I'm kind of torn on the color of the M17 "coyote" color. I like the slide, but the grip module looks a bit "mustardy" to my eye. It's very different from the FDE on regular 320s. Obviously just personal taste/opinion, but I'm interested.
Posts: 9166 | Location: The Red part of Minnesota | Registered: October 06, 2002
I need to see what it looks like when a 2LT fishes it out of a porta pooper or when it gets dragged behind an 1151 on a pistol lanyard before I can give an informed opinion.
Posts: 4864 | Location: Where ever Uncle Sam Sends Me | Registered: March 05, 2007
If you're gonna go to the trouble of coloring something, either make a deliberate effort to create a two-tone or make the frame and the slide match. Half-assed just looks half-assed.
Posts: 27324 | Location: Deep in the heart of the brush country, and closing on that #&*%!?! roadrunner. Really. | Registered: February 05, 2008
I can live with the finish. But my ancient sensibilities are put off by non-parkerized GI weapons. Now I will step outside and wait for the bus from the home to pick me up.
End of Earth: 2 Miles Upper Peninsula: 4 Miles
Posts: 16733 | Location: Marquette MI | Registered: July 08, 2014
If the Sirens' call of the P320 X-Compact can be resisted around tax refund time, I'd go for an M17 B. Black finish, please.This message has been edited. Last edited by: rat2306,
Posts: 3580 | Location: Fairfax Co. VA | Registered: August 03, 2015
I love poop colored guns for some reason, really. Especially for open carry in the woods as is required for me sometimes. The more variations on the gun the better as I think that's the stupidity and the charm at the same time. Nothing beats an FDE SCAR IMO but some of the more recent handguns are pretty close (think 19x). So no the color and differences in color don't bother me. But if they did I would just get black, because there is no way to overlook it.
“So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong, and strike at what is weak.”
To my eye SIG's use of Coyote tan is worlds better than Glock's idea of "FDE". But it's all a question of personal taste and preference. Some folks can't get enough of it, others can do without. Coyote is the new thing these days; when ordering product for the shop I've noticed a LOT of accessories now claiming that shade for their gear.
I thoroughly like the mismatched FDE on my M9A3 (the black M9A3 not surprisingly just looks like every other 92 model unless one stares REAL hard at it), and on the SCAR. I can do without the lifeless monotone FDE on my SIG 516, but then I think ARs should be 'Evil Black' no matter what, if only to piss off the anti-gun tweekers even more.