You will buy a Glock

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November 17, 2018, 02:52 PM
You will buy a Glock
I tried to resist until New Year's Eve, but...Katarina came home with me today. Gen. 5 Model 17 MOS. May get some range time tomorrow, just cleaned her up. I like the grip as is, and like my 21 and 23 it will most likely not get a grip adapter. Will check out optics before Christmas.
November 17, 2018, 04:25 PM
Picked up a G19 Gen5 MOS today. I am not disappointed.

I have the heart of a lion.......and a lifetime ban from the Toronto Zoo.- Unknown
November 17, 2018, 07:09 PM
I own and have owned Sig's, S&W's, Ruger's, and Beretta's. Just purchased my first Glock last week, a slightly used G26. I am partial to subcompacts and really like it so far. Next up, the 365. The LGS has them for $500. Trying to decide on buying it now, or waiting until spring. Wonder if the price will come down at all by then?
November 17, 2018, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by SigSauerP226:
Couple of months ago, I was thinking my first Glock would be the 19, but now I'm basically shopping for a 26. It wAs a fun little gun to shoot at the range yesterday. Didn't even mind the pinky curled under. With capacity limited to 10, I figure it's a no brainier. Guess I gotta go find a 26 with NS on Black Friday on sale somewhere...and mags...and 9mm ammo...and holster(s). Big Grin

My first Glock was going to be a 26, but after a little bit of research and some hands-on shopping, I realized that for the nominal increase in size, getting the pinky-finger on the grip and the five additional rounds of magazine capacity, I wound up with the 19.

"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy."
November 21, 2018, 05:30 PM
I just came to voice my disdain for the prophet...

I was a member when this thread started and chuckled a "yeah right" under my breath. Through the years, I bought, sold and traded into and out of some awesome pistols.

The final straw broke when I just didn't care for the p320 I tried. I was about to swear off strikers on the whole, but thought "can you really do that if you never even tried Glock".

So I traded that 320 on a used gen4 19. Took it to the range expecting the usual familiarity dance of trying to learn the trigger, but it shot better in my hands on that first outing than any and everything I had shot in over a decade on a first range trip. I backed up to 50 yards, something I've never even tried with other pistols and was still hitting 4 of 5 pretty consistently.

I now have a 26 and 43.....

A 45 is on my wish list.....

Do you have lottery numbers Para?
November 21, 2018, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by Cookster:

My first Glock was going to be a 26, but after a little bit of research and some hands-on shopping, I realized that for the nominal increase in size, getting the pinky-finger on the grip and the five additional rounds of magazine capacity, I wound up with the 19.

Good news is when you get a G26, all your G19 mags will work in it.

What I did was add the Pierce pinky mag extension to some of my G26 mags to allow for a full grip. Some will ask, if I added the extension, why not just carry the 19?

Well, appendix carry for me, it's the butt of the G19 back strap that prints.
Having just the pinky extension on the G26 retains the short grip that doesn't print, yet allows for the full grip. Having a shorter slide is also more comfortable while sitting down.
I shoot the 26 just fine with no extension, but having a full grip has a more solid draw from the holster for me.
November 23, 2018, 01:04 PM
Last Thursday, 11/15/18, turned in my department issued Sig 229 and transitioned to a department issued Glock 17 Gen 5 with Streamlight TLR-1.......loved it. Qualification was a breeze with great groups.

Friday, 11/16/18, I bought a Glock 17 Gen 5, along with Streamlight TLR-1 and same duty holster to set up my shooting sports belt to use for local competitions and training.

Still loving my G45 for off duty carry.
November 23, 2018, 07:35 PM
I am considering a G29 for my first Glock. I have a hankering to add a 10mm to the stable.

GOD, Family, Country
November 23, 2018, 10:34 PM
P220 Smudge
Originally posted by parabellum:
I've long thought they might skip over the model designation "40", to avoid confusion.

Randomly skipping back, this post from May 31, 2012 makes me chuckle. Razz

Endeavoring to master the subtle art of the grapefruit spoon.
November 24, 2018, 12:43 AM
I do like by G40.
November 24, 2018, 10:47 AM
Originally posted by jsbcody:
Last Thursday, 11/15/18, turned in my department issued Sig 229 and transitioned to a department issued Glock 17 Gen 5 with Streamlight TLR-1.......loved it. Qualification was a breeze with great groups.

Friday, 11/16/18, I bought a Glock 17 Gen 5, along with Streamlight TLR-1 and same duty holster to set up my shooting sports belt to use for local competitions and training.

Still loving my G45 for off duty carry.

Thats really kinda sad ... after all, this is a SiG forum.

Although that's one reason I like this forum, you don't get reprimanded for liking a different firearm ... there was a time, not so long ago (ok, maybe a decade or so ago) ... I got ganged up on another forum because I preferred building a "Frankn-AR" over buying a name A-B-C brand (Armalite - Bushmaster - Colt) ... then came along Rock River Arms, which replaced Bushmaster in "preference" because they (Bushmaster) had let some Bolt Carrier Keys out without being locked (also their finish had a deep purple tint to it). Then bla bla bla companies came along and all the new experts emerged with the "cottage industries" making specialty parts, and finally even Ruger and Springfield threw their hats in the ring.

Damb, I started rambling did I? {/ramble}

Anyway, Glocks' are good.

If you really want something you'll find a way ...
... if you don't you'll find an excuse.

I'm really not a "kid" anymore ... but I haven't grown up yet either Wink
November 25, 2018, 04:12 PM
Katarina (Gen.5 17 MOS) didn't like the HPR brand JHPs I tried today at all. Numerous failures to feed, and one magazine especially seemed prone to fail with it, and not latching up well. But that's why we go to the range. I'll try those rounds and the magazine in the 19 before swearing off both totally.
November 26, 2018, 10:42 AM
I was thinking about picking up a 19 or 27, I had a G/27 in the past and thought about buying a 9mm barrel for it but I sold the pistol.

Now I'm interested in the sig 365 so I don't know what I'm gonna choose.
November 26, 2018, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by MT357Magnum:
I was thinking about picking up a 19 or 27, I had a G/27 in the past and thought about buying a 9mm barrel for it but I sold the pistol.

Now I'm interested in the sig 365 so I don't know what I'm gonna choose.

AIM has Leo trade in G27’s for cheap and unlike a p365 it won’t potentially break on you
November 26, 2018, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by Cookster:
Originally posted by SigSauerP226:
Couple of months ago, I was thinking my first Glock would be the 19, but now I'm basically shopping for a 26. It wAs a fun little gun to shoot at the range yesterday. Didn't even mind the pinky curled under. With capacity limited to 10, I figure it's a no brainier. Guess I gotta go find a 26 with NS on Black Friday on sale somewhere...and mags...and 9mm ammo...and holster(s). Big Grin

My first Glock was going to be a 26, but after a little bit of research and some hands-on shopping, I realized that for the nominal increase in size, getting the pinky-finger on the grip and the five additional rounds of magazine capacity, I wound up with the 19.

Wound up going with the 26. Don't have it just yet, but put in my order. The capacity part, unfortunately, doesn't matter here as we are limited to 10 rounds. I'll probably try some Pearce extensions to see if I like it even better than the curled pinky. I'm pretty pumped, already bought a bunch of 9mm and 3 mags on black friday, looking at holsters, going to eventually head over to that customize your Glock thread Big Grin

...Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel, was just a freight train coming your way...
November 27, 2018, 04:09 PM
After all these years, I finally picked up a Glock. I picked up a Blue Label 19 gen 5. I have to get used to it now. I put 100 rounds through it and hit low left.

"I Get It Now"

Beth Greene
November 27, 2018, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by Tommydogg:
After all these years, I finally picked up a Glock. I picked up a Blue Label 19 gen 5. I have to get used to it now. I put 100 rounds through it and hit low left.

A little practice will cure that.

Your going to like it a lot.

NRA Life Member, Annual Member GOA, MGO Annual Member
November 27, 2018, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by Tommydogg:
After all these years, I finally picked up a Glock. I picked up a Blue Label 19 gen 5. I have to get used to it now. I put 100 rounds through it and hit low left.
Typical new Glock shooter syndrome. Give it 500rds and dry fire practice and you'll be right as rain, centered up on target.
November 27, 2018, 06:05 PM
P220 Smudge
It might seem counter-intuitive, but get more finger on the tigger, even up to the knuckle and off the pad if you can.

Endeavoring to master the subtle art of the grapefruit spoon.
November 27, 2018, 06:46 PM

Worked wonders for me and the GlockenPistolen