You will buy a Glock

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December 25, 2011, 07:52 PM
You will buy a Glock
Originally posted by WIsheepdog:

Wow, thanks for your permission to visit the rest of the site. Roll Eyes

You asked who I was responding to, and I gave a reasonable answer. In turn, you have gone into the personal zone of nicely telling a complete stranger off. Excellent attitude!

Variety is the spice of life. Liberty is the freedom to exercise rights of choice. Choose which sidearms you enjoy without going estrogenic on those who have decided else-wise.

What is it about this time of year that has folks twitchy to get shitty? Lack of sunlight?

Originally By Parabellum:

Actually, you know what? I'm just gonna cut to the inevitable chase here and say you're no longer welcome in this forum. Looking at this babbling bullshit from you, I don't want to have to revisit this matter when you piss off a member with that gibberish. So, vaya con Dios.

How tone deaf do you have to be to take one look at this thread and not realize it's a running joke and nothing more? Guys who come in here and take exception to it are missing the point. I mean, really, look at the first post in this thread.
Really? You take that seriously? You feel the need to come in here and take a stand after reading that? Really? Yeah, I think maybe you should *cough* chill.

Wow...Bummer...Nice CUT Sheepdog...S'long dude... Cool

December 26, 2011, 08:59 AM

I have a couple of things...

First, thank you for this forum. The best gun forum by a long way.

Second, with your obvious success with this topic, consider creating a sister site with the same form and function for Glock fans. I understand this is a large undertaking. I am pretty sure that many if not most of the very loyal following here would gladly pay a membership fee for this site, as well as the Glock communnity for a Glock related site with the same quality as SIGfoum. Quality is the key.

Either way, I for one appreciate youir efforts.


"It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived."
- General George S. Patton, Jr

December 26, 2011, 10:59 AM
Colby Bruce
My Glock 31 was stolen 2/23/11 but recovered last month after a police chase of some home invaders. State Farm has agreed to let me buy it back, once the case is finished. So I posted again, though I do not have it yet. I bought it 11/09, and eight others have since followed it home.

I honestly used not to like them, but have come around. I do prefer the Gen. II frames, without fingergrooves. I have a Gen. II 17, 19, and 22; my two 26's have the fingrooves without checkering.
December 26, 2011, 08:25 PM
Oh, no I won't...
December 26, 2011, 08:28 PM
Originally posted by Gortok:
Oh, no I won't...
Of course not. First time to the bath houses? Don't be shy. You're among friends.
December 26, 2011, 08:33 PM
Personal choice is right,
freedom to buy what you like, I've shot several
G guns and they are ok, and not knocking them at all, heck might get one to play with just because they are easy to modify, see if I can make a race gun or at least a fun inexpensive range gun.

I look at them, hear people saying "glock" all the time.. Kinda makes me want to not get one, just because people keep saying I will....

Plus the one I saw real cheap went to darn fast, shoulda woulda coulda...
December 26, 2011, 08:56 PM
How tone deaf do you have to be to take one look at this thread and not realize it's a running joke and nothing more?

I love this thread! It's like magnetic north for miscreants. Like moths to a flame, or shooters to a are the days of our lives. Big Grin Keep up the good work!
December 27, 2011, 09:37 AM
+1, I always look forward to reading this thread when I get into this sub-forum. Cool

I only have the one Glock to date, a G22 bought brandy-new - the first 'new' gun I ever purchased. I've been eyeing a G23 for some time now, pricing them, deciding new or used.... it's just that my P229 is so heavy for CC, you see..... Razz


P229 SAS
Sig 1911 STX
December 27, 2011, 04:26 PM
I too,was one of the "I"ll never buy a Glock" haters.

I have since seen the error of my ways. Truth be told, I no longer own any Sigs.

I am sure that I will have a 229 down the road but on the morrow I shall be going to my dealer to choose between a G21sf and a G21 so my 2nd gen G19 isnt lonely. Cool


Hi,I'm Buck Melonoma,Moley Russels' wart.
December 27, 2011, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by badcopnodonut!!:
I have since seen the error of my ways. Truth be told, I no longer own any Sigs.

There has been a great disturbance in the Force...
December 27, 2011, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by Czechvar:
Originally posted by badcopnodonut!!:
I have since seen the error of my ways. Truth be told, I no longer own any Sigs.

There has been a great disturbance in the Force...

I laughed.

Out loud.


Hi,I'm Buck Melonoma,Moley Russels' wart.
December 28, 2011, 12:16 AM
Just picked up a G20 today, my third Glock. Used, but who cares? It's a Glock. Figure it will make a great trail or camping gun.
December 28, 2011, 05:45 AM
I liked my G/29 & love my G/27 more but to be honest I still like my Sigs 229/40 & 239/40 & 357 alot better than my Glocks. My Sigs shot perfect out of the box & the very first times I ever shot a Sig they were perfect, My Glocks took some time to get use to hitting the target..

I feel alot safer with a Sig than a striker fired pistol, a few examples.. I was putting my Glock in my IWH & it was kind of tight & I should have wore looser pants but was being very careful thinking I hope this trigger doesn't move or I'm gonna bust a cap in my ass when putting the glock in the holster.. That was my fault for wearing too tight of a pant that day..

but at least with a Sig I can hold onto the hammer & slide when putting the gun into the holster & feel if the hammer moves.

I honestly don't like the ideal of pulling the trigger to fieldstrip a pistol like on a Glock I feel it can be unsafe for example,

To fieldstrip a Glock
(1) dump Mag
(2) clear Chamber
(3) pull trigger

I've never had an accident with a gun ever but I almost did one day with My Glock I wanted to clean it & after dumping the mag I almost skipped step 2 & went to #3 which was my fault but I caught myself, I can see a person getting older & up in their age & not paying attention make that mistake, I guess they shouldn't have a gun then..

But at least with a Sig SA/DA or simular there is no step #3 (pulling trigger) to remember so after You drop the mag & proceed to step #2 (lock the slide back) if there is a cartridge in the chamber it will be ejected in most cases..

Does that make sense to anyone? I do like Glocks & may be possible to purchase another one in the future But hoping I buy My Nano & Sig 224 & 220 Stainless Elite carry first but I do like My Sigs alot better & think they are safer..
December 28, 2011, 06:14 AM
G21SF for Christmas, what a great gun!

Life is short. It’s shorter with the wrong gun…
December 28, 2011, 07:44 PM
A pic for those on the fence.
Glock 21SF RTF2, complete with G20 upper and LoneWolf .40 S&W conversion barrel.

Both slides and conversion barrel shoot to point of aim and function flawlessly, great combination (IMHO).
December 28, 2011, 07:50 PM
Great looking setup, BillyBones. That'll get you a CUT, if you wish.
December 28, 2011, 08:09 PM
Much appreciated Para!
Let me think of one.
December 29, 2011, 02:58 PM
X-mas was good. My first Glock

A. Sewell
P229 gen1
P220R Match Elite .45
P238 SAS

December 31, 2011, 03:35 AM
The Glock 21 3rd Gen I just bought is fricking awesome. Should I get a 10mm G20 upper for it now or just buy a full G20 or G29?

Always carry. Never tell.
December 31, 2011, 05:37 AM
I bought a Glock 19 over 20 years ago, at the time I did not know they did not shoot lead very well, I shot ammo that I could afford then,I thought this thing isn't accurate so I sold it, fast forward to present, bought A Glock 19 again, boy I missed a lot over the years. Very impressed with it's performance, I am now a fan.

Don't shoot back, shoot first!