P220R Carry. I even badmouthed them when they came out because the only difference between it and a full size P220 was being a half inch shorter. Then I had some cash burning a hole in my pocket and saw one in a pawn shop. Felt so good in the hand and pointed so naturally I made it mine. I remember thinking what kind of a dumbass would pawn something like this? Stopped at the range on the way home and the rest, as they say, was history.
Posts: 478 | Location: Arizona | Registered: February 05, 2005
SP2022. Made fun of it when it the SP2340 came out. Bought one just because they were $350 and figured it'd make a good car gun. Ended up liking it enough to use it in 3-gun. Without it, I probably wouldn't have tried other polymer framed pistols.
------------------------------------------------ Charter member of the vast, right-wing conspiracy
Had, and was very satisfied with, a 229 back a few years ago. Stumbled upon a like-new Sig 228 CPO (red box) at a pawn shop in Dallas three years ago for $399 & picked it up due to the price alone. I have no words to describe how wonderful this gun is. The 229 is now relegated to the safe.
---------------------------------------- “The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.”
Posts: 1475 | Location: RR12 | Registered: February 17, 2008
P6 and the P320. I remember thinking, "what use could I possibly have for a low-capacity, single-stack 9mm?" Then I handled one. It went home with me, and was my carry gun for several years.
As to the P320, I was never a big fan of striker fired plastic pistols. I shot a buddy's P250, and liked it, but the trigger pull, while exceptionally smooth, was way too long as was the reset. When they came out with the P320, I thought "meh, it's basically just a striker-fired p250." Then my department started looking at new duty guns to replace our 20 year-old P229s. I lobbied for the G17. They bought P320s. I shot it, and fell in love.
Posts: 9753 | Location: In the Cornfields | Registered: May 25, 2006
Another here for the 320. I was issued a Glock with one department, qualified well, but didn't care for the grip.
When the 320 came out, I figured it was going to feel similar to the Glock. It felt better in my hand than the 229 which I loved and carried with another department.
Add in the modularity and I was sold.
Sic Semper Tyrannis If you beat your swords into plowshares, you will become farmers for those who didn't! Political Correctness is fascism pretending to be Manners-George Carlin
Posts: 2043 | Location: Central FL | Registered: September 03, 2008
P230 SL. I never knew Sig made such a beautiful gun until seeing a gorgeous shape in the used case at a LGS. I asked to see it and was shocked it was a Sig...I was used to blocky, high bore axis guns and was surprised. I kept my eye out and snagged a complete SL example from 1984 from a young cop who used it as his personal BUG. The dept had just changed their rules and he needed to buy a 9mm so he sold it to me for $500 (included the original orange box and three stainless mags). The gun was older than he was; he bought it from a cop who was retiring a few years back who'd had it from new and it was his BUG since then.
Posts: 3198 | Location: Loudoun VA | Registered: December 21, 2014
SHR-970. Didn't realize SIG made hunting rifles until I came across the one I ultimately bought. It's been a great deer gun, and its barrel interchangeability is a big plus.
With pistolas: truthfully, any of them. I never seriously considered owning any SIG other than perhaps the P210 until my brother cajoled me into buying my first, a P229R. Now I have too many of them...and I wouldn't have it any other way. They didn't come close to curing me of my Glockaholism but it's been mostly a fun ride to date regardless.
Never thought I would like a polymer pistol or a striker fired. It has become my EDC and one of my most accurate pistols. Not the most fun, however. I would have to say my Ruger in Super Blackhawk in .44Mag is one of my most fun shooters.
Posts: 1872 | Location: Chicagoland | Registered: December 10, 2008