Interesting new pistol, strange enough I learned about it from a radio commercial during rush Limbaugh, never heard a firearm commercial before I the radio, I like it
I guess someone is going to spend some coin to try to get some market share, up name recognition etc
Will be interested to see how it works out
Posts: 661 | Location: The realm of Texas | Registered: February 06, 2009
I will be very interested to see an objective review. FN has put out multiple polymer framed high capacity pistols and none of them have stuck so far. Maybe this is the one.
What, me worry?
Posts: 2132 | Location: Central Florida | Registered: September 27, 2007
I Love FN pistols and already ordered one. I have multiple compacts and an FNS 9mm Long slide.In fact, i just traded my standard FNS to make room for my 509. I love my Glocks, but FNS is every bit as good save for the marketing hype.
I don't really see much difference in the FN509 over the FNS. That being said, from what I've seen the FNS was a greatly underappreciated pistol as well as most of the FN line handguns.
For some reason, some great guns just never get much traction. I have an FNX 45 and it's actually pretty awesome.
It'll be interesting to see how well these losing MHS designs do as they hit the commercial market. The 320 is the high demand 'it' gun right now and Glocks will always be Glocks. But the rest of the market is pretty fickle; for instance, with our shop we've already seen declining interest in the 2.0 and it's only been a few short months since its widespread release. The Ruger American barely gets a glance these days. VP9s and PPQs are still fondled, but neither moves with any pace or regularity for us. XD Mod2s do get some looks, but the fervor that occurred at launch has long passed. With the APX and 509 now live and the P-10C soon to follow, it's going to be one crowded marketplace for striker guns.
P.s, I do like my FNS9. Good shooter that's eaten everything I've fed it. Now just waiting for that hot sunny day...
Isn't that the striker fired FN that Larry Vickers recently reviewed? If I remember correctly he had a hand in design recommendations and has good things to say about it. I may have the wrong one in mind, I'll check.
Posts: 6075 | Location: TN | Registered: February 12, 2003
I'd love to know (and Soggy you'd know this) are the proliferation of other major brand poly striker guns taking a major bite out of Glock sales? I'm wondering if this market is fragmenting.
Bruce Gray spoke here on the FNS. He wasn't too impressed. But I think his issues have more to due with tunability (which as a smith, would be a major issue for him.) The thought it was overly complicated for what it did, compared to the Glock design.
Originally posted by 10X-Shooter: Isn't that the striker fired FN that Larry Vickers recently reviewed? If I remember correctly he had a hand in design recommendations and has good things to say about it. I may have the wrong one in mind, I'll check.
I just heard about this now from this thread. Looks like the FNS 2.0, similar to the FNX replacing the FNP. Looks pretty cool depending on the price may be a good buy, if FNS prices drop further I will probably get one of those instead. Will these be propriatery magazines that will not interchange with the FNS, that would be stupid on FN's part. They should have kept FNX and FNS magazines interchangeable, making the FNS and 509 magazines interchangable would be nice. A quick look at the web page reveals that it will come with only 2 magazines i stead of 3, FN you are really effin this up.
Originally posted by BBMW: I'd love to know (and Soggy you'd know this) are the proliferation of other major brand poly striker guns taking a major bite out of Glock sales? I'm wondering if this market is fragmenting.
With only a solitary shop to go by, I hardly have a handle on the entire industry. But for us the competition to Glock really hasn't made that much of a dent. Our number one 9mm is a Glock; for a while it was the G43 but now the G19 has retaken the crown. Our number one 40S&W is the G23. Our top selling 45AUTO is the Ruger SR1911 in all of its forms with Springfield 1911s a close second; it's with this caliber that Glock products haven't sold nearly as well for us. But our top selling 10mms and 357SIGs are Glocks. The market share percentages so far haven't changed a lot over the past few years, despite the positive hype with guns like the VP9 (of which I'm a big fan), PPQ and others. A lot of these new designs will have an initial sales spike, then tail off and Glock sales will be more or less what they've been.
The only gun that seems to have cut into market share is the 320, and even then it took a while for that to happen. Our early sales were sluggish, put mildly. More than a few were having a tough time wrapping their minds around a SIG priced at Glock levels (probably the SAME folks who still don't get the SIGPro). Getting the Pentagon contract was what pushed them over the hump, and it's been strong ever since. But G19s are still our top seller; I'd say a lot of SIG's 320 surge in sales is coming more at the expense of other guns--including their own classic P-SIGs--and not Glock's burden to bear alone.
The only positive is they're using Glock dovetails for sights. Their "new and improved" mags have a different base plate that doesn't work with the old guns. You can swap the base plates, where are you going to find them?
Posts: 4729 | Location: Kansas City, MO | Registered: May 28, 2004