My first striker fired polymer frame pistol was a standard XD 45acp. I think that was about 2007. I liked it enough that I bought an XD compact and XD Tactical in the same caliber. I put a Streamlight TLR-2 on the Tactical model and used it as a bedside gun. I sold the standard size XD because I liked the compact better for carry. Nothing wrong with the XD pistols. You'll hear that the triggers are mushy and the bore axis is a bit high. I liked the ergonomics. XD's fit my hand quite well and shot them well enough. Having the word "tactical" on the 5.25" pistol bothered me as the word was overused to the point of silliness. I sold or traded both the remaining XD pistols and went through a SIG P series phase before going to Glocks. I can't say anything bad about the XD tactical. My interests just changed.
Posts: 698 | Location: Ohio & UP of Michigan | Registered: April 18, 2010
Triggers are crap, sights are a pain in the ass to change, the magazines don’t hold up too well, out of the 5 or 6 I had at least 3 I had to change the springs after 4 years of not shooting it much. Didn’t like the grip texture but that’s easily fixed. Other than that it’s a decent pistol but I just don’t see what it does better than a Glock.
The triggers are mushy out of the box, a powder river trigger kit makes them pretty sweet. The ONLY malfunctions I've ever had from over a dozen XD's and thousands of rounds is that sometimes the slide doesn't hold open after the last round. I shot XD's A LOT. They are extremely reliable accurate pistols.
They have the same bore axis as 1911's. If you are used to Glocks or Steyr's they will feel unfamiliar at first. If you are used to 1911's you will be right at home.
Comparing XD's to Glocks there are differences other than the bore axis. The XD's have a noticeably smaller grip, especially in 45 ACP. Glock 21's always shot very well for me but I felt like I was holding a 2x4. The XD 45's fit me much better. XD's are noticeably less expensive than Glocks. But the BIGGEST difference to me and most I've shown both too is that the XD's have a extra Grip Safety and have a cocked indicator and a loaded Chamber indicator. In pitch darkness you can easily tell by feel if a XD is cocked and or loaded. This might not be a big deal for you but it's an important safety feature to come that I've shown them to.
If you have very large hands a Glock might feel better too you. If you have medium to small hands an XD might fit you MUCH better. Both are excellent pistols with significant aftermarket support. I prefer XD's and XDM's to Glocks but both are excellent weapons..........
Remember, this is all supposed to be for fun...................
I have both the XD Tactical and the Compact in .45. Both have been completely reliable and very accurate. I can shoot both of them almost as well as my 1911's. The grip shape and angle just fits my hand very well. I had a Glock 30, and it was reliable, but the grip felt like a 2x4. The XDm's with the tire tread grip don't feel nearly as well as the standard XD grip. The XD triggers are not competition grade, but there are aftermarket kits available. I find the triggers no worse than a Glock. If the XD Tactical feels good in your hand, has an acceptable trigger, and good sights then you probably won't be disappointed. That's my 2 cents worth.
Posts: 655 | Location: Northern Colorado, USA | Registered: September 25, 2002
I think all the XD's are really good guns and I've owned a few over the years. I bought an XD 45 tactical a few years ago but never got around to shooting it. The triggers aren't the best but no worse or better than any other striker fired pistol and as others have said there are aftermarket kits available to improve the trigger. If you can rent one and if it fits your hand well and you can shoot it accurately there's no reason not to buy it. Mine came with a cheesy holster and mag pouch but nothing I'd ever try and actually use to carry the pistol.
Posts: 1802 | Location: USA | Registered: December 11, 2005