I've always wanted a P210. It's pretty much the only 9mm I've wanted over the years and haven't acquired. I came upon a Swiss P210-6 locally at the $3k mark, no box, gun and mag only and it is new with not a mark on it. A friend of a friend owns it. Over the last two days I've been debating if I should buy it or wait for the new line of P210's Sig is supposedly coming out with sometime this year. If I buy it, it will end up being a shooter. If you're a collector I'm sure your cringing, but I'm past the days of leaving high end guns sitting in my safe collecting dust. Am I crazy making this gun a shooter? Should I wait and buy one when Sig puts them on the market again, assuming that they do?
I say buy it and shoot it. You said you've always wanted one. When the Legends were being sold they were around $2000 I think, and there's no guarantee that Sig will produce another one, or if so, when.
It wouldn't bother me to shoot it, as I don't think it's the most collectible without the box, etc. You could wait who knows how long and maybe save $1000 on a newly produced gun,, or maybe only save $500, or you could wait forever while the price of the originals keeps going up,
I don't know a lot about P210s so maybe I'm not even talking about the same thing, but I just wanted to say I got an email this morning from one of our distributors to pre order new Sig P210 target models says MSRP on them is 1699
I'm truly at a loss on how to say this in a simpler way. Nothing that SIG potentially calls a P210 as currently described will in any way resemble a real P210. It may be a nice gun, it may have a nice price, it may have support for a few days, but in no way will it be a 210. If you have the means for a real one, buy it and enjoy it you will be gaining nothing by waiting to see the new USA gun...
“So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong, and strike at what is weak.”
Originally posted by Kskelton: I don't know a lot about P210s so maybe I'm not even talking about the same thing, but I just wanted to say I got an email this morning from one of our distributors to pre order new Sig P210 target models says MSRP on them is 1699
You're talking about the P210 American, which is made to look like the P210 Legend, but it is not the same gun.
Posts: 28712 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: September 04, 2008
The p210-6 is the Rolls Royce of handguns, i can tell you that the new US p210 will not be as great as the P210-6. Buy it and shoot it. It's the most accurate military pistol made for 50m shooting. the 210-6 has a better trigger than the standard model P210-2, with a screw under the beavertail with you can adjust the weight.
Originally posted by toto: The p210-6 is the Rolls Royce of handguns, i can tell you that the new US p210 will not be as great as the P210-6. Buy it and shoot it. It's the most accurate military pistol made for 50m shooting. the 210-6 has a better trigger than the standard model P210-2, with a screw under the beavertail with you can adjust the weight.
The "screw under the beavertail" simply holds the hammer pack in place and adjusts nothing.
“Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won.” – Barack Hussein Obama, January 23, 2009
Posts: 2202 | Location: Austin Texas USA | Registered: February 03, 2007
I would definitely shoot it. You will find it to be the sweetest shooting pistol you've ever or can ever have. I've had mine for 17 years, and it still amazes me how accurate and ergonomic it is. Nothing else even comes close.
The screw under the beavertail holds in the hammer group. If you experience hammer bite, which many of us do, you can buy an extended beavertail from Nill which uses that screw to attach with.
Also unique to the 210-6, there is a trigger overtravel adjustment screw. You have to remove the grip panels to get to it.
Posts: 117 | Location: Schererville, IN | Registered: March 09, 2000
Originally posted by Kskelton: I don't know a lot about P210s so maybe I'm not even talking about the same thing, but I just wanted to say I got an email this morning from one of our distributors to pre order new Sig P210 target models says MSRP on them is 1699
Got the same email, and contacted my primary distributor to get on the backorder list for the new P210 Target. We'll see when Sig actually releases these. Hopefully soon, I'm interested to see the build quality of these US made 210s.
Posts: 346 | Location: Detroit | Registered: September 21, 2005