You will buy a Glock

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January 27, 2023, 09:09 PM
You will buy a Glock
Originally posted by Ryanp225:
Anyone else want a G47 complete upper to swap into a G45 or Gen 5 G19?
That would make for some great modularity.

Not me.

The G47's less than half an inch of additional barrel length over the G19/G45 gains you nothing. It's <10 FPS difference in velocity, and insignificant additional sight radius (which matters even less if using an optic).

No point in dropping several hundred dollars for another complete slide, plus further additional costs for night sights and potentially another optic, all for the negligible difference of half an inch.

The G19 and G45 are just fine as they are.
January 27, 2023, 09:20 PM
The GPT in Gen 1-4

January 28, 2023, 07:14 AM
I grabbed an OEM connector out of my gen3 32, it's the standard unmarked connector. Stuck it in the GPT. Trigger still feels great and a little better defined wall. Will try live fire tonight when I return to work.

Not minority enough!
January 28, 2023, 05:54 PM
stuck a - connector in the second GPT. Don't like it at all. Pretty much no wall. lol. It just pulls and goes bang. Going to put the stock connector back in. wheeler says 3.5# with the - connector in the GPT.

Not minority enough!
January 29, 2023, 05:18 AM
Yep, bought the G47 so I can mix and match with my G19 gen 5. I like being able to swap parts even if the gain in velocity is minimal.
Also just snagged the first gen 5 G20 my local ffl got. Range report when I can get it out
January 29, 2023, 03:24 PM
I'm cross-posting this from the GPT thread, since the thread we're in now is an archive of sorts:

I've purchased two of these triggers. I don't like the flat trigger shoe which comes on the GPT. I changed out the flat shoe on one of these GPTs and installed the trigger in my G17 gen5.

I don't have a trigger pull gauge and I don't need one to know that the pull is simply too light for me with the connector Glock supplies with the GPT. There's barely a wall perceptible in the pull. I have two OEM Plus connectors on the way to me and just as JG has said, this combination is the ticket. GPT with a Plus connector and Vex shoe.

When I dry fire my Glocks, there's always slight horizontal motion to the pistol (front sight) after the trigger break. I believe this is why Glocks shoot best for most people when they stick their finger as far into the trigger guard as is practical. I believe the reason is that the slight lateral pressure on the trigger arrests the post-break movement.

With the GPT, there is no movement of the front sight after the break. Once I get the trigger pull weight up with the Plus connector, I think it's going to be a little bit of heaven. The other GPT is going in my G19 gen5. It has been frustrating trying to find the source of the rough pull in that pistol. It looks like the GPT is going to be the solution. There's an overtravel screw provided with the Vex shoe but I won't be installing it. I don't see the need, not to mention that if the screw backs out, it can actually keep the pistol from firing. Thread-locking the screw would make this a very, very unlikely occurrence. Nevertheless...

Anyone who has pulled the trigger bar out of a GPT knows that it's a bit difficult getting it reinstalled. In his video on the GPT, It looks like JG uses a fine punch to reinstall the trigger bar. The first time I reinstalled the trigger bar, I wondered what he was talking about, because I had the trigger bar reinstalled in less than 15 seconds. Subsequent reinstalls have been more difficult. That's what I get for getting cocky about it. I use a metal pick which has its tip bent at a 90 degree angle and I thought this was the perfect tool, but now I'm thinking I should try a straight-pointed pick.

I'd like to get to the point where I can disassemble these triggers entirely. JG recommends against this, but it can be done. It's my understanding that a hexagonal takedown pin is required and I'm hoping someone will eventually offer this tool.

I am used to being able to strip a Glock down to nothing but the sights on the slide and the straight wire magazine catch spring in the frame. Having an assembly in a Glock that I'm supposed to leave alone bothers me.


"I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023
January 29, 2023, 04:12 PM
Good stuff and thanks for the informative post. I really want to try one but need to do so in a Gen 3 19. I am afraid that these triggers will just like the Sig SRT trigger when they came out or now for that mater. Its do them all or none.

Maybe the GPT will be similar enough in its feel and operation that the difference won't be as different as the Sig SRT is. The shorter SRT reset was causing me to miss resets.

Guess I'm really wanting Glock to release the GPT for the baby frames next as I am all in now on my recent purchase of a G43X. I am waiting on NS that are due in in a few days. I have done the SA metal mag release and have 3 15rd mags so once its proven it will be my dedicated CCarry gun.
January 29, 2023, 04:21 PM
In its stock form, the GPT feels to me very much like the trigger on a Walther PPQ, except for the shape of the trigger shoe.

All of this has happened quite quickly. Two weeks ago, I wasn't aware this new trigger existed. This is shaping up to be- in my opinion- one of the very best things Glock has ever done. I'm going to hold off on going to the range to try out the new trigger until I get both pistols tweaked to my satisfaction. I'm looking forward to it.

One last thing- the goop Glock puts on the trigger bar/connector interface is the same copper colored lubricant they apply to all new pistols. This is Loctite C5-A and it's readily available everywhere. Once this requires replenishing on your GPT (or if you change out the connector) you can put more C5-A on it, but if you don't have it, I'd recommend either Slip 2000 EWG or the old reliable TW25B. Any of these three will remain put, but the C5-A is going to hang on the longest, then TW25B, then EWG.
January 29, 2023, 04:34 PM
Really looking forward to the range reports.... Smile

I'm also in the non flat trigger camp and looking forward to that input as well.
January 29, 2023, 04:36 PM
In its stock form, the GPT feels to me very much like the trigger on a Walther PPQ, except for the shape of the trigger shoe.

Which to me would be amazing on the range but far to “light” for me personally in a defensive gun. That is not me saying it’s far too light for EVERYBODY just too light for my own personal comfort level.

I am trying to put more time into my strikers/Glocks of late as I’ve stayed pretty solidly DA/SA for many years and Glocks have been back burner and coming back into my Glocks more seriously reminds me of just how different striker triggers really feel (in general) and how light and short a stock Glock trigger is especially when you are wired for a 10-12 pound first shot DA. The last thing I need is a shorter lighter trigger. Smile

Take Care, Shoot Safe,
January 29, 2023, 04:38 PM
This is why the OEM Plus connector (8 pounds versus 5 or 5.5 for stock) is a vital part of the equation.

Though Glock rates the Plus connector at 8 pounds, all indications are that it's going to pull lighter than that in the GPT.


"I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023
February 05, 2023, 11:53 AM
I added 2 glocks to the collection this week. A glock 44 for training/fun with the kids and a gen3 g19 to make 3 g19s total. A few weeks ago I took my 2 oldest (15 and 17) shooting. They shot a g34, g19, cz pcr, p938, 1911 and a s&w 4516. They both walked away saying they wanted a g19.
February 05, 2023, 02:06 PM
Guess what I saw yesterday? Two current production Gen4 17c. They left Glock January 4 and have the current prefix (7 digit) serial number range.

The LGS said they have some 19c on the way.

"It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it works out for them"

February 05, 2023, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by jljones:
Guess what I saw yesterday? Two current production Gen4 17c. They left Glock January 4 and have the current prefix (7 digit) serial number range.

The LGS said they have some 19c on the way.

I never would have considered a g19c but my arthritis is starting to make them more appealing.
February 05, 2023, 08:11 PM
Well really haven't bought much in the last few years as I have many many options that will and have met my needs.

But after handling my neighbors G43 it raised my interest a bit. I like the slim width but the 6+1 capacity just wasn't sufficient enough to justify over the Glocks and other options I currently own.

While I had watch some reports on the other baby framed Glocks I just hadn't payed close attention. Then I looked a little further and saw the G43X with 10+1rds and well that was a minimum acceptable rd count needed for CCarry.

Went back and read up on the development of the Shield Arms S-15 mags with the needed metal mag release. So 15+1rds really sealed the deal.

Ordered a Ghost -3. Connector and brought the 7lb factory trigger down to 4 3/4 - 5 lbs which is where I have all my other Glocks at with the factory -Minus connector.

Installed the Shield Arms metal mag release and using the S-15 mags now. Replaced the factory sight with green Ameriglow night sights.

My choice for CCarry holster options is either a MIC trigger guard holster or in a Galco Miami Classic shoulder holster. Have just the holster for the Galco due here Monday and after getting ripped off by RockYourGlock doing a bait and switch on the MIC trigger guard holster which is what was shown on his site but what I received was a crappy ass bait and switch with a “Gun $ Flower” PRC/crappy ass China crap. Had tried buying directly from MIC for several weeks but every time i checked the site they showed Sold Out which is what sent me to RYG. When I received the ryg china crap I messaged mic and made them aware of ryg using their info to sell china crap which they weren't happy about and my reason for going to ryg. MIC advised that they had stock but the site had a glitch which after being made aware of they fixed and asked that I send them the ryg china crap in exchange for new mic holsters in exchange which i have done. Having 15 other MIC trigger guard holster for Glocks, SW Jframe and my Ruger LC9 no other trigger guard holsters compare.

Need to get the range time in to prove out the G43X but looking forward to the change over from my G26 & G19.

Only thing lacking IMO is a LaserMax guide rod laser. I have and have owned quite a few for Sigs but never put one on a Glock but am wanting to try one on the G43X really bad.
February 05, 2023, 10:31 PM
PSA is coming out with their version of a 15rd mag that is compatible with the 43X. It's for their new Micro Dagger pistol which is their clone of the 43X.

I had a Lasermax on my gen3 22 a bazillion years ago. The lens kept getting dirty and hard to clean, I had Lasermax warranty it then didn't reinstall it. Never bothered to move it to my gen3 31 when we switched in 2008. It's still somewhere in the safe.

Not minority enough!
February 05, 2023, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by jljones:
Guess what I saw yesterday? Two current production Gen4 17c. They left Glock January 4 and have the current prefix (7 digit) serial number range.

The LGS said they have some 19c on the way.

Interesting and cool at the same time. Always wanted to try a “C” Glock.

Last month at SHOT I asked one of the reps if they still produced them as none were on display. He said they were discontinued.

This wasn’t long after I’d asked another rep if/when the 26 MOS was going to be available for civilian purchase.
He insisted it simply didn’t exist (multiple times). After I pointed out 1) it’s been on Glock’s EU website for quite awhile, 2) legit pics exist of it, and 3) it was available for certain LE unit(s’ in New England - then it was…”Well a few made it over here but it’s never being sold/released.” Roll Eyes

"It pays to be a winner."
February 06, 2023, 07:43 AM
Originally posted by Chowser:
The lens kept getting dirty and hard to clean,.

Smoking up of the LM lenses has always taken place and while sightly it never effected the laser output on mine. I just wipe it off several times on longer range sessions. I could see where it would be harder to remove if left on it.

Will be interesting to see if the psa mags work.
February 08, 2023, 08:36 PM
48 MOS acquired. Now I’ll be shopping for a red dot and a weapon light. A slimmer option than the G19 for summer.

Do not send me to a heaven where there are no dogs.
Step Up or Stand Aside: Support the Troops !
Expectations are premeditated disappointments.
February 09, 2023, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by Riley:
48 MOS acquired. Now I’ll be shopping for a red dot and a weapon light. A slimmer option than the G19 for summer.

Can’t speak to a dot for the thin guns but the TLR7-Sub is an excellent light option.

Take Care, Shoot Safe,