SIG-Sauer announces the P220 10mm

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September 29, 2014, 10:04 PM
SIG-Sauer announces the P220 10mm
So, what is it like shooting a P220 in 10mm?

I have shot a Glock 20. Recoil was not that bad, but I only fired 20 rounds or so. The P220 must be more controllable, can you tell me more?

September 29, 2014, 10:50 PM
Unbelievable. I can't wait to see even some pics.
September 30, 2014, 12:34 PM
WOW WOW I am so excited to hear this ! I have been following this from old forum reading and The BRUCE gun. I think this is great news. I thank all involved to make this happen. I think Sig will be the ultimate 10 MM handgun to have . IF I live long enough , as I'm OLD I will have one.

Thanks Para Bruce Mr Cohen and all at SIG for doing this .
October 01, 2014, 08:19 AM
IF I live long enough , as I'm OLD I will have one.

I'll double down on that! My last additional caliber.
October 01, 2014, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by c1steve:
So, what is it like shooting a P220 in 10mm?

Ask Alice. She's the new field tester and spokesmodel for the SIG 10mm initiative. Big Grin


"I've got a life to live, people to love, and a God to serve!" - sigmonkey

"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." - Albert Einstein

"A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition" ― Rudyard Kipling
October 01, 2014, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by Udo:
IF I live long enough , as I'm OLD I will have one.

I'll double down on that! My last additional caliber.
Have I left you guys with the impression that it is going to be years before these pistols show up??

When I said production was not imminent, it was to keep people from calling up SIG the next day and asking where are these pistols. "Not imminent", as in not just right now. Not immediately.
October 01, 2014, 11:12 AM
08 Cayenne
10mm is a great round, I started with a G20, then a G29, then a 610. I already put the G20 on armslist, the money will go to Underwood ammo to feed the 610 and the Sig.
October 01, 2014, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by parabellum:
Have I left you guys with the impression that it is going to be years before these pistols show up??

When I said production was not imminent, it was to keep people from calling up SIG the next day and asking where are these pistols. "Not imminent", as in not just right now. Not immediately.

Some people in the crowd just heard "Christmas present for me! Or maybe Groundhog's Day!" Wink
October 01, 2014, 10:09 PM
I wish it could be this year.
That way I could get one via Single Shoot Exemption here in California.
That goes away next year as a new law takes effect.

Beware the man who only has one gun. He probably knows how to use it! - John Steinbeck
October 02, 2014, 07:11 AM
Awesome news.

A group buy would be a neat option, but if not; Hey Donna - put me on the list!

You only have integrity once. - imprezaguy02

October 02, 2014, 10:47 AM
I want a new pistol for no later than the 2015 Whitetail hunting season. I would like to buy soon so I can get it outfitted (sight mount & red dot) and get some quality practice.

I am doing my mental & economic gymnastics trying to figure out if I wait for a P220-10 mm and run the risk of it not being available or do I buy another gun now and forego the P220-10 until later.

I hope Sig publishes a release date soon. I have half the purchase price burning a hole in my pocket.
October 02, 2014, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by burnetma:
I want a new pistol for no later than the 2015 Whitetail hunting season. I would like to buy soon so I can get it outfitted (sight mount & red dot) and get some quality practice.

I am doing my mental & economic gymnastics trying to figure out if I wait for a P220-10 mm and run the risk of it not being available or do I buy another gun now and forego the P220-10 until later.

I hope Sig publishes a release date soon. I have half the purchase price burning a hole in my pocket.

I have every reason to believe you will have your new P220-10 well ahead of your 2015 hunt. WELL ahead.


Designer and custom pistolsmith at Grayguns Inc. Privileged to be R&D consultant to the world's greatest maker of fine firearms: SIG SAUER

Visit us at to order yours, and Thank You for making GGI the leader in custom SIG and HK pistolsmithing and high-grade components.

Bruce Gray, President
Grayguns Inc. / 888.585.4729
October 02, 2014, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by Grayguns:
I have every reason to believe you will have your new P220-10 well ahead of your 2015 hunt. WELL ahead.



Do you think these will be available for Californians before year end so that they will be able to take advantage of the Single Shot Exemption?

God Bless and Protect our Beloved President, Donald John Trump.
October 02, 2014, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by Grayguns:
Originally posted by burnetma:
I want a new pistol for no later than the 2015 Whitetail hunting season. I would like to buy soon so I can get it outfitted (sight mount & red dot) and get some quality practice.

I am doing my mental & economic gymnastics trying to figure out if I wait for a P220-10 mm and run the risk of it not being available or do I buy another gun now and forego the P220-10 until later.

I hope Sig publishes a release date soon. I have half the purchase price burning a hole in my pocket.

I have every reason to believe you will have your new P220-10 well ahead of your 2015 hunt. WELL ahead.


If I had a tail I'd wag it.

October 02, 2014, 04:38 PM
^^^ +1

My tail is a waggin'!!
October 02, 2014, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by Grayguns:
Originally posted by burnetma:
I want a new pistol for no later than the 2015 Whitetail hunting season. I would like to buy soon so I can get it outfitted (sight mount & red dot) and get some quality practice.

I am doing my mental & economic gymnastics trying to figure out if I wait for a P220-10 mm and run the risk of it not being available or do I buy another gun now and forego the P220-10 until later.

I hope Sig publishes a release date soon. I have half the purchase price burning a hole in my pocket.

I have every reason to believe you will have your new P220-10 well ahead of your 2015 hunt. WELL ahead.


Oh boy oh boy oh boy!

More excited than a five year old at Christmas!
October 02, 2014, 07:33 PM
Badkarma 1
This is HUGE!
I've been a 10mm fanatic since the days if the Bren Ten, owned G20, S&W 1006, 1076, 1086, and a Colt Delta Elite. Of the lot I still have the Colt.
Damn this is going to be fucking AWESOME!!!!!
Sign me up for the two Elites!
Sorry for the language Para, but I feel like celebrating!!! Smile

POW/MIA: You are Not Forgotten
October 03, 2014, 05:37 AM
Underwood seems be be the choice for SD ammo. Many choices from 135 gr to 200 gr with it seems the most mention of 180gr. Is 180 the best choice and why?

I am not BIPOLAR. I don't even like bears.

October 03, 2014, 06:40 PM
I'm in.
I already told the wife a new one was coming next year.
She likes our .45ACP and .38 Super P220's.
She has said the Glock 29 was fine for caliber but really didn't like the Glock itself.

Only thing better would be no rail so I could use the holsters already on hand.
October 03, 2014, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by BRL:
Underwood seems be be the choice for SD ammo. Many choices from 135 gr to 200 gr with it seems the most mention of 180gr. Is 180 the best choice and why?

If I recall correctly, the original 10mm called for a 200 grain bullet at 1200 fps. I think they got that right.

You knew the job was dangerous when you took it, Fred! - Henry Cabot Henhouse III, aka "SuperChicken"