You will buy a Glock

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August 29, 2014, 12:29 AM
You will buy a Glock
Originally posted by rmp5s:
This is probably way out of left field beings as we're almost 330 pages into this thread, but I just had something dawn on me. If I could get Sig's E2 P229-style grips on a Glock, I could probably live with the shitty trigger. I could either deal with the trigger or modify it and the odd grip angle doesn't really bother me too much...basically Sig's E2 grips would fix a Glock for me. I wouldn't even mind the lessened capacity if that would be the case. I'd buy one.

That is all.

Welcome to the forum new guy..
If you actually read thru the 330 pages, you will see many a member that bitched about the Glock grip angle, until they shot one.

I shoot my Glocks better than any of the Sigs (up to 10) that I've ever owned.

Not sure about your lessened capacity comment.
A stock 229 in 9mm holds 13 +1 rounds, 15 +1 with Mec-Gar mags.
A similar sized Glock 19 holds 15 +1 stock...

Maybe Glocks aren't for you...
So why are you milling about the Glock threads.... Roll Eyes

Perhaps you should stick with the Sig P320 if you feel the need for a striker polymer pistol...
August 29, 2014, 01:58 AM
Try the beaver tails included with gen 4's. Makes a huge difference to some people Wink

What am I doing? I'm talking to an empty telephone
August 30, 2014, 12:02 PM
The front sight on my Glock 20 just disappeared. I keep it in the kitchen as an HD gun and it doesn't get knocked around. Sometimes I carry it around the house. Are the front sights prone to falling off? Should I replace it with an OEM sight or put some night sights on?
August 30, 2014, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by Prefontaine:
Try the beaver tails included with gen 4's. Makes a huge difference to some people Wink

It made a world of difference to me.
August 30, 2014, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by Suppressed:
The front sight on my Glock 20 just disappeared. I keep it in the kitchen as an HD gun and it doesn't get knocked around. Sometimes I carry it around the house. Are the front sights prone to falling off? Should I replace it with an OEM sight or put some night sights on?

I've got a few Glock front sights and screws laying around.
If you need one email me your address, my email is in my profile.
Please state in your email what it is you need.
You will need a driver that fits that screw..

I put blue Loctite on my Glock front sight screws..
August 31, 2014, 08:34 AM
Originally posted by 1lowlife:
Originally posted by Suppressed:
The front sight on my Glock 20 just disappeared. I keep it in the kitchen as an HD gun and it doesn't get knocked around. Sometimes I carry it around the house. Are the front sights prone to falling off? Should I replace it with an OEM sight or put some night sights on?

I've got a few Glock front sights and screws laying around.
If you need one email me your address, my email is in my profile.
Please state in your email what it is you need.
You will need a driver that fits that screw..

I put blue Loctite on my Glock front sight screws..

Thank You!
September 01, 2014, 08:19 AM
Swamp Fox
Yes, but I like the older ones.

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." PSALMS 119;105
September 07, 2014, 07:34 PM
Just got a G21 gen 4 today
September 07, 2014, 07:43 PM
Congrats on the gen4 21. Should be one awesome shooter.

September 07, 2014, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by sphill:
Just got a G21 gen 4 today

Congrats! That is a very tempting Glock to me.

Loving my Gen4 17 and 26 for sure.

"The sea was angry that day, my friends - like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli." - George Costanza
September 07, 2014, 11:55 PM
The G21 is in my book one of the plastic fantastics. I had thought my old XDm4.5 45 was pretty good on recoil and rapid fire, but the first time out with my Gen4 G21 was a revelation. I'd shoot it more if it weren't for the cost of factory 45 Auto.
September 08, 2014, 01:43 AM
My old Gen 2 21 really negated the need for owning any 1911s for self defense. I love my Glock 26 its all the gun I need... but the 21 was as easy to carry as any 5" 1911 for size and weight was less with more rounds on tap and it always functions... Imagine that Smile
September 08, 2014, 08:43 AM
My first Gen 2 G21 was the pistol that got me into shooting 45ACP a couple years ago..
I foolishly sold it to fund another purchase. Confused

I bought another one earlier this year and intend to hold on to it.. Cool

Had both done by CCR in CPII, but had the barrel done as well in the second one..

Would like to find a set of range sights for it, I'm thinking black Vickers rear with a fiber optic front.

Vickers Elite Battlesight for Glock

I'm also now thinking about buying a 45ACP revolver.. Big Grin
September 16, 2014, 10:19 PM
So my Son In Law has been a Glock hater Snubbing his nose and saying he is a "1911 guy" anytime I showed him one of my new Glocks.

Well today when it came down to buying a duty gun to save his ass should the worst happen what did HE buy after looking at a dozen different options?
YUP A GLOCK 17... Gen 3 Blue Label...

It was fun watching him eat Crow....
Life is GOOD Big Grin
September 16, 2014, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by RANGER20:
So my Son In Law has been a Glock hater Snubbing his nose and saying he is a "1911 guy" anytime I showed him one of my new Glocks.

Well today when it came down to buying a duty gun to save his ass should the worst happen what did HE buy after looking at a dozen different options?
YUP A GLOCK 17... Gen 3 Blue Label...

It was fun watching him eat Crow....
Life is GOOD Big Grin

My SIL also shunned Glock after shooting a newly acquired used G19 her hubby bought that went 3 burst auto on her at her CHL range test.
Maybe she should have shot it at a range first.
The original owner apparently modified the connector and clipped striker spring.
Said Glock works 100% now, but it all left a bad taste in her mouth.

She, her husband (an Army Ranger), and I went to the range Saturday.
She went to try out her new Kel-Tec P-3AT, that she found a handful, but will work for her carry gun..
She shot my Gen 2 G21 and got 2 inch groups at 15 yards, best she has ever shot any handgun she said..
She shot my G42 and got 2.5 inch groups after shooting 5 inch groups with her P-3AT.

She said she likes Glocks again... Roll Eyes
September 16, 2014, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by Leatherneck:
Originally posted by Leatherneck:
Love went south for my G22 (and so did the G22) when I fondled uh I mean I held my new 229 SCT 9MM.

When you are in denial, things seem to be so "black and white”. I just could not stand it anymore, so I came to grips with my “problem” this past week. I purchased a Gen4 31 and a Gen4 19. It is such a great feeling to be free from the guilt!

I welcomed the newest member of the family earlier this month. After a year, a G32 Gen4 followed me home. Oh, did I mention the G26 Gen4 that also joined the family? <Sigh> 4 and counting! Big Grin
September 16, 2014, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by Leatherneck:
Originally posted by Leatherneck:
Originally posted by Leatherneck:
Love went south for my G22 (and so did the G22) when I fondled uh I mean I held my new 229 SCT 9MM.

When you are in denial, things seem to be so "black and white”. I just could not stand it anymore, so I came to grips with my “problem” this past week. I purchased a Gen4 31 and a Gen4 19. It is such a great feeling to be free from the guilt!

I welcomed the newest member of the family earlier this month. After a year, a G32 Gen4 followed me home. Oh, did I mention the G26 Gen4 that also joined the family? <Sigh> 4 and counting! Big Grin

My G31 (G22 with a G31 barrel) and G33 are my favorite Glocks..

I love the 357sig round... Big Grin
September 18, 2014, 01:05 PM
Gack, I just bought a Glock! Two actually, one for my wife and one for my daughter. Took daughter to the range last night and the salesman showed her everything in the case and let her shoot all the rentals (did not charge her for time, ammo or target. How is that for service?). She settled on a 3rd gen 26. Went back this morning and bought the two. Comments to management for the salesman.

Just another day in paradise.

September 18, 2014, 02:25 PM
Jack the Hound
wish i could shoot my 19s as well as my 226. they are a lot more sensitive to the amount of finger pulling the trigger.

i have to pull with the bottom part ofmy joint, as far down the trigger as possible.

i can watch the group move and shrink as my finger moves.

i can still shoot, at a rapid rate, the same size group at 50 yards with my 226 as i can at 25 with my 19. sucks as i love carrying the 19.

Semper Fi brothers
So here's to us on the raggedy edge.
September 19, 2014, 10:48 PM
I just thinned the herd and wound up buying a G19 (gen3) while at the LGS.....

So now I guess I gotta start reloading for 9mm.

"Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor.” Robert A. Heinlein

“You may beat me, but you will never win.” sigmonkey-2020

“A single round of buckshot to the torso almost always results in an immediate change of behavior.” Chris Baker