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Should I Add a .380 to My Collection? Login/Join 
My other Sig
is a Steyr.
Picture of .38supersig
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Originally posted by fpuhan:
Maybe a better way of stating it is to say I'm looking for a BUG. One that becomes nearly invisible when on one's person.

A North American Arms revolver in 22 Magnum would be my next suggestion.

Posts: 9682 | Location: Somewhere looking for ammo that nobody has at a place I haven't been to for a pistol I couldn't live without... | Registered: December 02, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Road Dog
Picture of BennerP220
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I, too have the RM380 and it is one of favorite carry pieces. I find the RM380 to be bigger than the LCP and I carry the LCP when the RM380 is too big. I believe I remember the upgrades you have if it was a karma a while back? I have the same upgrades. While I still stick by the LCP, the RM380 is hard to beat!

Originally posted by Augen:
I started with the beretta Pico. Inexpensive, modular, reliable, hammer fired DAO and very accurate. Great to carry and snag free. The biggest problem was the magazine release. I don’t mind paddle style but on this I had to use both hands to operate so I felt it wasn’t right.

Picked up a Remington rm380. I like the metal frame and DAO hammer, snag free and inexpensive. Easy to shoot and accurate. Upgraded a few parts thanks to a member here and could definitely recommend it.
Posts: 3496 | Location: Southwest Indiana | Registered: December 12, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Prepared for the Worst, Providing the Best
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Another one that crossed my path was the Kel-Tec P32. No, it's not a .380, and maybe I'm really pushing this "almost invisible" gun thing, but at 6.6 oz. and only 5.1" long, it's smaller than the rest.

If you really want to go small, this isn't a terrible idea. Have you ever shot an LCP/P3AT? If not, I can assure you they're not pleasant. If I was going to carry a .380, I probably wouldn't go smaller than the Glock 42, which is a locked breach design...much more pleasant to shoot than the tiny blowback guns, and a little more surface to hold on to (which unfortunately means it's also larger). The P32 is a much more shootable small gun, and while a .32 doesn't have the same punch downrange as a .380, its much easier to put multiple rounds downrange quickly and accurately.

I personally don't like carrying anything smaller than my P320SC or G26...I have a J-Frame for when I absolutely need something light and concealable, but it gets carried very rarely. My advice is that if you must go small, get something you can still shoot well.
Posts: 9870 | Location: In the Cornfields | Registered: May 25, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I have a BG380, and a Kahr CW380
The Kahr is lighter, and thinner, and is the softest .380 I've ever fired.
Posts: 222 | Location: WI | Registered: October 13, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Kraquin
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Did you look at the Beretta 3032 Tomcat?
Posts: 391 | Registered: December 07, 2016Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Grayfox54
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Another you might consider is the Colt Mustang. Its pretty much just a baby 1911 in .380. The XSP model has a poly frame and is very light. The locked breech design significantly cuts down on recoil making it much easier to shoot well over blowback designs.
Sig makes the same gun as their P238. But the Colt can usually be found considerably cheaper. Wink

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Picture of SIGGUY (THE 1ST)
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I love my SIG 230 in .380. slim, fits the hand well with rubber Hogue finger grooved grips. A nice leather holster keeps it tight. I can shoot it with accuracy. The 238 is just too small for me. My .02.

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Misanthropic Philanthrope
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I have been very very happy with the performance and carry-ability of my G42. It gets pocket carried - 60+ hours a week for the past 3 years. I also have a Kahr P380 that has seen pocket carry. These guns work in pocket carry when others cannot be carried in conventional fashion, i.e. IWB OWB. My 9mm G43 and SIG 365 are just a little too big for pocket carry, as I have tried to make them work, but the slight increases in size make them too obvious in the pocket and too tight to draw. YMMV.

Originally posted by Psychobastard:
Well, we "gave them democracy"... not unlike giving a monkey a loaded gun.

Posts: 6798 | Registered: June 14, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
and this little pig said:
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I have a Kimber Micro in .380. I carry it at the gym in a fanny pack along with the other stuff I need in an emergency (pre-diabetic). It shoots accurately,and, with the proper defensive ammo, doesn't need to take a step back from its 9mm brethren!
Posts: 3409 | Registered: February 07, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Junior Member
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Lots of opinions here.
I have had an LCP, got an LCPII when they first came out.
Hard to beat. I liked the fact that the slide locks open on the LCPII, but not on the LCP.
As someone mentioned the trigger on the LCPII is a lot lighter than the LCP.
To me it's necessary to have it in a holster, even when pocket carrying.
I usually carry mine in a Sticky holster in an appendix position.
Good luck with whatever you decide.
Posts: 3 | Registered: June 06, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of fpuhan
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So, I'll wrap up this discussion with a big ribbon and bow, and a nod of thanks to all of you!

After much research, and a visit to my range/LGS, I handled a number of micro-compact .380s and came away with liking best the Ruger LCP II. This surprised me a bit, as I thought going in I'd like the LCP best. But the II had the better trigger, the lock-back-on-empty slide, and (I think) better sights. I compared the two side-by-side and the difference in size and weight I found negligible.

I wanted a particular model, but I was told they couldn't order it for me. Fortunately, I found it online, and it's now on its way to my FFL. I'm a sucker for looks... Wink

You can't truly call yourself "peaceful" unless you are capable of great violence. If you're not capable of great violence, you're not peaceful, you're harmless.

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Originally posted by fpuhan:
So, I'll wrap up this discussion with a big ribbon and bow, and a nod of thanks to all of you!

After much research, and a visit to my range/LGS, I handled a number of micro-compact .380s and came away with liking best the Ruger LCP II. This surprised me a bit, as I thought going in I'd like the LCP best. But the II had the better trigger, the lock-back-on-empty slide, and (I think) better sights. I compared the two side-by-side and the difference in size and weight I found negligible.

I wanted a particular model, but I was told they couldn't order it for me. Fortunately, I found it online, and it's now on its way to my FFL. I'm a sucker for looks... Wink

I'm certain you'll be satisfied. I've had a I since it first came out.

Consider getting some of these:
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Frangas non Flectes
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Well, I will say that this recommendation doesn't meet your desired needs, as they have been stated. I will also admit to not having shot an LCP of any variety.

But bear with me a second. I have a few thoughts on your situation, and it's something I've been considered pretty heavily myself, lately.

I was one of the early adopters of the Glock 42. And, for all of the drawbacks that have already been mentioned, I am still happy that I bought it. I got it as a backup gun for my coat pocket when I was working in downtown junkie central in Tacoma. It was perfect for that. There's bigger fellas on the forum here, but I'm far from a tiny dude, and I wouldn't pant pocket carry it unless in baggy cargo shorts. That said, when I carry it in a Stealthgear Ventcore, I can do it wearing basketball shorts and a hoodie and walk down and get the mail and talk to my neighbors and they have no idea. None. The only thing that's printing from what I can tell, is the extra mag in my pocket.

The G42 gives a lot of hand real estate that the other micros don't, especially with a Pearce magazine extension, and comparing it to my Colt 1908, it's a much more pleasant shooter in .380 because of the locked breech vs. fixed barrel. There isn't a person I've handed it to at the range who hasn't immediately turned and grinned at me after the first shot or two. I know it seems like a trite expression to say "it recoils like a .22" but it isn't far off in this case.

Endeavoring to master the subtle art of the grapefruit spoon.
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Sig 238 for me when not carrying a 224 or 229C
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Picture of pulicords
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Best of luck to you! I own an LCPII and unfortunately, it was necessary for me to send it back to Ruger twice, before it would function reliably. The first time I returned it, I was experiencing failures to properly feed and extract. They sent the pistol back promptly, but upon testing it, I found that I couldn't fully insert a magazine without depressing the mag release button. Upon return, it was finally working ok and I do carry it occasionally.

I like the improved trigger and visible sights, and think they're a distinct improvement over the original version of the LCP. I own one of those too and had our member (CCR Refinishing) CeraPlate it. It's never had a malfunction.

"I'm not fluent in the language of violence, but I know enough to get around in places where it's spoken."
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Waiting for Hachiko
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I have an LCPII, bought it a few months after they were out for sale. Mine has been flawless, I had the slide and barrel hard chromed by Mahovsky's Metalife for longevity and rust prevention.

I have told this before, but the pistol is one of the fastest shooting pistols I have. With the striker fired action and trigger fast shots are easy to do. I carry mine in an Kydex IWB with 2 spare standard magazines. This is the only .380 I own.

I hope you have good luck with yours.

One suggestion I have is to install a Hogue Beavertail grip sleeve on your Ruger. It adds a little bulk, but that is offset by the control it gives you when shooting it.

Posts: 6673 | Location: Near the Metropolis of Tightsqueeze, Va | Registered: February 18, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Get my pies
outta the oven!

Picture of PASig
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I would have gone with the LCP II over the Kahr CW380 I now have but for one thing:

That trigger is essentially a single-action and it's pretty short too compared to the Kahr and I just did not feel comfortable with the idea of pocket carry of a chambered LCP II, even with a good holster.

Posts: 35585 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Outdoor World/Cabelas, has the S+W Bodyguard 380 with or without the thumb safety for $249.97 right now until 12/25.

I have shot an LCP before but it's been a while and was all set to buy an LCP. I went and handled the LCP, LCP II and the bodyguard all back to back. They're about the same size. The bodyguard is 1.7 ounces heavier, but had a much better grip and feel for me, so I bought it with the safety. The trigger pull weight was the same with both, so I went with the one with the safety in case I want to just throw it in my pocket without a holster, with a holster I'll leave the safety off as the trigger is heavy enough, You really can't go wrong with any of the 3.
Posts: 21441 | Registered: June 12, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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