So I've carried and shot Glocks for over 30 years. I've tried Sigs, Beretta's, and 1911's over the years...
Now California has finally let the Roster of allowed handguns open up. First I got a P320/M18, then I got a P365 (CA version), now a P365XL. I like carrying the P365, and the XL. Once I added the optic for the M18, I found my shooting improved dramatically.
The Glock is a tried and proven design, even the Gen 3, which is all we can get here. But I really enjoy the ergo's of the Sigs, and I love their modularity.
Has anyone else made the transition, especially anyone here in CA?
Posts: 1977 | Location: Southern CA | Registered: July 27, 2008
I wouldn't say I transitioned, but I carried a G26 for years and eventually sold it because it just didn't have the same natural point of aim as my Sigs. I like the gun, but found once I really started working on my drawstroke and presentation with the P320, it became very noticeable that the Glock was quite different, and it felt like I was fighting it every time I took it to the range. I ultimately decided it just didn't make sense to try and maintain that same level of proficiency on two different platforms when I barely have the time and ammo that I want for one.
Posts: 9640 | Location: In the Cornfields | Registered: May 25, 2006
Yes, for personal carry. I've carried Glocks for 26 years and love them. But, like others, I find I have to fight to shoot them as accurately as I can the Sig P320 and P365. I've sold all but one of my personal Glocks. I still keep the magazines as an investment.
Posts: 888 | Location: FL | Registered: January 29, 2001
I've always been into the P2xx series. The P220 was my first gun.
In this decade, I still like the P220, but the P229 is a great replacement for the Glock pistol. I like it quite a bit. Nothing is stopping you from keeping your Glocks and trying out SIG's for awhile.
I for years said I would not own a Glock... talked them down with only very limited experience of shooting a few of varying caliber and such owned by friends.... then I decided I needed a carbine type rifle in 357 sig caliber and what I chose only took Glock magazines and so next came a Glock pistol to go with the rifle.. the rifle I bought easily converts to 9mm and so next came a 9mm Glock... now somehow I own 3 Glock pistols... they are okay but I still prefer Sigs .
If you are going to go with striker fired I also would stick with Sig.... but I honestly think striker fired pistols are not for the general public who at best go to the range once every couple of years and probably had one 4 hour handgun class.
I just realized over the weekend that even though I only have two Sig P226 legion pistols I have 5 slides for them..... can't quite figure out how that happened....
I went to the range with my Glock 19, and my new Sig P365 XL. My Glock 19, which has forever been my gold standard for shootability, was just a hot mess. Everything I was shooting was going a little left. Usually not a huge deal, but also every time I pull that trigger and it recoiled my trigger finger got a jolt of pain - and really made shooting totally uncomfortable / unpleasant. I think I was able to get through three magazines, so a total of 45 rounds.
Enter the P365 XL. Put close to 150 rounds down range, no pain in my finger, and that thing was at least as accurate if not more so than my Glock 19. This Sig thing is really starting to become a problem…
Posts: 1977 | Location: Southern CA | Registered: July 27, 2008
I carry a Glock 27 with a 15 round spare magazine and have reasons to switch to Sig. It is disappointing to see that there are no 40 S&W options and that P320 sub-compact is also no longer a thing. Are the P365 and P365XL going to be my only options in a similarly sized firearm?
First a caveat: All my Sig 365s have switched out to Wilson Combat frames, which I LOVE.
I shoot both Glocks and Sig 365 regularly, and I like both. Currently I am carrying a G43x IWB (Inside Waistband holster) when I am at work (retired from Police Department but currently working as a Court Bailiff). IWB is a bit more secure and doesn't smack my chair armrests sitting down or standing up as much as my OWB (Outside Waistband) holsters. I will probably switch to a Sig P365XL at our next qualification, the Sig is just a bit smaller and carries a lot better for me.
I have an additional Glock 43x and Sig P365XL set up with Red Dots but I am still getting used to them (still a bit slower at close to medium range but extremely accurate at medium to long range).
Posts: 4119 | Location: St.Louis County MO | Registered: October 13, 2006
Just to throw this out... I have in the past bought a few brand new Sigs but mostly what I've purchased are used ones.... and just about all of those if I look came from members here. I have yet to have an issue with one of these pistols or a sale. If you are a fiddler and tinkeror like me then buying used is often better. As has been said there are plenty of .40 cal pistols and parts out there... out there.
So if I want a "new" Sig in .40 S&W that is similar to my Glock 27 I'll need to base it on the P320 and try to find a sub-compact frame and magazines along with a new barrel?