Anyone have thoughts on a different trigger for my CZ SP01 Shadow? I just don't like the one it came with and the curve and being skinny and slippery. I was shooting it yesterday at the range and that trigger just feels slippery to me and not right for my trigger finger being uncomfortable. My hands and fingers are on the larger size. Supposedly it came with the CZ 85 Combat trigger. Anyone know if the Shadow 2 has a different style trigger and would that be a possibility?
Cajun Gun Works shows a couple option with the ones that interest me are the original "old style" CZ 85 Combat trigger and a "thick" trigger. I think I would like the "thick" trigger best but it does not have the overtravel adjustment. I am thinking that is not that big a deal. I just shoot my CZ SP01 Shadow at the indoor range and unless the overtravel is atrocious without that feature I doubt it would matter to me. Any thoughts on that?
Below is a picture of mt CZ SP01 Shadow and the links to CGW with the two possibilities. I am thinking of. I am NOT interested in converting mine to SA only.
Thanks for taking the time to read and sharing of any experiences or thoughts.
No experience with the thick trigger, but the CZ85/pre-b trigger is my favorite cz trigger. I cannot stand the recurve trigger that is in your gun right now.
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Posts: 5383 | Location: MS | Registered: June 09, 2009
Originally posted by tha1000: No experience with the thick trigger, but the CZ85/pre-b trigger is my favorite cz trigger. I cannot stand the recurve trigger that is in your gun right now.
Good to hear it is not just me LOL. Thanks for the feedback. I suppose I could order both to try out. I would get the CGW replacement floating trigger pin too.
I discovered the CZ97 trigger has the same profile as the old CZ85 profile but no trigger stop screw. I've found the trigger stop to be a point of failure (make sure they are full of blue loktite and backed off @1/2 turn) so if you don't need the feature you can save some money. Also CZ USA usually has 20% for holidays and major matches if you can wait until Thanksgiving.
Posts: 1807 | Location: North Cackalacky | Registered: September 09, 2007
Originally posted by huskerlrrp: I discovered the CZ97 trigger has the same profile as the old CZ85 profile but no trigger stop screw. I've found the trigger stop to be a point of failure (make sure they are full of blue loktite and backed off @1/2 turn) so if you don't need the feature you can save some money. Also CZ USA usually has 20% for holidays and major matches if you can wait until Thanksgiving.
Thanks and good info. I am thinking of getting the CGW old style CZ85C trigger. I am wondering if I need to use the trigger stop screw? It would be nice to have the option to use it if I felt it would be beneficial or to leave the screw out if I did not if that does not cause a problem.
Originally posted by Riley: Yes, the floating trigger pin and the reduced power return spring. I like the look of the second trigger you posted. I may need one for my new P01.
Some folks have had luck heating and bending the stock trigger but that seems too much effort.
I wish they could make a flat trigger like on the Sig double action.
LOL, I am not going to try to heat and bend anything.
Originally posted by PeteF: I replaced the stock trigger with a cz97b trigger. It is the same as the cz85 without the over travel adjustment. I got it from cz usa.
Well I ordered, received, and put in the "old style" CZ 85 Combat style trigger from CGW.
Put it in a short while ago though install was more complicated than I first thought. Had to also remove hammer spring, magazine retention spring, safeties, and sear cage. It went pretty smooth though I initially had difficulty getting the left side safety all the way back in that also holds the sear cage in place. There was a REALLY tiny spot that I had to use a tiny screw driver to push back to let the safety snap back into place and to me that was time well spent to get much more familiar with my CZ. But all done and so far love the new trigger and it just feels so much better/natural for me and money well spent. I did not bother putting in the screw for over travel and after dry fire I see no reason to do so, at least as of now. Did some dry firing across the basement with 9MM laser trainer cartridge and results were sweet. Got to get back to the range within the next couple weeks. Thanks for all the responses and sharing of experiences and thoughts which all were very helpful.