Apparently the Gen 5 G17/19 are available for preorder.
Originally posted by EmpireState: Just left the gun store. I drove here all excited to pick up a 19. Left with nothing. That stupid stupid stupid cutout in the front of the grip! Why on earth would Glock include the only thing that people criticized the Gen 2 over? I've shot a Gen 2 before and it bothered my pinky finger and not having that lip there feels like the gun is sliding out of my hand. The cutout is also sharp. Held it back and forth between the Gen 4 and have to admit the Gen4 feels better, even with the finger grooves that I'm not a huge fan of. Totally disappointed. Outside of that stupid cutout, the gun is damn near perfect. Ughhhh.
Damn. I guess I'll hold off until they receive enough of a flood of "what the fuck were you thinking?" and then quietly omit the feature some day, a few years down the road.
Or I'll buy the MHS, which has the front strap profile I want, but an external safety and a poop brown gripframe.
Jesus, Glock, people have been clamoring for a Gen 2 19 with an improved grip texture and the omission of the half moon for over 20 years now.
I have two Gen 2 19's. I leave the nice one in the safe and used to carry the other one, but I don't shoot it much because for how well it carries and shoots, it tears the shit out of my pinky finger at the range. So I carry and shoot a Gen 4 19 instead and the Gen 2's sit in the safe. But I somehow can't bear to part with them because for everything they've done since, that era of Glock resists rusting from my sweat bettwer than anything, including the gen 3's and gen 4 I own and so I somehow can't bear to part with them. Now they come out with something that may possible resist rust better than the current finish, and it has all the features I want, but the big one I don't.
______________________________________________ Endeavoring to master the subtle art of the grapefruit spoon.
August 26, 2017, 05:04 PM
Another alternative to the Pierce grip extension for the G19 cutout and one you can do right away is a rubber slip on grip, with or without finger grooves. I have one on my Gen2 G19 and it covers the top 1/8 inch of the cutout. So not only does it give you a better grip for sweaty, wet, hands or just in general, it provides protection from the cut out to the point that it should not be an issue for most, while still giving you enough access to the front lip of the mag baseplate for any extra needed grip on the magazine if there is any kind of need to pull on it.
-Dtech __________________________
"I've got a life to live, people to love, and a God to serve!" - sigmonkey
"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." - Albert Einstein
"A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition" ― Rudyard Kipling
August 26, 2017, 05:11 PM
On another note folks, don't go crazy paying ridiculous prices for the Gen5s. According to my LE Blue Label dealer that I have my Gen5 G19 on order with (for $425 with GSSF Blue Label coupon), they are going to have access to a sizeable quantity of the Gen5s right off the bat so evidently Glock planned ahead and has a large inventory of them available for purchase.
-Dtech __________________________
"I've got a life to live, people to love, and a God to serve!" - sigmonkey
"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." - Albert Einstein
"A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition" ― Rudyard Kipling
August 26, 2017, 06:48 PM
I was all in for a 19 until I saw the cut
Guess I will look at a 17. But I was really hoping I would like the 19
If the meek will inherit the earth, what will happen to us tigers?
August 26, 2017, 08:34 PM
Wonder what price range the MHS will be?
August 26, 2017, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by Dusty78: I will also say that if you have big hands your pinky will likely be riding forward of your other fingers due to the flared magwell
I do, and know exactly what you are talking about. Thanks.
What am I doing? I'm talking to an empty telephone
August 26, 2017, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by Dtech: On another note folks, don't go crazy paying ridiculous prices for the Gen5s. According to my LE Blue Label dealer that I have my Gen5 G19 on order with (for $425 with GSSF Blue Label coupon), they are going to have access to a sizeable quantity of the Gen5s right off the bat so evidently Glock planned ahead and has a large inventory of them available for purchase.
I agree. I don't think these will be crazy to come by so don't pay crazy prices. We have a couple coming already by Monday or Tuesday and we are a smaller dealer I'm sure big dealers have them coming in by the truckloads already. I would guess they should be around $550ish depending on the dealer for non-Le ones. Haven't seen a MAP Price for them yet I'm sure it exists somewhere I just haven't seen it.
They are Glocks. I could walk out to my deck and randomly spin and point in a random direction and find handfuls of them.
The only Glock I ever remember being fairly difficult to come by was the Glock 43 and that was only due to 20 some years of pent up desire.
I cannot imagine either of these Gen 5 Glocks will be all that difficult to get.
Take Care, Shoot Safe, Chris
August 26, 2017, 09:20 PM
Felt a Gen5 today at a dealer. Not impressed. Stiff trigger and the "improvements" seem slight.
For $10 one could fire 20 rounds and get a Gen5 hat. I passed. Targets that I saw were not at all impressive.
However, as many know, the shape of the Gen4 grips were disliked very much by some.
What I had wanted the Glock people to have for shooting is their new G17C and G19C pistols. do not think that they could fit under the rules (or sensabilities) of the events where I pretend to compete - but would have been interesting.
The hint of front slide cuts is a so-what. IDPA people get very upset with racking using anything but the rear of slide.
Mac in Michigan
August 26, 2017, 09:22 PM
Would it be weird of me to say that I currently have incense burning and a doll with a Glock shirt in a bowl with chicken bones and ox blood to cast a curse on whoever at Glock decided to put that cut out in the front of the gun?
August 26, 2017, 09:31 PM
Local shop said they would be getting some in soon. $579 was the price.
August 27, 2017, 12:45 AM
I suppose I'm going to have to order some for the shop now...
August 27, 2017, 07:06 AM
Does anyone care to guess why they redesigned the firing pin? No more Glock "rectangle" firing pin marks I guess. I wonder if it had to due with reliability of the part or ignition or certain ammo.
August 27, 2017, 08:30 AM
I picked one up yesterday, yeah I know overpaid for it but whatever. I thought the trigger was very good. I had shot both the 17 & 19 and there was a bit of difference between the two so there will likely be some variance from gun to gun. I have two glocks set up with the apex enhanced trigger and to me the gen 5 19 felt almost exactly like it.
The one I purchased pulled 5.2 avg out of the box, shot over 100 rounds through it and polished the internal at home and very consistently pulls under 5lbs. So for me it's just like my triggers in my glocks with the apex.
The trigger bar doesn't have the bump like th gen 4 and the plunger is more "ramped" vs the circular shape of the others. Also their is no trigger spring on the trigger bar, connector looks pretty much the same. All my other glocks have the minus connector, for me the trigger out of the box needs zero modification, excellent carry trigger, at least for me.
As far as the cutout, I thought the same thing as others, while shooting it was not even noticeable. Just as a reference, I personally have no issue with the finger grooves, my hands are right at a large size and the groove was zero issue for me.
I will not have a glock without the undercut on the trigger guard but so far, the lack of finger grooves makes a noticeable difference and I didn't have the glock knuckle issue. I'll have a better feel once I put significant rounds down range but so far it's a big improvement.
One of the reasons I really like the 320 was I was very accurate with the gun. I could never shoot my glock as well as my 320 or even my PPQ. That's not the case anymore. The gen 5 was extremely accurate for me. I have an 19 with an rmr and inside 12 yards my groups were almost the same. Very impressed with the accuracy.
The one thing I don't like is the ambi slide stop lever is not flush like the oem. Now if you like the aftermarket extended slide leaves, you'll like this one. For me, I have a high purchase on the gun and my support hand kept hitting this and locking the slide back. I have to adjust my grip slightly which not happy about. I'm going to try and put a gen 4 slide lever with a gen 4 trigger pin to see if that works.
If this stays reliable, I think glock did well with these changes and I'm pretty happy with it so far.
August 27, 2017, 08:41 AM
^^^^ Very cool. I'm getting excited to check out a 17 when the LGS gets them in. I've got a feeling one might follow me home.
August 27, 2017, 10:58 AM
Just purchased a 19 Gen5. Went to a local gun store to check them out again today. I was holding it and struck up a conversation with a supervisor there. They had them listed at $599. The guy said "would you buy it right now if I gave you 10% off?" I couldnt pass that deal up. $539 plus tax. I feel like I got a good deal.
August 27, 2017, 11:15 AM
That cutout on the front of the grip completely ruins the gen 5 for me. I think I'll just stick with my gen 3 guns until glock comes up with something better.
August 27, 2017, 11:33 AM
Anybody want a gen 5 Glock hat? It got a little wrinkled in my range bag but otherwise new.
_______________________________________________ Use thumb-size bullets to create fist-size holes.
August 27, 2017, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by cslinger: They are Glocks. I could walk out to my deck and randomly spin and point in a random direction and find handfuls of them.
The only Glock I ever remember being fairly difficult to come by was the Glock 43 and that was only due to 20 some years of pent up desire.
I cannot imagine either of these Gen 5 Glocks will be all that difficult to get.
17L can at times be hard to find...same with Glock 25's and 18's. The Glock 7 is the most elusive
_______________________________________________ Use thumb-size bullets to create fist-size holes.
August 27, 2017, 11:44 AM
Ok I will cede you the 17L but the 25 isn't really imported and what is there like 1 transferable Glock 18 out there if that.
And the Glock 7, those things cost more then most of us make in a month.