You will buy a Glock

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October 02, 2020, 08:46 PM
P220 Smudge
You will buy a Glock
Sounds like you're good to go, then.

Originally posted by Sunset_Va:
It's what sold me on Gen 4/5's, seems the bare grip was made smaller.

It was, they phased out the SF (short frame) models and incorporated that change in the dimensions into the standard Gen 4 models, including the calibers and frame sizes that didn't have it previously. Prior to that, it was just the .45 and 10mm Glocks that had it as an option. A good move on their part.

Endeavoring to master the subtle art of the grapefruit spoon.
October 25, 2020, 10:26 PM
I bought a Glock 43x with night sites this weekend through a private sale. I had the chance to shoot around 200 rounds today and really like the gun. I did have one failure to eject at around the 100 round mark but no issues after that. I think this is a gun I am going to keep.
October 26, 2020, 07:58 AM
G43xMOS is on the Glock web page. Guess I need some shield mags and find out what lights fit it best.
October 26, 2020, 12:17 PM
Well, I did it again. This is my fourth foray into the world of Glock. Three times I've tried and three times I've abandoned the platform. Oddly, something keeps calling me back. Hopefully the Gen5 grip frame (sans finger grooves) combined with the new texture will keep my attention. So far, I'm very positive on the G45. I like the Gen5 features while the full sized grip fits my paw much better than the G19. I could take or leave the front slide serrations.

Glock G45

October 26, 2020, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by hjs157:
Hopefully the Gen5 grip frame (sans finger grooves) combined with the new texture will keep my attention.

The Gen 5 texture is the same as the Gen 4.

It's only "new" if you're comparing it to the Gen 3 texture.
October 26, 2020, 01:51 PM
You'll love the 45. It's my current off duty carry gun with Trijicon RMR.

As soon as I can get a gen5 23, I will be tossing my 32's barrel in it and carrying a compact 357sig gen5 Glock. lol

Not minority enough!
October 26, 2020, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by RogueJSK:

The Gen 5 texture is the same as the Gen 4.

It's only "new" if you're comparing it to the Gen 3 texture.

Good point RogueJSK. I should have said new to me. My previous experience with Glock predates the introduction of the Gen4 models. I had a Gen2 G19 which I foolishly traded away plus a handful of various Gen3 models. I never could warm up to the finger grooves. Thanks!
October 26, 2020, 04:04 PM
P220 Smudge
Originally posted by DansSIGs:
I've said it before &
I'll say it again

NEVER will a Glock be in my inventory of firearms.

That's an entirely new and original statement in this thread.

No, really. You're a pioneer.

Endeavoring to master the subtle art of the grapefruit spoon.
October 26, 2020, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by DansSIGs:
I've said it before &
I'll say it again

NEVER will a Glock be in my inventory of firearms.
Yes, this makes three times you'e come into this thread to tell us this, which is the equivalent of the guy who stands outside the gay bath house yelling that he doesn't give blowjobs and he never will.
October 26, 2020, 07:30 PM
Well, it happened again. I bought a new Glock. This time I bought a Gen 5 G19 mos with no cut out.
Background checks are taking one to two day because they are busy and the Wuhan wheeze.
I look forward to the first Gen5 without the cut out.
I never could get used to the cut out on the other G19 that I have. It cut into my smallest finger on my right hand.
When I go back I may add a G44 if they still have them.
I should have done it while I was there.
October 27, 2020, 07:45 AM
Well, it happened again. I bought a new Glock. This time I bought a Gen 5 G19 mos with no cut out.
Background checks are taking one to two day because they are busy and the Wuhan wheeze.
I look forward to the first Gen5 without the cut out.

Yeah, that's one good thing about having puny hands and fingers; the front strap cutout has never bothered me, not that I ever use my pinkie as part of my hold.

However...I kinda wish the Gen5 compact frame felt nicer to me; unlike the full size Gen5 which I totally adore, the compact backstrap 'hump' of the Gen5 G19 annoys me to no end, so unlike the earlier generations of compact Glocks. Despite my Glockaholic nature--especially for the compacts--I've skipped the G19 this time around, so unlike the kajillion or so who've fallen for the gun. I guess I'll just have to make do with my G45 and Gen5 G17 build. Wink

Enjoy your new G19. They are otherwise pretty badass.

October 27, 2020, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by DansSIGs:
I've said it before &
I'll say it again

NEVER will a Glock be in my inventory of firearms.

I made the statement that I would NEVER touch/ride a HD again in the late 70's
I have NOT touched a HD to this day.

Always carry. Never tell.
October 27, 2020, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by DansSIGs:
I've said it before &
I'll say it again

NEVER will a Glock be in my inventory of firearms.

I don't see nothin' wroooong... with a little Glock 'n griiiiind...
October 27, 2020, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by parabellum:
Originally posted by DansSIGs:
I've said it before &
I'll say it again

NEVER will a Glock be in my inventory of firearms.
Yes, this makes three times you'e come into this thread to tell us this, which is the equivalent of the guy who stands outside the gay bath house yelling that he doesn't give blowjobs and he never will.

Medic! Severe burns here! Big Grin
October 27, 2020, 06:21 PM
For your own sake, do some research on latent glockosexuality. You know, you are just postponing the inevitable. In the meantime, you are in a prison of your own making.
October 27, 2020, 07:55 PM
I fought it back in the day, I really did, then I started shooting for speed. Accordingly, I use a G34 for any purpose where I need to put down the shots and get hits quickly. The Glockamole in the month of Glocktober just tastes so fine. I still dig my 1911, and P226 tho. They cool!
October 28, 2020, 09:22 AM
My first real pistol was a Glock was a 21, Gen1 bought new in 1994, before that I'd had a Rossi 22 revolver, it doesn't count. I'd shot my dad's 1911 when I was ~15 but it was old beat up and rattled ... a lot. It was a few years before I got my first Kimber, and fell head over heals in love with the stainless steel and rosewood grips.

Since then Glocks have come and gone, money isn't as tight as it was in my youth so one hasn't "gone" in quite a while ... however I do kinda regret letting a 34 go a couple years ago but he wanted it really bad. I'd like to have another but not willing to pay the premium prices of the current market, and my 19,23 & 26 keep from doing anything foolish.

My Rugers, 1911's, SiG's, CZ's and HK's don't seem to mind sharing the love ... we're just one big blended family!

If you really want something you'll find a way ...
... if you don't you'll find an excuse.

I'm really not a "kid" anymore ... but I haven't grown up yet either Wink
October 28, 2020, 11:15 AM
P220 Smudge
Stopped by one of my local shops yesterday. They had a Glock 45, 48 and I forget what else in stock. $700 a pop. So inventory is starting to return but the prices are still ridiculous.

Endeavoring to master the subtle art of the grapefruit spoon.
October 28, 2020, 12:52 PM
Got my eye on the Glock 48 MOS as a new carry option. Anyone shoot one yet?

October 28, 2020, 02:22 PM
Don't think so
Glocks are not as refined in aesthetics compared to others
I don't like the idea of plastic mags wrapped in metal (Upscale Mossberg Mags)
Don't like the grips
Think there are better choices in which to purchase.

I'll pass, thank you.