I've been a proponent of the ACT mags as a reliable, cheaper substitute for factory P220 Mags for a while. I own a couple and the have performed well. However, I discovered a problem tonight that I thought I'd better share.
They are not actually stainless steel as I believed, but rather some kind of carbon steel with a plating over it. One of mine apparently developed some rust under the plating and it started to bubble. Admittedly, I leave them in leather mag pouches for weeks or months at a time, which I probably shouldn't do, but the rusting part isn't even the part of the mag body that's in contact with the pouch.
Some light scraping with a screwdriver exposed the cancer underneath:
A wire wheel and some sandpaper and it's pretty well cleaned up, but that doesn't explain why it started rusting, or why it chose that area of the mag body to do it.
Has anybody else seen this with ACT Mags? I only have a sample-size of two, and my other one is still fine, so I'm not sure if this is just a one-off or if it's a bigger issue to be concerned about.
Posts: 9870 | Location: In the Cornfields | Registered: May 25, 2006
I have one ACT P220 mag with black coating. It was in a box of mags I purchased at a gun show. It has hundreds of rounds thru it with no issues. Some rub marks from in-out of the pistol.
* * * * * * * High capacity is not an acceptable substitute for good marksmanship.
Posts: 888 | Location: Kentucky | Registered: December 07, 2006
I just pulled out the three that I have. Haven’t looked at/used them for quite a while. All three stored loose with other P220 mags in a plastic storage box. All were most certainly wiped down by me before being put away last time as I do this with all my mags outside of wrappers.
All 3 look, literally, brand new. I could see or feel no issues.
Take Care, Shoot Safe, Chris
Posts: 8098 | Location: On the water | Registered: July 25, 2002
I recently picked up an Le trade in 220 and grabbed several used factory 8 round mags from cdnn , they were all in fantastic shape. Won’t fix your current mag issue, but were $25 each when I grabbed mine.
So you're saying you're just starting to break them in?
When I was shooting a few P220's and shooting a lot by average shooter's numbers, Act Mags were about $18-$24. SIG branded mags were around $35 The factory mags never failed me. Over time 100% of the Act Mags did. Sometimes cheap is too expensive.
I picked up three of them a few years ago. All three developed cracks at the top rear of the mag body. Speculation at the time was improper heat treating. ng. They still function but are now range mags only.
Some solvents like #9 are known to attack nickle. Not saying that's what happened but could be possible.
I've bought a few, but I've only used a couple of them in the years since I originally bought them. The other four or five are still in their packaging. I remember discussions here on the site about them being problematic and that sort of tainted and affected my willingness to use any more that the two I had already started using. However those two have held up well over the years. Not sure how many rounds have been through them, but they've seen regular if sporadic use over the past decade with no obvious issues.
Posts: 2321 | Location: The commie, rainy side of WA | Registered: April 19, 2020
Originally posted by lyman: looks like a nickel plated mag that the nickel got scratched, and some copper solvent lifted the nickel and the steel rusted?
Could well be, however there were no obvious scratches in the plating. I'm sure I've cleaned them with Hoppes 9 at some point in their life, though.
Functionally, both mags have been 100%. It seems as if nobody else has had this issue here, so it's probably something specific to this particular mag. If it's just a one-off, I'm not super worried about it and would buy again.
Posts: 9870 | Location: In the Cornfields | Registered: May 25, 2006