You will buy a Glock
April 25, 2010, 06:53 AM
harbingerYou will buy a Glock
Originally posted by Ian111:
Originally posted by advocatusdiaboli:
Glocks are elegantly and sparsely designed for a certain no-frills price point. German engineers are ruthlessly efficient in meeting design constraints--it is no coincidence they produce the best firearms and the best automobile if you disregard price points. For the money there is no better to be had.
I only wish those German BMW's, MB's, and Audi's were as efficient, reliable, durable, and without frou frou frills as an Austrian Glock.
Hells yeah! Screw the carbine...Glock needs to make a car. Of course, they'd probably be criticized by people claiming they explode if you use anything higher than 89 octane.
April 25, 2010, 09:55 AM
sdfStill looking for a good price on a Glock 19...
April 25, 2010, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by advocatusdiaboli:
Glocks are elegantly and sparsely designed for a certain no-frills price point. German engineers are ruthlessly efficient in meeting design constraints
Wait, Germans make Glocks?
I'd imagine calling an Austrian a German would be like calling a Canadian an American!

April 25, 2010, 02:02 PM
ugeestaToday at the range, there was a guy shooting a new Glock 22 Gen 4. He was kind ewnouth to let me try it and I think I just fell in love. Never shot a Glock befor so I never realized how tight the trigger pull is. No wonder you cops can squeeze off 1500 rounds in under a minute

That new CZ I just bought yesterday may need to go on the market so I can get a 22 Gen 4.
We will never know world peace, until three people can simultaneously look each other straight in the eye
Liberals are like pussycats and Twitter is Trump's laser pointer to keep them busy while he takes care of business - Rey HRH.
April 25, 2010, 02:21 PM
LancerStill have not owned a Glock.......don't think I will either.
It is what you learn AFTER you know it all that is most important!
April 25, 2010, 03:34 PM
Jim522No glocks for me. Don't like 'em. I'll take my Sig's or SA's anyday.
SIG SP2022 .40S&W
SA XD-9 Service
Kahr CW 9
Taurus 24/7 .45ACP
S&W Sigma .40S&W
Walther P22
April 25, 2010, 03:37 PM
sig239srtStill waiting for that FREE Glock to happen, since that’s still the only way I will ever have one…
Couldn’t pass up a Free Glock to keep.
April 25, 2010, 04:07 PM
bruce21bi like Glocks so much, i bought TWO 19's
June 04, 2010, 11:59 PM
astroscopusI have a recently purchased Glock 20, Gen 2, great shooter. Recently purchased a Lone Wolf 40 S&W barrel through Dillon (took 3 months to arrive). Also a great shooter. The Glock doesn't fit and point as well as my .357 Sig XD, or my P6, or even my CW9, but now that I have one, I appreciate it's accuracy and reliability for sure. I have no plans to ever part with it. 10mm is alot of fun... oh yeah!
June 05, 2010, 12:19 AM
Originally posted by sig239srt:
Still waiting for that FREE Glock to happen, since that’s still the only way I will ever have one…
Couldn’t pass up a Free Glock to keep.
If I ever get a free Glock I will pass it along to you.
* Diligentia Vis Celeritis *
"Thus those skilled in war subdue the enemy's army without battle .... They conquer by strategy."
- Sun Tsu - The Art of War
"Fast is Fine, but Accuracy is Everything" - Wyatt Earp
June 05, 2010, 02:10 AM
mrbill345I keep being tempted every time I go by the LGS, but I've decided my next additions will be a P220 and a 1911. I just can't decide which will be first.
“Agnostic, gun owning, conservative, college educated hillbilly” June 05, 2010, 02:29 AM
Originally posted by HighZonie:
Originally posted by sig239srt:
Still waiting for that FREE Glock to happen, since that’s still the only way I will ever have one…
Couldn’t pass up a Free Glock to keep.
If I ever get a free Glock I will pass it along to you.
Thank you HighZonie. That’s f’ing great. Don’t see that happening, but you know my email and I’m in Mesa. Damn Glock's! I know too many people with them. I just refuse… Even though I shot some I like. NEVER, NOT, NA
Caswells in Mesa on ladies night, holy shit the amount of ladies with Glock cases make me sick. It has to be a brain washing thing.
June 05, 2010, 07:18 AM
papaacI just bought a 19 for my older daughter. Since I got it, she has not had a day off (ER charge nurse)that coincides with good range time.I went to the range yesterday, and purposely left it at home for her to break in. I must admit that with the RTF, it feels great, but I still am happy with my junk 1911 and Sigs.

"Among a people generally corrupt, liberty cannot long exist." Edmund Burke
June 05, 2010, 07:53 AM
parabellum IT'S ALIVE!! IT'S ALIVE!!!
June 05, 2010, 08:38 AM
Originally posted by sig239srt:
Still waiting for that FREE Glock to happen, since that’s still the only way I will ever have one…
Couldn’t pass up a Free Glock to keep.
Join the GSSF, go to a couple of shoots, and you, yes, even you could be the lucky winner of a couple of free Glocks.
Then, you could start the SSSF (SIG Shooting Sports Foundation) and the be the first member there with a free GLOCK.
June 09, 2010, 06:50 PM
VoshterkoffWell I got a G19 today.
June 09, 2010, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by parabellum:
You'll fondle it late at night and engage in the Love that Dares not Speak it's Name.
You will have to put that glock into my cold dead hand. It will never happen.
"This weapon is now your tongue and your poetry will be written in blood!" Nobody
June 09, 2010, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by advocatusdiaboli:
[QUOTE]I decided P239 because I can shoot 9mm, 40 S&W, and 357 SIG plus .22 LR from one frame with the Sig with a supported chamber
Soooo...who make a 22 lr conversion for the P239?
"This weapon is now your tongue and your poetry will be written in blood!" Nobody
June 09, 2010, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by Zan:
Originally posted by parabellum:
You'll fondle it late at night and engage in the Love that Dares not Speak it's Name.
You will have to put that glock into my cold dead hand. It will never happen.
Don't be ashamed. You're among friends. C'mon, you can tell us.
June 09, 2010, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by parabellum:
Originally posted by Zan:
Originally posted by parabellum:
You'll fondle it late at night and engage in the Love that Dares not Speak it's Name.
You will have to put that glock into my cold dead hand. It will never happen.
Don't be ashamed. You're among friends. C'mon, you can tell us.
Truth be told I could see my self buying one one day, however...It would be after I had bought all the Sigs and H&Ks I want (2 I have 13 more to go), and a few rifles and shot guns, so the likely hood is slim. I contemplated a Glock for my first pistol but after I shot a H&K I changed my mind. I regret
I think Glocks are a great gun for the price, but the striker fire mechanism and single strike capability arent really my thing at this point in life. I doubt I would ever fall in love with it though, and would never fondle a Glock when i could do it with a H&K or a Sig. In my experience shooting a Glock was never a passion awakening experience like it was when i shot my first Sig and H&K. But if your in love with your Glock more power to you, enjoy it and dont shoot yourself in the foot (or any other place) with it.
"This weapon is now your tongue and your poetry will be written in blood!" Nobody