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I tend to be one of the first kids on the block to own one and that applies to the Kimber K6s revolver and a March born P365. I am extremely happy with both those purchases and I have no fear the manufacturer will back up their product.
As for very small semi's, I have never had one failure of any kind in my seven year old Kahr PM9 shooting a wide variety of my handloads and going one further, the same can be said for my Kimber Ultra Carry CDP II in .45.
Posts: 210 | Registered: February 17, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I'm generally fairly cautious about picking up any kind of firearm until it's been vetted and out for a while. I do have a Kimber revolver, largely because they piqued my interest, and I didn't get it when they first came out.

Para is right in general principle; both regarding new firearms, and also regarding small firearms. It's not that the size makes them less reliable; many are, but the power of the cartridge doesn't change as the firearm gets smaller; just the moving mass, timing, and relationship between the parts.

It's an issue in the 1911's because of the way the barrel tilts on its linkage. Still modern officer size 1911's are very reliable, if properly made and fitted.

The 9mm Kahr's are reliable by most counts. I have several, but all in .40. The polymer ones have all experienced trouble; enough so that they've been back to Kahr several times, and one blew out in my hand immediately after coming back from Kahr, when it fired out of battery. It blew the side plate out, blew the magazine out, and burned my hand and face.

Likewise, it was my Shield in .40 that split the frame. I had hopes for the shield and had received a lot of good reports from friends and associates; it failed in practice and sits broken in my safe. I have a 9mm shield which hasn't failed yet. We shall see.

The P365 intrigues me. I think it's very possible that were Sig to have simply tried to scale back a P320, problems might have ensued. Others far more knowledgeable about the design and design criteria, such as Mr. Gray, could speak to that end.

In this case, Sig did put a fair amount of effort into the design, testing, etc. Problems have occurred, and so far as I know, have all been addressed to date. Certainly problems can occur when firearms are made smaller, but small does not mean that a firearm cannot be reliable. If the P365 does not meet expectations, I'll look to Sig to rectify it. If that is unsuccessful and the firearm cannot be made reliable (as was the case with my polymer Kahr's--the steel frames are reliable), then I'll have achieved a successful experiment all the same. The goal is to find out how viable and reliable the pistol is; either way I'll have found what I set out to find. In the meantime, I'll continue to seek out reports from other owners, users, or shooters to hear about their experiences.
Posts: 6650 | Registered: September 13, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I have one and like it quite a bit for what it is. I have noticed some peening on my barrel hood in the normal spots (I have BXR3). I'll likely talk to Sig and see what they have to say about it. It is so far very accurate and reliable if you take out me riding the slide stop for last round hold open.
Posts: 3160 | Location: Pnw | Registered: March 21, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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For $200 above wholesale, one can buy P365 here:


Mac in Michigan
Posts: 508 | Location: Below the Bridge in Michigan | Registered: July 04, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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The price gouging is stupid. Thankfully a friend of mine introduced me to a friend of his who works at this place in Exeter we're all very fond of and I got it for a very good price. Cool
Posts: 2252 | Location: New Hampshire | Registered: February 25, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of onpointgun
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My wife and I both picked one up. I love mine but I think she has decided she doesn't like hers. For some crazy reason she shoots her Performance Center Shield better. I think she about ready to tell me that its time to sale it.

I will be swift in my attack. My venom is packed with enough pride and gun powder to take down
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Posts: 2036 | Location: ON THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD | Registered: February 11, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Went to the range with a friend today. Saw a 365 with a broken firing pin in person. Mine is still fine but another guy at the range had picked up his 365 yesterday, never fired it and discovered today that it wouldn't fire. We pulled the slide off and found that the firing pin wouldn't even go forward. So then the slide was taken apart and the firing pin taken out. Broke off at the tip.
Posts: 2252 | Location: New Hampshire | Registered: February 25, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I love mine, have a bit over 100rnds through it shooting a mix of target and critical defense ammo through it. What I’m not too happy about is the Sig holster I bought specifically for it is already wearing the finish off in some places. I’ve got 2 shiny spots already. Carry gun I know, so it will show some wear but man already!?
Posts: 23 | Location: Central FL | Registered: May 02, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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About 400 flawless rounds through mine

I’ve tried to make it fail just about any way I could imagine and have been unable to do so. Every type of ammo has run through it. Really likes 124gr HST’s

Trusted it enough I used it in my CCW recertification class last month (instructor requires people to recert with actual carry weapon)

Live today as if it may be your last and learn today as if you will live forever
Posts: 6346 | Location: New Orleans...outside the levees, fishing in the Rigolets | Registered: October 11, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Woke up today..
Great day!
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I've got 600 through mine without an issue. Ball and JHP. Seems a tad snappier than my P938's but I shoot it well.
Posts: 1885 | Location: Chicagoland | Registered: December 10, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of 10-7 leo
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The only issue I have is training myself to keep my thumbs away from the slide release. It doesn't take much pressure to keep the slide from not locking open on an empty mag.

A friend, who has large very large hands, was having problems with the slide not locking back. His thumb was clear of the slide release but I think the forward thumb was rubbing against the slide.

I have put 300 rounds of various ammo through it.

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Sic Semper Tyrannis
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Posts: 2043 | Location: Central FL | Registered: September 03, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
We gonna get some
oojima in this house!
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There is no such thing as price gouging in a free market. There is the law of scarcity, and supply/demand.

Do you notice that the people who don’t “gouge” are out of stock, and the supposed “gougers” are in stock?

That’s not just by random chance. Jeez it makes me shake my head when people complain about gougers, especially on a forum that is supposed to have free thinkers.

TCB all the time...
Posts: 6501 | Location: Cantonment/Perdido Key, Florida | Registered: September 28, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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It's gouging.

I bought two, opposite sides of town; one side was out, I paid in advance, reserved the next in. The other I happened to stop in a shop, poor location, fair prices, and he just received a shipment. I bought one. Same price. Others around two were sold out at a hundred dollars more; the cost didn't impact whether the pistols sat; everyone who had one sold one.

The ones who charged more were price gouging.
Posts: 6650 | Registered: September 13, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Not really from Vienna
Picture of arfmel
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Originally posted by sns3guppy:
It's gouging.

I bought two, opposite sides of town; one side was out, I paid in advance, reserved the next in. The other I happened to stop in a shop, poor location, fair prices, and he just received a shipment. I bought one. Same price. Others around two were sold out at a hundred dollars more; the cost didn't impact whether the pistols sat; everyone who had one sold one.

The ones who charged more were price gouging.

Nobody forced anyone to pay the higher price. They sold at a price that the market would bear.
Posts: 27356 | Location: SW of Hovey, Texas | Registered: January 30, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Force is irrelevant.

Selling at the higher price because one can get away with it is gouging.

When .22 was in short supply, nobody was forced to buy it for seventy five bucks a brick, but people were paying it because it's all they could find, and the sellers were making a killing, with double and triple or higher markups.

The excuse for socking it to the buyer "because it's what the market will bear" is an apologists way of justifying it because they get away with it.

Ends justify the means? If someone will bite, it's okay to toss out the hook? Perhaps some of us tend to live to a higher standard of honesty. It really isn't ok to rip someone off, just because you can.
Posts: 6650 | Registered: September 13, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Well back from my second round at the range today and all I can say is I’m still in love. 04/21 birthdate if anyone is keeping track and no issues at all with function. Broke it down and lubed it up before heading out to the range and it ran flawlessly. I hope to not have the issues others are having and I do hope that their issues do get sorted. Almost 400rnds through it and I’d have to say I would like to carry it. It feels so much more comfortable in my hand than my 43 and am equally accurate with it. I am going to have to make a conscious effort to avoid all the fear mongering going on about it tho. When it comes to protecting ones life or loved ones that is easier said than done. For now the Glock stays on my hip but this Sig is quickly gaining some real estate buying power on my belt!
Posts: 23 | Location: Central FL | Registered: May 02, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Not really from Vienna
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Originally posted by sns3guppy:
Force is irrelevant.

Selling at the higher price because one can get away with it is gouging.

When .22 was in short supply, nobody was forced to buy it for seventy five bucks a brick, but people were paying it because it's all they could find, and the sellers were making a killing, with double and triple or higher markups.

The excuse for socking it to the buyer "because it's what the market will bear" is an apologists way of justifying it because they get away with it.

Ends justify the means? If someone will bite, it's okay to toss out the hook? Perhaps some of us tend to live to a higher standard of honesty. It really isn't ok to rip someone off, just because you can.

If demand for any item declines, a seller will have to take his lumps and lose money on it, or not sell it. Market forces are a two-way street. Is the buyer dishonest for not wanting to pay the old, higher price?
Posts: 27356 | Location: SW of Hovey, Texas | Registered: January 30, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Go ahead punk, make my day
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Supply vs Demand is pretty straight forward.

It's not like the P365 is the only small 9MM out there - it's just the new hotness and just like any other product in high demand with skimpy supply, price can and should remain high.

The terms apologist, gouging, and fair remind me of kids arguing over candy at recess.
Posts: 45798 | Registered: July 12, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by AClarion:
Hello All, I am new to the forum and new to Sig Firearms.
I recently purchased my first Sig, the P365. I purchased it because I could not believe such a small firearm could hold so many rounds.
After the purchase I started seeing online a lot of negatives about it, especially the striker drag. I was now a little nervous.
I am a Glock guy. I have carried one on duty for many years and was early on convinced of the reliability of these guns. I never even considered carrying anything else. My 19 is a little too big to carry during the summer months so I purchased a 26. Didn’t like it. In my opinion it is just slightly less of a profile than the 19. I considered the 43, it’s small but there were others smalller. I purchased the 42 and have been very happy. I know many will argue that the.380 is no good, but I disagree. I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of one. Still, it’s only 6+1. Back to the Sig. I purchased one because I got a good deal and off to the range I went. After about 400 rounds of ball and 147 g Hollow points, I must say I am impressed. Not a glitch and pretty accurate for such a small gun. I have large hands but it feels good even with the flat Magazine. I am confident that Sig would not put out a gun that would likely fail when you need it. ANY gun could fail, even Glock, they are man made tools. Whether you put a thousand, ten thousand or ten rounds through a gun, something could go wrong. That’s why it is very important to know your firearm and check it routinely. Now, the striker drag. It is there, No doubt about it. But its there on my Glock 42 also. Maybe not as pronounced, but it’s there. Will this be a problem later on? Sig says no. I believe them. They wouldn’t allow a gun to remain in the public if there was any significant chance that it would be a problem. I have faith.
The P365 is an amazing little gun. People compare the size to the Glock 43 but it is about the same size as the 42. The difference is four extra rounds, and those are 9mm not .380. While I am confident in the .380, I would still prefer the 9mm. Heavy jackets in winter time have even stopped 9mm (NYPD shooting a few years ago). So if you can carry a larger caliber in a a smaller gun, why wouldn’t you? So far Sig has impressed me with their innovation. Why couldn’t Glock do the same? Anyway I really like my new Sig P365.
I am attaching some pics of the drag on the 365 and 42.

Glock Certified Armorer
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Posts: 13 | Location: People’s Republic of New York | Registered: September 08, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Tooky13
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^^^ Welcome to the forum AClarion Smile

Good write-up, I think, if you're like me, your appreciation for the P365 will continue to grow the more you shoot it.

Also, your photos aren't showing up. Take a look at this thread for some pointers:

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Posts: 1367 | Location: Scottsdale, Arizona | Registered: December 07, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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