like RogueJSK mentioned) it does not matter, and you don't notice it.
Posts: 2363 | Location: York, PA | Registered: May 17, 2006
1 MOA looks like a 3 MOA blob 3 MOA dot looks smaller than 6 MOA blob 6 MOA looks about 9 MOA
The 6 is brighter in the middle and easier to pick up, the 3 is easier to shoot more precisely. The 1 is harder to pick up and is less of a dot and more of a splotch. I’ve settled in to both the 3 and 6 MOA size, both do the job for combat shooting with a slight edge going to the 6.
_________________________ "An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile - hoping it will eat him last” - Winston Churchil
Posts: 3135 | Location: Middle-TN | Registered: November 05, 2003
Originally posted by sonnydaze: I have never tried any sight system other than iron sights. Not convinced that it would help my shooting up to 7 yards.
I was okay with red until I hit 50-ish and needed cheaters. My Astigmatisms are pretty severe. I switched to green and found it much easier on the eyes.
Sensitive and caring since August 2009
Some people are like a Slinky....not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you shove them down the stairs.
Green works best for me. With green, it's almost a clear dot. Red, no matter how low the setting, looks like a shotting star made out of a smashed raw egg. It's very frustrating to say the least.
Wearing my eye glasses helps.
On a rifle, if I use a separate magnifier the dots are perfect. Doesn't matter if I have my glasses on or not. It's crazy how that works.
Posts: 218 | Location: South Carolina | Registered: July 12, 2007