You will buy a Glock

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October 15, 2017, 09:57 PM
P220 Smudge
You will buy a Glock
Local store quoted me five fundred plus tax for the G17 Rtf2 with the curved serrations once it becomes available. I may very well have to do that.

Endeavoring to master the subtle art of the grapefruit spoon.
October 15, 2017, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by soggy_spinout:
I keep playing with the Gen5 guns at work. That thing about being perpetually broke as a result of being employed at a gun shop is working its dreaded mojo once again.

Up until the Gen5 I've always preferred the feel of the compact frame over the full-size, even with the somewhat similar Gen2 guns. But something about the Gen5s has me liking the G17 over the G19 this time around. I can't precisely explain it, but the full-size just feels right compared to the smaller G19.

Oh and then we just got a couple of the CZ 75 SP-01 Phantoms in, but that's a tale for another thread...oh how my paycheck could take a another beating!

I had wanted one of the Phantoms , but they were discontinued, and I purchased the P 09, then the Phantoms were reintroduced.

Wanting to see one of the G5/17's you speak of. Have seen the Gen5/19.

Whats a poor boy gonna do these days?

October 21, 2017, 11:49 AM

Guns, cars, Cuban cigars
October 21, 2017, 11:54 AM
Lookin' pretty good there, SVTNate.
October 21, 2017, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by soggy_spinout:
......Up until the Gen5 I've always preferred the feel of the compact frame over the full-size, even with the somewhat similar Gen2 guns. But something about the Gen5s has me liking the G17 over the G19 this time around. I can't precisely explain it, but the full-size just feels right compared to the smaller G19......

Likewise I prefer the grip fit/feel of my Gen4 G19 to my Gen4 G34.

I don't have a Gen5. However, after buying/shooting both Gen4 pistols, I noticed a distinct difference between the two grips. Part is the positioning of the finger grooves and part is the shape of the back strap.I was surprised, since these were my first two Glocks and I had assumed the G19 grip was just a shorter G34/17 grip...wrong.

I suspect the lack of grooves on the Gen5 G17 allows a slightly different grip, depending on hand and grip style. Also the contour of the back strap. Regardless, if it works it works.

An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less until he knows absolutely everything about nothing. --Nicholas Murray Butler
October 21, 2017, 08:13 PM
P220 Smudge
Originally posted by soggy_spinout:
Lookin' pretty good there, SVTNate.

Seriously. When I look at the grip I think "Gen 1 perfected." I quite like the overall product.

Endeavoring to master the subtle art of the grapefruit spoon.
October 22, 2017, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by soggy_spinout:
Up until the Gen5 I've always preferred the feel of the compact frame over the full-size, even with the somewhat similar Gen2 guns. But something about the Gen5s has me liking the G17 over the G19 this time around. I can't precisely explain it, but the full-size just feels right compared to the smaller G19.

I've had this battle with myself over several Glocks in different calibers. The full size frames just didn't have that "feel".
And now you say the full size gen5 feels right. Gee thanks, my bank account really needed to hear that. Wink

After the game, the King and the pawn go into the same box.
October 27, 2017, 04:03 PM
Like Swage, I remember when this thread started. I laughed. And I scoffed the idea I'd ever own those ugly plastic guns.

Love my G19 and G34. They're my car gun and EDC. Poor W. German P226 is relegated to nightstand duty these days...

HK's, SW's, and 1911s have come and gone, only the Sigs (my first gun was a Sig p6) and the Glocks have found permanent homes.

Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?
October 27, 2017, 04:07 PM

October 27, 2017, 06:36 PM
P220 Smudge
Originally posted by soggy_spinout:
Up until the Gen5 I've always preferred the feel of the compact frame over the full-size, even with the somewhat similar Gen2 guns. But something about the Gen5s has me liking the G17 over the G19 this time around. I can't precisely explain it, but the full-size just feels right compared to the smaller G19.

The Gen 1 17 I own feels like the absolute perfectly sized handgun, even though I carry a Gen 4 19 every day. A 17 with no finger grooves feels great in the hand. I think I need to handle a Gen 5 before I try to commit to buying one of those Gen 3 RTF2 reissues in a 17.

Endeavoring to master the subtle art of the grapefruit spoon.
October 28, 2017, 11:49 AM
I've now gone completely gen 5....couple of 17s and several 19s

I really hope the 34 and 26 get gen 5 releases


If the meek will inherit the earth, what will happen to us tigers?
October 29, 2017, 07:23 PM
Shot my G19.5 again today. Only 150 rounds though. I REALLY like this gun. It is joy to shoot.

Men fight for liberty and win it with hard knocks. Their children, brought up easy, let it slip away again, poor fools. And their grandchildren are once more slaves.

-D.H. Lawrence
November 04, 2017, 11:25 PM
You're right. I did it again today.

November 05, 2017, 07:49 AM
Of course and do own one. I would consider any firearm that is originally designed for military use. You know the military will run various tests to ensure it is rugged, reliable and in most all environmental conditions. Knowing that your firearm is going to work is what counts above all else.
November 05, 2017, 08:03 AM
Originally posted by LoungeChair:
You're right. I did it again today.
Well, yeah
Originally posted by BT2012:
Of course and do own one. I would consider any firearm that is originally designed for military use. You know the military will run various tests to ensure it is rugged, reliable and in most all environmental conditions. Knowing that your firearm is going to work is what counts above all else.
I can predict the future!

(I can also predict the past, but no one seems to care about that)
November 11, 2017, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by parabellum:
(I can also predict the past, but no one seems to care about that)

LOL!!! So true Smile

Some Glocks come & go ... but I'm not giving up my Gen2 G19 or G43!

No new Glocks to brag about, I've been in a CZ mood lately!

I picked up a 2005 NOS CZ 75 TS a few weeks ago in 40 and its an amazing shooter! 2.5 pound trigger, full length dust cover and the slide is so smooth feels like it's on ball bearings; double stack mag holds 16 so it's not exactly a CCW Smile I also fit a 9mm barrel to it, the standard mag for it holds 20, it's built for competition and came with 2 extra safety's and 2 slide release's in different contours, 2 extra extractors and 2 snap caps ... all factory!

I don't have large hands but the feel made me want another so I found a 75B also in SA only (most are DA/SA)and its in-bound. It has a 5-6 pound SA trigger out of the box but it can be "worked on". The 75 isn't plastic, but they feel good in my hand and they make me look good shooting them; very accurate right out of the box Wink

I don't buy for investment but quality holds its value; I don't sell or trade my Colts, Kimbers, SiG's or HK's and I have a feeling these CZ's will enjoy my safe for a long time as well!

If you really want something you'll find a way ...
... if you don't you'll find an excuse.

I'm really not a "kid" anymore ... but I haven't grown up yet either Wink
November 12, 2017, 12:46 AM
I've NEVER wanted a glock because I didn't like the way it felt in my hand and years ago I started with a Blackhawk and hi power clone and then sigs. I've always known how great a weapon it is and recommended it to friends to check out. I have now decided I NEED a glock 19 but can't make up my mind what gen to get. There is an indoor range near me that rents the gen 4 19 so hopefully in the next couple days I can get a chance to try it out and then bring one home.

It's kids like you, who make this bus late.
November 13, 2017, 10:49 PM
Again, this time a G43 Talo. Make it stop....
November 14, 2017, 05:02 AM
Yeah, I have Glocks. Several Glocks. So what.
Yesterday I bought a Sig...a plastic Sig...a P320C FDE 9mm and I love it too. In fact I might love it more. Only a few thousand rounds will tell for sure.

Colonel, USAF (Ret)
NRA Life Member
November 14, 2017, 05:59 AM
You seem confused.

Did you forget that you posted in this thread more than 4 years ago? And now you come into it like a defiant FNG.

It could be dementia. You should have that checked out- if you can remember to do so.

Fix your avatar, please.