Well, at least it's not rainbow titanium diamond plate
April 20, 2015, 04:14 PM
As for your question, the 10mm Norma cartridge demands a lot from any handgun. This new P220 will be adapted to meet that challenge head on.
I have some Norma. I wonder if it's safe to shoot?
April 20, 2015, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by SIGWolf:
Originally posted by Operations: armscor 10mm
•Muzzle Velocity: 1150 fps. •Muzzle Energy: 529 ft. lbs.
So, this would be around the same as .40S&W, perhaps the Muzzle Energy is higher?
That load is hardly a rhino-roller, but it produces significantly more energy than the typical 40 S&W load. That, in fact, is why the 40 was developed with the 10mm as a parent cartridge: in addition to having a case that was longer than necessary, the 10mm as loaded then was too powerful for the FBI’s purposes.
The load referenced above is with a 180 grain bullet. Typical velocities for premium 180 grain defensive ammunition in 40 S&W are in the 1000+ fps range, and at that velocity they develop about 400 ft-lb of energy. The 10mm load described above is nearly 1/3 higher, and that’s a lot. Further, of course, are the “boutique” and other higher-powered types of 10mm ammunition. One is advertised as producing over 700 ft-lb of energy with a 220 grain bullet.
Anyone who’s interested in the power of the 10mm should carefully examine the published ballistics of any potential purchase. For example, according to a 2010 catalogue, the velocity of the 180 grain Federal 10mm Hydra-Shok load is 1030 fps, and that’s from a 5-inch barrel as compared with the 4-inch barrels used for testing that company’s 40 S&W ammunition. On that basis, the 10mm Hydra-Shok is no more powerful than the similar 40 S&W load, and may even be less powerful.
► 6.0/94.0
“‘The Lord's our shepherd,’ says the psalm, but just in case, we better get a bomb!” Who’s Next?, Tom Lehrer
April 20, 2015, 07:48 PM
I've seen some conflicting lists of what models will be available. Personally, I'd prefer one with a 4.4" barrel and DA/SA SRT trigger. Does anyone know if this will be offered later this year or should I be looking at the 5" version that's starting to show up?
April 20, 2015, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by dl645pro: I've seen some conflicting lists of what models will be available. Personally, I'd prefer one with a 4.4" barrel and DA/SA SRT trigger. Does anyone know if this will be offered later this year or should I be looking at the 5" version that's starting to show up?
There are some that Sig will be selling through their normal distribution network and then there are special models that certain distributors such as Lipsey's have made just for their dealers. And if I've been following everything correctly, Sig kind of changed their mind on sights on a model or two after SHOT because, IIRC, more people wanted to see adjustable sights than fixed sights. So it is kind of confusing right now.
There are supposed to be 4.4" models coming but it may be a while.
April 20, 2015, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by GoneBallisticInAlabama:
Originally posted by dl645pro: I've seen some conflicting lists of what models will be available. Personally, I'd prefer one with a 4.4" barrel and DA/SA SRT trigger. Does anyone know if this will be offered later this year or should I be looking at the 5" version that's starting to show up?
There are some that Sig will be selling through their normal distribution network and then there are special models that certain distributors such as Lipsey's have made just for their dealers. And if I've been following everything correctly, Sig kind of changed their mind on sights on a model or two after SHOT because, IIRC, more people wanted to see adjustable sights than fixed sights. So it is kind of confusing right now.
There are supposed to be 4.4" models coming but it may be a while.
Thanks. Forgot to mention that I'd be wanting fixed sights on it. I can understand adjustable for bullseye and hunting, I prefer fixed sights on a carry piece.
April 21, 2015, 02:44 PM
Talked to Sig today. They said recoil springs would only be sold with the guide rod.
Who will be first to offer a .40 barrel for one
Tom Johansen
April 21, 2015, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by Black92LX:
No freaking clue when I'll get one now as people have been ordering for 4 months...
I'm with ya man. My advice is to get one from Gunbroker.
I gave up after Dury's was telling me nothing and giving me the runaround.
Now I have a 10mm with a Gray Guns trigger and Sig Elite aluminum grips.
The P-SPIT trigger is a great addition and the G-10s just weren't my style.
I couldn't care less what Dury's has now...
Hopefully they can get it all worked out for you soon.
April 21, 2015, 05:16 PM
So... .38supersig, can you tell us how you feel about Drury's?
I am not BIPOLAR. I don't even like bears.
April 21, 2015, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by BRL:
So... .38supersig, can you tell us how you feel about Dury's?
Hey, It isn't Dury's per se, I just think if I give someone my word, I'll do my damndest to keep it.
If I can't, I try to make the best attempt to explain why and give updates as events warrant.
When I was building and selling clocks as a hobby, I was using a 568 tube for the displays.
I was able to get my parts from a gentleman in Ukraine.
As luck would have it, I was not able to get in contact with the supplier when the region destabilized.
I contacted everyone who had placed an order and asked if they would accept a smaller IN-18 tube at a lesser price or a complete refund.
Granted I never had the scale of a retail establishment, but I didn't have a full time staff either.
Is it too much to think that others can do the same?
April 21, 2015, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by SIGWolf:
•Muzzle Velocity: 1150 fps. •Muzzle Energy: 529 ft. lbs.
•Muzzle Velocity: 1600 fps •Muzzle Energy: 767 ft. lbs
the armscor is just my plinking ammo but it still is not something to wave off
April 22, 2015, 01:15 AM
Originally posted by .38supersig:
Originally posted by BRL:
So... .38supersig, can you tell us how you feel about Dury's?
Hey, It isn't Dury's per se, I just think if I give someone my word, I'll do my damndest to keep it.
If I can't, I try to make the best attempt to explain why and give updates as events warrant.
When I was building and selling clocks as a hobby, I was using a 568 tube for the displays.
I was able to get my parts from a gentleman in Ukraine.
As luck would have it, I was not able to get in contact with the supplier when the region destabilized.
I contacted everyone who had placed an order and asked if they would accept a smaller IN-18 tube at a lesser price or a complete refund.
Granted I never had the scale of a retail establishment, but I didn't have a full time staff either.
Is it too much to think that others can do the same?
I agree 110% with you on the customer service part, even though the bulk of the blame doesn't lie with Drury's. I'm frustrated by the wait, but anxious to finally get it.
Speaking of customer service, Sig received my P220 last Thursday. I hadn't heard anything from them, so I called on Monday. I was told it was gone through, and some type of adjustments had been made to the magazine catch. Also, that it would be sent back out to me on Tuesday. Still no word as of Wednesday night.
April 22, 2015, 01:57 AM
cheaper to fix a part than to actually correct a design flaw
April 22, 2015, 04:41 AM
Originally posted by Operations: cheaper to fix a part than to actually correct a design flaw
Originally posted by Grayguns: Hiya! I read this thread with great interest. As it happens, this variable magazine insertion quirk was not viewed as an issue at first, given the expected hunting use for these pistols. However, this is now recognized abd being addressed. It was one of the action items I worked on with my design engineer friends Matt and Sean at SIG last week, and a modification to the release is in the works.
For those who watch tv, Guns & Ammo TV had a short shooting review of the P220 Elite 10mm on Monday. They had two versions, both 5 in and completely black. One had adjustable sights and the other had fixed sights.
April 22, 2015, 02:58 PM
Spoke to someone at Dury's today. They still have no ETA on when they'll receive anything from Sig. So, this week is a pipe dream unfortunately.
April 22, 2015, 07:37 PM
If you look at the tabs at the top of their website, one of them says 'News'. Perhaps they have posted the information you need there?
April 22, 2015, 10:52 PM
Tom Gresham
Spoke to someone at Dury's today. They still have no ETA on when they'll receive anything from Sig. So, this week is a pipe dream unfortunately.
Of course, Dury's isn't making the guns. All they can do is ask . . . and they do that.
Last week Sig told me the first batch would ship this week. I'm guessing that until Dury's sees confirmation of guns in transit, they aren't going to give out a firm date. Seems like a smart policy.
April 23, 2015, 03:00 AM
Originally posted by SIGWolf:
Originally posted by Operations: cheaper to fix a part than to actually correct a design flaw
Originally posted by Grayguns: Hiya! I read this thread with great interest. As it happens, this variable magazine insertion quirk was not viewed as an issue at first, given the expected hunting use for these pistols. However, this is now recognized abd being addressed. It was one of the action items I worked on with my design engineer friends Matt and Sean at SIG last week, and a modification to the release is in the works.
Lucky, we are, to have such people on it and such insights into it.
It's confidence inspiring/renforcing, amongst other things.
April 23, 2015, 12:32 PM
My order of assorted Underwood loads arrived on my doorstep last night! Can't wait to get her hot and dirty.
But lots of bad stuff going on in the family right now so I don't known when I'll get to try it out. But she sure is pretty and she's mine! And she has taken special place in my new safe that was delivered this past Monday.
Very impresssed with the quality of the fit and finish. While this next statement is not exactly scientific, she just feels like she's built to handle anything.This message has been edited. Last edited by: GoneBallisticInAlabama,