You will buy a Glock
October 08, 2022, 11:59 AM
Z06You will buy a Glock
Yeah, one of those little guys showed up on an email from a LGS at a good price so...
I 're-homed' it.
The trouble with trouble is; it always starts out as fun.
October 08, 2022, 12:08 PM
patw^^^They are hard to beat. Congrats.
October 08, 2022, 06:13 PM
D_StevePicked up this Blue Label 43X a week ago, interesting frame difference from the one above. There was a 43X in the same case with MOS and Nite sights for $130 more. Passed on that and didn't notice if it was US or Austrian made with the rail.
My trigger digit doesn't play well with Glock OEM triggers, so the Overwatch Precision Poly was installed
October 09, 2022, 08:56 PM
bionic218Hold up! You can get a 43X with a rail now? What rock have I been living under?
ETA: Checked the website. Looks like it's MOS only.
October 10, 2022, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by bionic218:
Hold up! You can get a 43X with a rail now? What rock have I been living under?
ETA: Checked the website. Looks like it's MOS only.
Great now I need a MOS 43X

October 10, 2022, 01:54 PM
divilThe G43x seems to me to be the perfect size for ccw. I just need a set Heine Sights for the little beast.
October 10, 2022, 02:02 PM
CPD SIGquote:
Originally posted by divil:
The G43x seems to me to be the perfect size for ccw. I just need a set Heine Sights for the little beast.
My 43X MOS has quickly replaced my G-19 as my off duty carry. I tossed in some Shield magazines, so at 15 rounds, I have the same amount as the G-19. I'm still looking at RDS' and sights for it.
Even with the RDS and the 15 rd metal magazine, the size and weight is perfect!
"When its time to shoot, shoot. Dont talk!"
“What the government is good at is collecting taxes, taking away your freedoms and killing people. It’s not good at much else.” —Author Tom Clancy
October 10, 2022, 02:08 PM
divilYou may want to get a steel mag release if using those Shield magazines. It seems they will eventually abrade the polymer release.
October 10, 2022, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by divil:
You may want to get a steel mag release if using those Shield magazines. It seems they will eventually abrade the polymer release.
Does anyone have any real world testing on this internet claim, how many times does it take to wear out the release, 3, 15, 150, 1500? Have a couple of Shield mags for the 43/48 and would really like to know...
Most of us don't take their 43's to the range for extended use in match shoots, maybe a mag or two for practice from time to time.
October 10, 2022, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by HRK:
Originally posted by divil:
You may want to get a steel mag release if using those Shield magazines. It seems they will eventually abrade the polymer release.
Does anyone have any real world testing on this internet claim, how many times does it take to wear out the release, 3, 15, 150, 1500? Have a couple of Shield mags for the 43/48 and would really like to know...
Most of us don't take their 43's to the range for extended use in match shoots, maybe a mag or two for practice from time to time.
I do. Let me dig up some pictures and I'll follow up.
NRA Life Member
Steak: Rare. Coffee: Black. Bourbon: Neat. October 10, 2022, 07:28 PM
CPD SIGquote:
Originally posted by HRK:
Originally posted by divil:
You may want to get a steel mag release if using those Shield magazines. It seems they will eventually abrade the polymer release.
Does anyone have any real world testing on this internet claim, how many times does it take to wear out the release, 3, 15, 150, 1500? Have a couple of Shield mags for the 43/48 and would really like to know...
Most of us don't take their 43's to the range for extended use in match shoots, maybe a mag or two for practice from time to time.
Divil- Got them. I got the 3 mags and the release package. Love them so far, and not a problem at all.
**The only thing I wish it that the company let you choose what color mag release & base plates... Meh.. not a huge deal.
Mike- I dont have the exact #, but sooner or later that plastic rubbing on the metal; the plastic is going to loose. This is one of my EDC guns, so I'm not willing to try it out. That being said, I don't worry about using a G-43X mag as a back-up / spare.
"When its time to shoot, shoot. Dont talk!"
“What the government is good at is collecting taxes, taking away your freedoms and killing people. It’s not good at much else.” —Author Tom Clancy
October 10, 2022, 07:45 PM
divilGood deal.
October 10, 2022, 08:39 PM
iron chefquote:
Originally posted by HRK:
Originally posted by divil:
You may want to get a steel mag release if using those Shield magazines. It seems they will eventually abrade the polymer release.
Does anyone have any real world testing on this internet claim, how many times does it take to wear out the release, 3, 15, 150, 1500? Have a couple of Shield mags for the 43/48 and would really like to know...
I had a G43X w/ aftermarket aluminum alloy mag catch (Tyrant Designs if you must know). When Shield Arms first released their mags, they recommended installing any metal mag catch. After a few months, they had to revise their recommendation, b/c any metal isn't good enough. It needs to be steel.
In my case, I noticed severe wear on my aluminum mag catch after about 300rds or so. It was still holding the mags in place, but the mags were seating lower. When you looked at the mag baseplate, you could see it hanging ~1.5mm lower than normal beneath the mag well. I didn't have any feed problems - yet - but I knew the set up was going to fail soon, so I replaced the mag catch.
I would expect a polymer mag catch to wear faster than an aluminum one.
October 11, 2022, 08:55 AM
Originally posted by iron chef:
I had a G43X w/ aftermarket aluminum alloy mag catch (Tyrant Designs if you must know). When Shield Arms first released their mags, they recommended installing any metal mag catch. After a few months, they had to revise their recommendation, b/c any metal isn't good enough. It needs to be steel.
In my case, I noticed severe wear on my aluminum mag catch after about 300rds or so. It was still holding the mags in place, but the mags were seating lower. When you looked at the mag baseplate, you could see it hanging ~1.5mm lower than normal beneath the mag well. I didn't have any feed problems - yet - but I knew the set up was going to fail soon, so I replaced the mag catch.
I would expect a polymer mag catch to wear faster than an aluminum one.
Ok the other question was, how often are you changing mags, is the use level like a match or the occasional range trip that induced the wear on the Aluminum one.
I'm running the Shield mag and stock release but it's not a range toy, and mag changes are infrequent at best, cleaning and oiling occasionally, maybe two trips to the range.
Swap between the shield and stock Glock mags since I have one Shield and several stock Glock mags. Wouldn't the steel release tear up the stock Glock mags.
If so, then sounds like one needs to commit to full time Shield mags or glock but not both.
October 11, 2022, 09:15 AM
BennerP220Yes, good rule is steel to steel or polymer to polymer. I use only shield mags and mag catch in my 43x and 48. The OEM mags typically will wear and most importantly will not seat correctly with the shield catch.
Originally posted by HRK:
Originally posted by iron chef:
I had a G43X w/ aftermarket aluminum alloy mag catch (Tyrant Designs if you must know). When Shield Arms first released their mags, they recommended installing any metal mag catch. After a few months, they had to revise their recommendation, b/c any metal isn't good enough. It needs to be steel.
In my case, I noticed severe wear on my aluminum mag catch after about 300rds or so. It was still holding the mags in place, but the mags were seating lower. When you looked at the mag baseplate, you could see it hanging ~1.5mm lower than normal beneath the mag well. I didn't have any feed problems - yet - but I knew the set up was going to fail soon, so I replaced the mag catch.
I would expect a polymer mag catch to wear faster than an aluminum one.
Ok the other question was, how often are you changing mags, is the use level like a match or the occasional range trip that induced the wear on the Aluminum one.
I'm running the Shield mag and stock release but it's not a range toy, and mag changes are infrequent at best, cleaning and oiling occasionally, maybe two trips to the range.
Swap between the shield and stock Glock mags since I have one Shield and several stock Glock mags. Wouldn't the steel release tear up the stock Glock mags.
If so, then sounds like one needs to commit to full time Shield mags or glock but not both.
October 11, 2022, 12:17 PM
cslingerI do not own any shield mags nor have I any experience with aftermarket mag catches on Glocks so if the question is stupid just bear with me.
When does the where occur? Is it during recoil and operation of the gun causing the mag to shift to and fro slightly or is it during mag changes?
I ask because if it is during mag changes could the issue be mitigated for those who are either using the plastic catch with steel mags or vice versa by holding the mag button in during a range reload, therefore mitigating the normal rubbing that occurs and simply releasing the button after insertion?
I realize this is a JUST FOR THE RANGE kind of thing but if it is for say once in a while use of the stock mags with a steel catch it seems this might mitigate a lot of the issue.
Again purely academic question as I don’t own a gun that uses Shield mags nor am I likely to but curiosity and all
Take Care, Shoot Safe,
October 11, 2022, 02:37 PM
P220 SmudgeI can't imagine there's really all that much wear happening on the magazine during reloads no matter how gently or forcefully one does them, and certainly not in any way that compares to the battering that juncture of parts undergoes during recoil. Again, also speaking academically because I owned a G48 for a bit, but never owned Shield mags, or even shot the gun.
Endeavoring to master the subtle art of the grapefruit spoon.
October 11, 2022, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by cslinger:
I do not own any shield mags nor have I any experience with aftermarket mag catches on Glocks so if the question is stupid just bear with me.
When does the where occur? Is it during recoil and operation of the gun causing the mag to shift to and fro slightly or is it during mag changes?
I ask because if it is during mag changes could the issue be mitigated for those who are either using the plastic catch with steel mags or vice versa by holding the mag button in during a range reload, therefore mitigating the normal rubbing that occurs and simply releasing the button after insertion?
I realize this is a JUST FOR THE RANGE kind of thing but if it is for say once in a while use of the stock mags with a steel catch it seems this might mitigate a lot of the issue.
Again purely academic question as I don’t own a gun that uses Shield mags nor am I likely to but curiosity and all
Cslinger, I cannot speak to your question from experience as my 43x w/ shield magazines has a steel mag release. I can tell you about what happens to my daughter while shooting her G26, the magazine will move up/down/left/right as the slide strips off a round. This has caused a painful condition for her as I pinched her finger. This movement of the magazine due to contact with the slide is my SWAG as to the cause of damage.
Just another day in paradise.
October 11, 2022, 04:07 PM
CPD SIGquote:
Originally posted by cslinger:
I do not own any shield mags nor have I any experience with aftermarket mag catches on Glocks so if the question is stupid just bear with me.
When does the where occur? Is it during recoil and operation of the gun causing the mag to shift to and fro slightly or is it during mag changes?
I ask because if it is during mag changes could the issue be mitigated for those who are either using the plastic catch with steel mags or vice versa by holding the mag button in during a range reload, therefore mitigating the normal rubbing that occurs and simply releasing the button after insertion?
I realize this is a JUST FOR THE RANGE kind of thing but if it is for say once in a while use of the stock mags with a steel catch it seems this might mitigate a lot of the issue.
Again purely academic question as I don’t own a gun that uses Shield mags nor am I likely to but curiosity and all
***Im going to assume***
It's 3 times - the pulse of the recoil is going to make that plastic mag move ever so slightly against the metal release.
More so when you depress the mag release, that's when the most movement is occurring, then when the mag is removed & inserted- the plastic again rubs against the metal.
"When its time to shoot, shoot. Dont talk!"
“What the government is good at is collecting taxes, taking away your freedoms and killing people. It’s not good at much else.” —Author Tom Clancy
October 11, 2022, 10:59 PM
YooperSigsAttn: Would be Glocksters: AIM Surplus just emailed me they have LEO turn G21s and G22 / G23s starting at $325.
End of Earth: 2 Miles
Upper Peninsula: 4 Miles