You will buy a Glock

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March 07, 2017, 09:53 PM
You will buy a Glock
8 years, huh? It took me a lot longer than that, but I eventually came over to the Dark Side. Most will eventually. Wink
March 07, 2017, 10:03 PM
More like a golf cart with some chrome rims

March 07, 2017, 10:09 PM
Talking about pistols like their freaking fashion accessories. Maybe I'll get a Gucci holster and then I can be up-town.


"I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023
March 07, 2017, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by parabellum:
Talking about pistols like their freaking fashion accessories. Maybe I'll get a Gucci holster and then I can be up-town.

March 07, 2017, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by Gundawg:
More like a golf cart with some chrome rims

^ I don't like stippling, BUT that is the most awesome stippling job I've ever seen. Eek

That looks like a Ferrari to me... Wink
March 07, 2017, 10:15 PM
Originally posted by 1lowlife:
Originally posted by Gundawg:
More like a golf cart with some chrome rims

^ I don't like stippling, BUT that is the most awesome stippling job I've ever seen. Eek

That looks like a Ferrari to me... Wink

Exactly what I was going to say. Most stippling I see is a mistake and I would never do it but this looks professional.
March 08, 2017, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by Gundawg:
More like a golf cart with some chrome rims

The pervibal sows ear / silk purse?

Don't take it wrong, I carry a Glock too, but it's bone stock ... Kudos to the most awesome basket weave stippling job I've ever seen; I'm guessing it wasn't done with one of those soldering pencils?
Originally posted by 1lowlife:
If God forbid I'm involved in a justified shooting, would I rather give up a polymer pistol to the po-po, or WG Sig or classic S&W I may never get back?

My thoughts exactly ...

If you really want something you'll find a way ...
... if you don't you'll find an excuse.

I'm really not a "kid" anymore ... but I haven't grown up yet either Wink
March 08, 2017, 09:03 PM
What always amazes me are the folks who vehemently hate Glocks. The tool, not the man or the company.

I get there are hundreds if not more choices that are just as good if not better in many ways then Glocks. That being said to be an educated gun person and not give the Glock pistol it's well earned due seems silly.

I don't love my Glocks. I much prefer my HKs but every time I run a Glock I marvel at its nonsense simplicity. It is the epitome of a weapon. Sure you adapt to it but at the end of the day whether or not you personally want to use a Glock doesn't take away from the fact that it is damn near the Winchester rifle/colt SAA of our time.

Point is why post in the Glock thread why you don't want one?

I have moved away from them, personally, but I still haven't seen a gun introduced to this day that meets and checks all the boxes the average Glock 9mm does as a martial tool.

I submit if John Browning were alive today he would be sharing notes or at least paying close attention to that curtain rod making sumbitch.

But hey keep on hating. I don't particularly like the damn things either hence I only have 4 of them. Frown

As an aside holy crap this thread has been here longer than I have. Wow. Do the math. That is a company who is giving the customer what they want. So they have a few years to catch up to beretta but in the internet world impressive non the less. Smile

Take Care, Shoot Safe,
March 08, 2017, 09:39 PM
I've found that the haters hate only because those that prefer our Glocks are so adamant about it.
That gives them a reason to despise the Glock platform.

I realize some of the Glock**** fanboys have ruined our reputation, but as cslinger stated, it is hard to beat something that simply works.

March 09, 2017, 12:54 AM
Glocks are cheap, mags are cheap, they are reliable, they are easy to strip and clean, they require very little lube, they're light, short reset triggers, they are very effective at speed with some training, and I've found that with good sights and some frame work (remove the finger humps and recontour), I shoot them at 15-25 yards nearly as well as many of my much more expensive pistols (high end 1911's, P210, X5, etc)

The past 6 months or so, I'm only buying Glocks. I've owned Glocks since 2001 - sometimes just a couple, sometimes half a dozen or more. I've done multi-day shoot classes with them, I carry a Glock daily.

Are there nicer pistols? Sure. More beautiful, nicely finished, and entertaining pistols to shoot? Yup.

Are any of those measurably "better" for any objective mission I may have for a handgun? Nope. Worse, in fact, in many instances. I'm not interested in beating the hell out of my now-unobtanium Custom Shop P210 Legend Target, or carrying my Mk. 23, or keeping a $4,000 1911 as a nightstand gun, or sweating on it in 100 degree summer heat either.

I've got a lot of pistols I want to own, but the G19 (or G30SF) is the one I *need* to own.

Guns, cars, Cuban cigars
March 09, 2017, 01:30 AM
Wasn't gonna chime in, but...
I have shot damn near every "new" Glock out there. Spent a bunch of time at the range recently with a Glock rep, shooting everything he had. From that little 9mm single stack to the 10mm. Shot nice half dollar size groups. 2-3 inches high. The Glock guy explained why that happens. I don't care about any of that. I still don't like them. I had a 27 for awhile. Great gun. I hated it. Hate Porches and white cats too. Just no reason for it.
March 09, 2017, 03:09 AM
I love Sigs but still go back to the Glocks to me they just feel right , have a Gen 4 17 and Gen 3 19 I shoot Sigs better but I like Glock triggers . I found a mint G37 gap for 299 and almost got but a friend took it . I did pick up 2 Sig 320s the full size and a L/E package compact since Jan. The Glocks got a break.
March 09, 2017, 10:41 AM
I like Glock's, have several of them, they fit in for me for different reasons, but I also have Sig's HK's Walther's, colt's, Smiths & Wesson's, Kahr's FNH's Kimber's,Ruger's I have my favorites, but love them all, and stay proficient with them all, some are range guns, and some are part of my EDC Rotation, life is good, give any one of my guns, and I'm a happy guy..

P226 Scorpion, P225 A-1, P 226 SAO Legion, P229 Legion, P 22O Hunter SAO, P938, P320 full, P 320X Carry, P365 P365 XL. P365 SAS
March 10, 2017, 09:22 AM
I used to own a handful of Glocks. Iterated through a G22 (until I realized I hated .40), a G19, a G17.

I just picked up a G20 Gen4 a couple nights ago. The G20 has been on my list for probably close to 15 years.

I expect a G19Gen4 and G26Gen4 will be there too, eventually, and I'm going to nudge my wife in the direction of a G17 Gen4 to replace her little single-stack Walther. (Longer sight radius and those couple ounces more weight should help her with felt recoil.)
March 10, 2017, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by 1lowlife:
Originally posted by Gundawg:
More like a golf cart with some chrome rims

^ I don't like stippling, BUT that is the most awesome stippling job I've ever seen. Eek

That looks like a Ferrari to me... Wink

Stipple was done my Matt at 5B Gunworx, Slide was done by Jagerwerks. Very happy with both in form and function. The Radius serrations on the front of the slide have made a huge improvement in my ability to manipulate the slide. The re-contouring of the frame really makes a difference and one handed shooting as far as grip improved.

March 10, 2017, 06:10 PM
Still one of my least favorite polymer guns but will never get rid of my G26. Always goes bang. Dead on accurate. Will probably work when all others fail.

Just bought a gen 3 G29. Go figure.

March 11, 2017, 12:34 AM
My story...4 decades, 200+ handguns, owning most brands multiple calibers for a variety of reasons. I own mostly what I carry. What I carry is for Home Defense as well.
I now own less than 10 handguns... that said... A GLOCK will always be an option for me even if it has to be the ONLY option..
March 11, 2017, 06:50 AM
Originally posted by Gundawg:
More like a golf cart with some chrome rims

Well at least it's probably a safer thing than this:

Some of the stippling work out in the wild...well, it's out there.
March 11, 2017, 11:53 AM
Newest edition to the family. I LOVE the RMR!!!!

For ME:
DA/SA=Sig 9mm or HK P30 LEM 9
Striker fired= Glock 9mm
If it's a .45= 1911
Suppressed= HK in .45
I like anything in 10mm

March 11, 2017, 12:01 PM
That basket weave look,looks phenomenal. I also like the look of he 'Punisher' logo on the grip.It looks very clean,especially the logo. Whoever did that work is very talented.