Originally posted by dar185: 19 or 26.... I know the obvious answer is both, just have enough for one.
I would go with the 26. You can always add finger extensions or larger mags for a fuller grip, but the 10 round standard mag is great for max concealment. The baby Glocks seem to be my favorite, the grip fits better in my hand and they point more naturally for me.
Baby GLocks rule. I just picked up a 27. It's the first pistol I've ever owned in .40 - EVER. I love it. This after acquiring a Gen2 G19 in October which is primarily a range gun. And this after transitioning from HLock to Sig some years back and shooting Sigs for a long time. I even bought a Colt 1911 recently to scratch that .45 itch.
It's true. You will buy a GLock. They're just fantastic plastic.
April 10, 2012, 10:45 PM
Say hello to Mr. Brown...
Even though I said I was very interested in the FDE version, I wasn't expecting to pick one up for quite so fast. But then my LGS got several in, and I had to hold one close up. Didn't take long to get me hooked.
It's different, that's for dang sure. In person the frame's brown plastic sheen reminded me of the plastic they use for making fake dog poop novelty gag gifts. But something about the two-tone just struck a chord. 'Eat shit' now has a whole new meaning.
Extended slide catch and Glock 17 trigger from Midway are next up. Definitely have to pick up a 3.5# connector; likely Ghost this time around instead of Scherer, since Midway says they they won't get any more in until September. Not sure about sights; I actually don't mind the standard Glock plastics at all, but this time around instead of standard Trijicon tubes on the Ameriglow/Novak set of my first G23 I was thinking it might be interesting to try something with a larger dot up front, and maybe a simple contrast silhouette in back. All set on holsters, though, and got plenty of mags already in the house...
EDIT: a few things I forgot to add...
Whether it's FDE or some other color, I like that I can tell with a fleeting glance the difference between the two Gen4s, particularly if I set both up similarly which I'm thinking that I'm going to do now that I've had a chance to reconsider it. In light that this one is supposed to serve as my backup for my original G23 it just makes sense. I do appreciate and like that Glock has returned to more of the old-Gen3 shiny slide finish; certainly it can't be any worse than the matte Gen4 finish is when it comes to durability, given that the matte finish is pretty lame in this regard.
As much as the Gen4's redesigned grip originally sold me on the new design when I bought the first G23, this FDE brings back the finger grooves and that's simply not happening for me anymore, so this one will get a Pachmayr sleeve as well. This new one NEEDS a bunch amount of ammo down its pipe to smooth out the relative rough and somewhat gritty slide action; I don't remember my first Gen4 G23 being quite this abrasive-running. Goop it up with some more Loctite C5A (Glock seems to be getting skimpier with that copper lube again) and off to the range, despite not having all the parts I want in hand and installed.
And finally I get to experience for myself on whether the s-shaped ejector really does stop spent cases from smacking me in the face. Should be a novel experience if it works as advertised...This message has been edited. Last edited by: soggy_spinout,
April 11, 2012, 08:15 AM
I got a Gen4 G26 in the works. Can't wait to get my mitts on that thing.
April 12, 2012, 12:27 AM
I will never buy a Glock but you can give me one, lol.
P220 Carry P226 Elite P229
April 12, 2012, 08:19 PM
Traded my G17 RTF off last week for a 1911. Tonight I finally found a G21 SF RTF used on gunbroker for a buy now price I could not pass up!
----------------------------- Always carry. Never tell.
April 12, 2012, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by xnexusx: I will never buy a Glock but you can give me one, lol.
Originally posted by xnexusx: I will never buy a Glock but you can give me one, lol.
That's what they all say!
He's saying he wants it, but won't pay for it. Yeah, a lot of guys say that, and then it turns out to not be true.
April 12, 2012, 09:11 PM
The kool-aid just tastes so good...
April 12, 2012, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by ruger357:
Originally posted by xnexusx: I will never buy a Glock but you can give me one, lol.
That's what they all say!
Nope, been years now and still have zero inclination to own a Glock.
April 12, 2012, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by BamaSigger: Nope, been years now and still have zero inclination to own a Glock.
Well uhh, lemmee ask you this- how often do you check in on that feeling?
April 13, 2012, 08:34 AM
I once thought that a plastic firearm was not on my want list.Well things have changed.A friend of mine a police officer said try a glock you will like it. I tried a 17 LOVE IT!Now I want a 17 or a 22.I'm looking for a 17c or 17L.How is the 40 in a poloymer handgun? I have a 40 all steel CZ 75 handgun.When I shoot the 40 and my 9. The 40 is heavier recoil than the 9. Both pistols are CZs and steel. I will just get a 17 shoot it and plan on getting a 22 later.
April 13, 2012, 10:57 AM
Called my L.E. dealer to check on my four gen4 Glock 31 order. Said it will still be a few months.
I then asked if he had any gen4 32s or gen3 33s in stock. He said 6 months!
So I ordered the gen4 32 for myself and a gen3 33 for a coworker.
He had a gen4 19 blue label in stock, but I'm still thinking of another platform for 9mm (I only have a gen2 19 and Kahr CM9 in 9mm. I'm looking to track down a Beretta 92 Centurion for 9mm since that was my first issued weapon when I started this career)
Not minority enough!
April 13, 2012, 11:06 AM
I sold my Glock 19 Gen2 a few years back and have missed it ever since. I picked up a Glock 19 Gen4 a few weeks back. My safe and myself are very happy again! What a great gun!
Einstein defines insanity as "Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results"
April 13, 2012, 11:33 AM
I have a G19 and G17. Took the 17 to the range last Saturday and forgot just how nice a shooter it is....since I use my P226 for competition. One of these days I may pick up a 10mm just to have...and enjoy!
SIGforum: For all your needs! Imagine our influence if every gun owner in America was an NRA member! Click the box>>>
April 13, 2012, 12:33 PM
I picked up my Gen 4 17 FDE today.
April 13, 2012, 01:14 PM
When I first saw the term "FDE" I thought is was some sort of failure, like FTE or FTF.
April 13, 2012, 06:55 PM
Don't get me wrong. Glocks are fine firearms. I just have never really liked the way they feel while shooting. The closest thing I have to a Glock is a Walther P99AS.
P220 Carry P226 Elite P229
April 13, 2012, 07:11 PM
I had to restrain myself from dropping some coin on a Gen3 G22 today. Had it at the local gun store for $310. It came with a box, 2 mags, and Meprolights with a lot of life left in them. There are some very good deals on LE trade-ins there.
April 13, 2012, 08:03 PM
I bought my first glock about two months ago.
I bought it because of my 1911, and because I am lazy. I bought my Kimber 1911 1 year ago. I've always enjoyed the way 1911s shoot. But after I bought one I realized field stripping 1911s takes a little work compared to Sigs.
So when it was time to buy another semi pistol, I wanted one that was easy to clean but not another Sig. Just cause variety.
Kind of a stupid reason but it was my reasoning at the gun shop.
Btw, I haven't been disappointed with it at the range.
In 2005 when I first joined this forum I would have never considered purchasing a glock.
April 13, 2012, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by BBMW: When I first saw the term "FDE" I thought is was some sort of failure, like FTE or FTF.