Originally posted by .38supersig:
Originally posted by Tom Gresham:
An update for those who have ordered the GT20 (SAO).
First batch should ship from Sig to Durys next week. Another 150 by the end of the month, and the last 100 by May 15. Total run is 300. Each gun will be marked "1 of 300".
To help ease the sting of the delay, and to say thanks for everyone's patience, the good folks at Sig have agreed to supply a third magazine with each GT20.
It would have been great if Dury's could have told me anything like this before I cancelled my order.
If a mass production model was used at the time of the video (late March?) then why couldn't they release any until next week?
Every time I had called Dury's I was told "in a few more weeks we may be able to tell you something".
Three days after I had sent my FFL holders license to Austin (the gentleman who works at Dury's), I was called and asked to send it again because they were 'building a database' (?).
After the original release date passed, would it have been too hard to send out an email saying the order was delayed because of (grips not produced, parts supplier delay, new release date, etc...) ?
Now the delay in and of itself wouldn't have been all that bad if it wasn't for the lack of communication for the end user.
After getting the runaround for a few times I gave up and asked them to refund the $1514.97 of mine that they had since January 23rd.
The 10mm P220s on Gunbroker were too enticing I suppose. At lease they had a picture of exactly what I was buying and could give a firm answer on when it would be shipped out.
I was really looking forward to owning the GT-20 as well as another SAO P220 regardless of how many were made.
I do listen to Gun Talk Radio every now and then and enjoy it. I can't say I'll do business with Dury's any time soon.
The GT-20 is a nice looking Sig, the adjustable sights would have been a plus...