Alright! I'm in too! Just got me a Glock 22; one of the pre finger groove ones with night sights. I admit it; I was weak!!!
Veritas vos liberabit
February 18, 2011, 06:08 PM
Colby Bruce
I took in my recently acquired G17 & G26 for upgrades and NS on the #26. Glock brand NS cost me $60.42, plus I got the recoil spring and slide release replaced, and + extensions on both my magazines.
The G17 was due for new recoil spring and guide, firing pin, firing pin safety, extractor, trigger bar, spring loaded bearing. It had a small crack in the frame. The tech told me the frame had gotten brittle, and would be replaced with a newer G17 frame at no charge. This will have a different serial much for my Austrian proofed Gen. II frame. This process will take about two weeks. The only original parts of my gun will be the slide and barrel and sights.
The nice tech also gave me a box and tools for the G17 and swapped out three ten round mags for three fifteen round mags. All I paid for was the NS. I may have them put NS on the G17 when it is ready for I have a slight tinge of guilt for taking advantage of their kindness.
Glock smothers you with customer service.
February 18, 2011, 07:05 PM
nah, nah, naahhhh.
"Just another good quality brand of pistol that goes bang bang when you pull the trigger."
I only want a gun the goes bang once when I pull the trigger! ...Sorry Mustang-PaPa.
February 18, 2011, 07:17 PM
Now that I have the G36, I want a G21SF and a 6" 10mm hunting barrel. Then I have another .45 and can also reach out and touch something in 10mm also. :-)
February 18, 2011, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by Colby Bruce: I took in my recently acquired G17 & G26 for upgrades and NS on the #26. Glock brand NS cost me $60.42, plus I got the recoil spring and slide release replaced, and + extensions on both my magazines.
The G17 was due for new recoil spring and guide, firing pin, firing pin safety, extractor, trigger bar, spring loaded bearing. It had a small crack in the frame. The tech told me the frame had gotten brittle, and would be replaced with a newer G17 frame at no charge. This will have a different serial much for my Austrian proofed Gen. II frame. This process will take about two weeks. The only original parts of my gun will be the slide and barrel and sights.
The nice tech also gave me a box and tools for the G17 and swapped out three ten round mags for three fifteen round mags. All I paid for was the NS. I may have them put NS on the G17 when it is ready for I have a slight tinge of guilt for taking advantage of their kindness.
Glock smothers you with customer service.
Does anyone else have the urge to send this post in to SIG's customer service department?
_________ There once was a man from Nantucket...
February 18, 2011, 11:09 PM
I want a G20SF loaded with Double Tap 230 grain hardcast bullets. I have given up resisting. I am now saving...
February 18, 2011, 11:15 PM
Ahhhh yes the Glock 20SF.......resistance is futile
I am currently saving up for a Glock 34 and have a Glock 24C on order at my local gunshop but from what I hear they are somewhat rare and difficult to locate.
The price of liberty and even of common humanity is eternal vigilance
February 18, 2011, 11:21 PM
You will buy a Glock
No I won't! Wait. Oh shit, I did back in '99and again in 2004.
February 19, 2011, 01:58 PM
Yup I did. The RTF2 G17 I was pining about in another thread.
Now my G19 has a sibling in the fold once again. And so the modding starts...(extended slide catch so far, more to follow)
February 19, 2011, 04:50 PM
I have shot several issued Glocks in the past and shot them very well. That was great when I had easy access to a range and ammunition.
My biggest hesitation about purchasing a Glock for personal use was the inability to practice dry firing at home, without having to actuate the slide each time to cock the striker, for follow up shots.
I use to own a P229R DAK in 40SW, but I sold it. I have had my eye on a SP2022 in DAO the last several weeks. Being initially trained on DA revolvers, I am not bothered about long, heavy trigger pulls.
I just learned about the Next Level Training ( SIRT Training Pistol in the Glock 17 / 22 form factor. It has renewed my interest in Glocks. From what I have read on ToddG's Pistol Training site (, it could solve my home training needs.
I haven't made a final decision on which way to go yet. I am sorry if this post temps more of you to go over to the dark side. ;-)
Regards, AlanThis message has been edited. Last edited by: atingle, March 02, 2011 05:45 PM
February 19, 2011, 09:47 PM
Got a 23 from a member here and we fell in's no secret.
February 20, 2011, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by Q83: Got a 23 from a member here and we fell in's no secret.
You and the Glock, or you and the forum member?
February 20, 2011, 12:39 AM
Now that's funny.
February 20, 2011, 05:36 AM
I'm going to test fire this old school 2nd Gen and a few P228's in just a bit. I might take a G17. I've not been to the range in AGES!! It really needed a good bath, so it was completely stripped down and cleaned.
I dropped in a black SS Wolff guide rod, Wolff recoil spring (factory weight), Wolff firing pin spring, Wolff trigger spring and firing pin safety spring. Went ahead and put on an extended slide stop lever, changed the trigger pin and the trigger housing pin out for the Titanium pins, and I think that's about it. Oh... had a spare butt plug and put a skull slide cover plate on it, and did the white Crayola Crayon trick. I was going to slap Trijicons on it, but I already went a little too nuts, so held off. The owner didn't recognize it.
February 20, 2011, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by atingle: My biggest hesitation about purchasing a Glock for personal use was the inability to practice dry firing at home, without having to actuate the slide each time to cock the striker, for follow up shots.
You could spend a bunch of money on one of those inert training guns, OR you could get one of these and save a bunch of money.
I have no experience with this item, but I'd try it before anything else.
I understand your issue and compared to dry-firing a Sig, it is a pain but not enough of one to be a problem for me. I just reset the striker with a little pull on the slide.
____________ Μολὼν Λαβέ 01 03 04 14 16 18
February 20, 2011, 03:24 PM
Bob RI
Yep...just ordered a G19 today - my last Glock (G35) was sold off several years ago. Time to give them another try as I've never owned a G19 before.
February 20, 2011, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by stickman428: Ahhhh yes the Glock 20SF.......resistance is futile
NICE! What barrel is that? It looks beefy. Bet it has a heck of a feed ramp/support.
In reply to the OP, nope, sorry. I cannot stand the trigger pull and so the rest becomes meaningless. I also tend to buck the trend and so far, everyone, their grandma and their dog owns a Glock and so that means this stubborn S.O.B. never will.
______________________________________________ Endeavoring to master the subtle art of the grapefruit spoon.
February 20, 2011, 04:22 PM
Thanks for sharing.
February 20, 2011, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by P220 Smudge: In reply to the OP, nope, sorry. I cannot stand the trigger pull and so the rest becomes meaningless. I also tend to buck the trend and so far, everyone, their grandma and their dog owns a Glock and so that means this stubborn S.O.B. never will.
Funny you mention's actually the reason I started shopping for one. I figured if everyone and their second cousins (twice removed) had one, I should know how to operate, handle, and effectively use one. Worst case scenario is I have to pick one up, I want to know how it works.
A trip to the range with one of my friend's Glocks sold me, and now it's my everyday carry.