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I carry a 365. My backup to that is my console vault pistol, which for now is a G19.

Posts: 2890 | Location: Unass the AO | Registered: December 16, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I've run a bunch, currently its my G19 at work. Fits my zippered cargo pocket with a desantis nemesis.
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Picture of JMB239
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Seecamp 380

Matthew 5:9 "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God."
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Picture of Ironmike57
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Sometimes on my body, but always in my car. About a year ago, I had a couple of guys jump in my back seats while I was parked in heavy rain. They thought I was their Uber. I would of had no chance to draw from under a seatbelt if it was the real deal. There is now a 2nd gun under passenger seat cushion.
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My normal everyday carry if I go out for dinner or grocery run is generally a Ruger LCP Max. When I go to work and since I already have the LCP Max in my pocket usually. When I put on my other pistol for work. It naturally become the backup to my SIG M18X or my SIG P210 Carry.
Posts: 16 | Registered: June 02, 2019Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Seecamp 32 ACP in a DeSantis pocket holster.
Posts: 2046 | Registered: March 07, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of JSIGPACK
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Glock 42 in a Desantis Ankle holster
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2 folding knives for the last 30+ years.
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Down the Rabbit Hole
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It's hard to beat a G42 as a backup. The little guns are reliable and accurate for what they are.

Diligentia, Vis, Celeritas

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."
-- George Orwell

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I had pocket carried a gen1 shield for several years. Moved to a shield plus when it came out but the very slight increase in grip size felt massive in the pocket. I came to realize capacity wasn't most important especially in a back up gun/pocket gun.
I moved to a p938 and it disappears in a pocket. It also surprised me that the p938 shoots like a much bigger gun for me. It's more comfortable to shoot and more accurate than my shield or shield plus.
Posts: 2782 | Registered: March 28, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Fighting the good fight
Picture of RogueJSK
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I started out with a J-frame 642 in a pocket holster as my duty BUG. Hated it, but it was the best option at the time.

Then went to a Kahr PM9 in a pocket holster as my duty BUG. Hated it only a little less, but it was the best option at the time.

Now I've been promoted to the point where I no longer carry a BUG, but were I to need to do so again, I'd carry my P365 in a pocket holster as a BUG.
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Picture of bcjwriter
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I did an informal poll of my staff and it became evident I"m literally the only one carrying a backup weapon...

...modern semi-auto's are so reliable, you don't need a backup...
...ankle guns are unsafe...maybe we should prohibit them...'s a generational thing...only you old timers carried those

Maybe there is some truth to that last one...when I started we were just transitioning to semi-auto's and a lot of staff still carried revolvers. Possibly with the lower round counts in the wheel guns the backup weapon was more relevant...however I still believe one is none, two is one...

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Kahr P380 work in town pants. Kel Tec P3AT in work on the farm pants.
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One day at a time
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IF I Do. 642...

I always have pepper spray or a Kimber Pepper blaster.
Posts: 5499 | Registered: August 10, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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When I was a working street police officer, for 33+ years, the openly-carried “primary” weapon, on my right hip, meant that any other handgun on or about my person was a “back-up” weapon. Usually, the back-up gun was a five-shot revolver, a J-Frame until some time in the late Nineties, then a Ruger SP101 until 2018, interrupted for a time by a Glock Gen4 G26. I had bought the G26 soon after I transitioned to a G17 duty pistol, in September 2015. I sold the G26 back-up pistol to one of my former rookies partners, shortly before I retired.

I settled upon Alessi ankle holsters, some time in the Nineties, to tote the second gun. I had these Alessi rigs for the J-Frame, SP101, and the G26. Today, the Ritchie ankle holster is the successor to the Alessi; Ritchie had, as I understand it, worked with Lou Aleesi. During personal time, I have tended to use a Kramer pocket holster, or a left-hand belt-level holster, for the second gun.

It became normal to tote a second concealed handgun, during personal time, by some time in the mid Nineties. I had returned to carrying a revolver while on duty, in 1993, after bad luck with two duty autos. With less ammo in the weapon, the urge to bring the second gun becomes more worth the burden.

One of the several reasons that I retired from policing, in 2018, was that my right hand no longer always did exactly what my brain wanted it to do. By October of 2017, shooting 9mm Glocks, of a size smaller than my G17 duty pistol, had become painful. Even earlier, I had stopped trusting my right hand to be a reliably stable platform for auto-loader functioning, with some pistols, though I should note that my 9mm Glocks have never malfunctioned. (I am probably jinxing myself, by typing this!)

So, with my right hand not aging well, but still able to grip specific revolvers quite firmly, if they did not have large/voluminous grips, it became more necessary for my left hand to be better-prepared to reach a weapon. With my default normal handgun being an SP101, and there being less “work space” for reloading quickly, compared to a larger revolver, it has become quite common for me to tote a second handgun, positioned for lefty access. No speed-loader is as quick as drawing a second weapon.

If I choose to carry a six-shot, medium-frame revolver, on my right side, I am somewhat less-likely to feel a need for the second weapon, depending upon my perception of the situation. Medium-framed revolvers have more “work space” for speed-loading. I will carry speed-loaders for K-Frames, and Speed Six and GP100 Rugers, but do not even use speed-loaders with the small-frame weapons.

My brain seems hard-wired to reach for my right side, for a handgun, during an emergency, and to reach for anything else, including a reload, with my left hand. Rather than try to re-wire my nervous system, for lefty primary weapon carry, it makes more sense for my first-priority “reload” to be a second gun, when my right-side weapon is a small-frame revolver.

The weapon that I position for lefty access may be a larger handgun, which blurs the lines of primary/secondary/back-up. I write lefty, and throw righty, which led to the fortunate decision to learn to be functionally ambidextrous with most of my important handguns, especially DA revolvers, which I was required to use, early in my LE career.

My usual “ambi” guns include Ruger SP101, Speed Six, and GP100, and S&W K-Frames.

When I carry a Glock G17, which is situational, I will probably wear it on my left side. I recently “replaced” my G26, buying a new Gen3, and later a pre-owned Gen4. I will be vetting these, in the near future. They may change my overall carry equation, though, of course, my right hand probably cannot tolerate shooting the the Baby Glocks.

I do not claim to be any kind of expert. Please forgive my tendency to ramble. I typed this, uncaffeinated, after awakening in the wee hours of the morning. This was much longer; I removed much. Smile

Have Colts, will travel
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No, but I always have my Benchmade 940 with me.
Posts: 490 | Location: NE FL, JAX | Registered: July 27, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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